Chapter 438

"Shouldn't Mu Niange be envious of me? I'm your secretary, and I can see you every day..." Xia Minmin gritted her teeth in hatred, and she refused to refute Lu Yanche.

Hearing this, Lu Yanche stood up from the chair. He put his hands in his belt, raised his chin, and faced Xia Minmin with a haughty attitude: "So what if you can see me every day? Mu Niange, this is something you want to change, and you can't change it no matter what..."

"Lu Yanche!" Xia Minmin clenched her fists and shouted Lu Yanche's name.

Lu Yanche looked into Xia Minmin's eyes without any emotion. It seemed that Xia Minmin was rolling around here and didn't care about Lu Yanche's affairs. If he could do it, he wouldn't be tortured by Lu Yanche like this.

Xia Minmin suddenly laughed, hehe...

She looked into Lu Yanche's eyes and became weird: "You unilaterally want to get engaged to Mu Niange, right? Does Mu Niange know about this? Does she agree? Lu Yanche, are you in Mu Niange's eyes?" What kind of position is in your heart, you haven't figured it out yet, you say I'm fantasizing all day long, why are you not the same? The person who got Mu Niange, you got Mu Niange's heart? No ...It should be said that all you get is the empty shell of Mu Niange, nothing else."

It was Lu Yanche who forced Xia Minmin, otherwise Xia Minmin would never have said such a thing...

She was a little emotional, gnashing her teeth, full of disdain, contempt, and sarcasm...

What Xia Minmin wanted to say was Xia Minmin's business and had nothing to do with Lu Yanche. However, when Xia Minmin said something unrealistic, Lu Yanche had to correct Xia Minmin's mistake.

"You're not Mu Niange, and you're not me. How do you know? I was thinking about it unilaterally. How do you know that Mu Niange doesn't want to get engaged to me?"

Lu Yanche's rhetorical question choked Xia Minmin...

Xia Minmin observed Lu Yanche's expression. Lu Yanche was not angry at all, but very calm, not affected by Xia Minmin. Could it be that what Lu Yanche said was true?The engagement was agreed by Mu Niange?Lu Yanche hasn't proposed to Mu Niange yet, why did Mu Niange agree to Lu Yanche so casually?
"Engagement is a matter between two families, it's not something you can tell Mu Niange if you want to get engaged..."

Xia Minmin resorted to the final nirvana. If it doesn't work, Xia Minmin really doesn't know what to do...

Xia Minmin never expected that things would develop into such a situation, this is the worst situation...

Lu Yanche rubbed the center of his brows, and looked at Xia Minmin with an idiot's eyes: "If there's nothing else, you can go out."

Of course Xia Minmin would go out, but, it wouldn't be at this time, Lu Yanche didn't even give Xia Minmin an answer, how could Xia Minmin feel at ease: "Lu Yanche, tell me, Auntie and Mrs. Mu knew about this?"

Didn't they dislike each other before?
How did things develop into this situation...

"Go out, when I get engaged to Niange, I will give you an invitation..." After all, it was Xia Minmin's actions that created the final Lu Yanche and Mu Niange.

Xia Minmin left Lu Yanche's office in a daze. She sat on the desk, unable to recover for a long time...

Mu Niange...

Ha ha……

Xia Minmin really underestimated Mu Niange too much, never thought that Mu Niange would do such a thing without saying a word. In the past, Mu Niange was so timid and afraid to let Lu Yanche know anything .

Xia Minmin wanted to cry, but couldn't cry, she hated, hated herself for being incompetent, Lu Yanche, who was in her hands, was snatched away by Mu Niange just like that...

Decided to get engaged, Mrs. Mu naturally wanted to give Mu Niange the best. In the past few days, she took Mu Niange to go shopping, took Mu Niange for beauty treatment, and asked Mu Niange to choose the dress to be worn at the engagement banquet , Mu Niange felt that this feeling was a bit unreal, and Mu Niange couldn't tell where it was unreal.

Mrs. Mu looked at Mu Niange in the mirror, she didn't smile at all, she couldn't help frowning and asked, "Niange, is it because your aunt has made up her own mind and made you unhappy?"

Hearing this, Mu Niange shook his head in a panic, how could Mrs. Mu think like this?
She had done so many things for Mu Niange, and it was too late for Mu Niange to thank Mrs. Mu, so how could she blame Mrs. Mu?Is it because Mu Niange's expression is too obvious?Let Mrs. Mu see through at a glance...

"Auntie, I feel a little unreal..."

Mu Niange said with her cherry lips slightly parted: "It seems like I was with Lu Yanche yesterday, but today, I am engaged to Lu Yanche."

"Niange, sometimes things are really out of our control. Madam Lu and I want you to get engaged to Ah Che for your own good. The relationship between you has been repeated over and over again. Really worried."

Madam Mu sighed, and expressed the most sincere thoughts in her heart.

Mu Niange grabbed Mrs. Mu's hand, smiled slightly and said, "It's because I'm ignorant, I made you worry..."

Worrying about Mu Niange is Madam Mu's responsibility, and it is also what Madam Mu wants to do. Mu Niange said this, it is really too outsider, Madam Mu waved her hand: "If you don't like these dresses, we Find someone to make it to order, there is still a month before the engagement banquet, so it is more than enough to make it to order."

Mu Niange nodded, following Mrs. Mu's wishes.

When Mrs. Mu and Mu Niange returned to the compound, they bumped into Mrs. Xia. Mrs. Xia was in a very bad mood during this period. One was that Xia Minmin had left, and the other was that Xia Youyou had no skills to help Mrs. Xia find someone. A rich and powerful man made Mrs. Xia very distressed. When she heard that Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were going to get engaged, Mrs. Xia smashed the furniture at home angrily.

Xia Youyou stood aside and watched, silent...

Finally, when Mrs. Xia's mood eased a little, she met Mrs. Mu and Mu Niange at the door, so Mrs. Xia naturally wanted to make a big fuss: "Oh, so it's Mrs. Mu and Ms. Mu, where did they come from? So Travel-stained?"

Where did Mu Niange and Mrs. Mu come back from? Is there half a dime relationship with Mrs. Xia?
Mrs. Xia's temperament of finding fault has not changed at all. Fortunately, Mrs. Mu is not easy to save money, otherwise, Mu Niange would really be bullied by Mrs. Xia very badly!
"Where can we come back from? Of course it's to go to see the dress of the song..."

(End of this chapter)

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