Chapter 444

The alienated and indifferent words didn't look like she was talking to her mother at all, Madam Xia didn't care about Xia Minmin's tone of voice, what she wanted was to cooperate with Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou's indecisive temperament really resembled Madam Xia at all, Mrs. Xia even doubted whether Xia Youyou was her own.

"Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are getting engaged, I think you know about it!"

Of course Xia Minmin knew, Lu Yanche couldn't wait to tell Xia Minmin, when had Lu Yanche been so active in Xia Minmin's affairs?

Xia Minmin sneered, maybe even Mrs. Xia had to digest Xia Minmin's incompetence: "Their engagement is their business, what does it have to do with you?"

Mrs. Xia couldn't believe it when she heard Xia Minmin's words. This is really Xia Minmin?How could she say such a thing?Mrs. Xia frowned, and said uncertainly: "Xia Minmin, don't tell you that you gave up on Lu Yanche!"

What can Xia Minmin do if she doesn't give up?
Lu Yanche had given up on Xia Minmin a long time ago...

Xia Minmin's heart was bleeding, Lu Yanche couldn't see it, Mrs. Xia couldn't see it, no one could see it, only Xia Minmin knew: "What do you want to say, just say it."

Xia Minmin would not be so foolish as to think that Mrs. Xia came to comfort her.

Mrs. Xia frowned. She was becoming more and more dissatisfied with Xia Minmin's attitude. Thinking about it, how could Xia Minmin laugh when she heard the news that Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were going to get engaged: "To tell you the truth, I want to talk to you You cooperate..."

The previous cooperation between Xia Minmin and Mrs. Xia was seamless.

If it wasn't for Xia Youyou's sabotage in the dark, such a situation wouldn't be possible...

Xia Minmin's hand holding the phone tightened slightly. With Mrs. Xia helping Xia Minmin behind, Xia Minmin could move forward without any scruples.

It was clearly the engagement banquet between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange, but they became the most leisurely people. Mrs. Mu asked Mu Niange to wait for the day of engagement. Mu Niange looked at Mrs. Mu helplessly, but she couldn't resist. Madam, I can only agree.

Knowing that Mu Niange agreed to Lu Yanche's marriage proposal, Lu Meiqi was extremely happy, and kept calling sister-in-law and sister-in-law in Mu Niange's ear...

Mu Niange's school and clinic are not so busy anymore. Mu Niange spends most of his time in the courtyard. If Mrs. Mu and Mrs. Lu need Mu Niange's cooperation, Mu Niange can stand up.

When Lu Meiqi was holding Mu Niange's hand and wanted to take Mu Niange to go shopping in a department store, he bumped into an unexpected person at the gate of the compound. No one thought that Xia Minmin, who had disappeared for two months, would come back again. She appeared in the compound once, and it was with Mrs. Xia.

Madam Xia and Xia Minmin came in talking and laughing, and when they saw Mu Niange, they were slightly surprised...

The expressions of Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi turned cold at the moment, Lu Meiqi wanted to hold Mu Niange's hand, Madam Xia called to stop Mu Niange and said, "Niange, where are you and Meiqi going?"

"What does it matter to you that we are going there?"

Lu Meiqi spoke before Mu Niange, Xia Minmin didn't know about long memory?The last time I poured paint on Xia Minmin, so quickly, Xia Minmin didn't take it seriously, forgot to put it on the back of her head?

Mrs. Xia has always been polite to Lu Meiqi. Before, she thought that the Xia family and the Lu family could become in-laws. Now it seems that there is no such possibility. Then... why is Mrs. Xia being polite to Lu Meiqi?
Mrs. Xia sneered and said sarcastically, "I'm talking to Nian Ge, when is it your turn to interrupt?"

Being slapped in the face by Mrs. Xia in public, Lu Meiqi was naturally upset. She looked angry, and just about to repent, Mu Niange grabbed Lu Meiqi and signaled Lu Meiqi not to be impulsive. Mu Niange looked at Mrs. Xia calmly and said: "I don't remember our relationship being able to ask each other where we are going."

Mu Niange is more straightforward than Lu Meiqi...

Mrs. Xia was surprisingly not angry, instead she chuckled softly: "Nan Ge, what are you talking about? Aren't you friends with Minmin and Yoyo of our family?"

What friend?
Are Mrs. Xia's eyes blind?
"Minmin, don't you think so?"

To avoid embarrassment, Mrs. Xia didn't ask Mu Niange, but Xia Minmin...

Xia Minmin nodded upon hearing this, looked at Mu Niange with a smile and said, "Of course, I and Niange have known each other for more than six years..."

"Since we are friends, Niange is getting engaged, shouldn't you express it? I think Niange and Meiqi are going shopping, you go with them, what do you like for Niange, you buy it for Niange, when It was an engagement present for Nian Ge."

Mrs. Xia took a card and stuffed it in Xia Minmin's hand...

Xia Minmin nodded, stepped forward and took Mu Niange's hand.

Mu Niange subconsciously threw Xia Minmin away. Xia Minmin was unprepared and took a step back. She was surprisingly not angry, but looked at Mu Niange in surprise and said, "Niange, my touch, Make you feel so disgusted? If it's true, I can walk behind you and don't move your..."

What kind of medicine is selling in Xia Minmin's gourd?

A sudden change, absolutely nothing good...

"No need, I don't need anything."

Mu Niange put on a cold face, and directly refused, Xia Minmin and Mrs. Xia, Xia Minmin raised her eyebrows, and shrugged helplessly: "You said you don't have any shortage, but when you arrive at the department store, you will be short, woman, It's an incomprehensible life, I will have something you want to buy, let's go, don't be polite to me."

As soon as Xia Minmin finished speaking, she walked in Xia Minmin's way. Xia Minmin gave Mrs. Xia a look, gesturing for Mrs. Xia to leave.

Mrs. Xia left without moving, looking at Xia Minmin who was walking in front, Lu Meiqi frowned fiercely, she tugged Mu Niange's arm and said, "Sister-in-law, why don't we go?"

When Xia Minmin confronted each other, Lu Meiqi didn't think Xia Minmin was scary, maybe because she was used to seeing Xia Minmin like this, Xia Minmin smiled kindly, and wanted to get closer. When Lu Meiqi saw it, her heart trembled slightly. What will people do?

It's really incomprehensible...

If Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi don't go, doesn't it mean that they are indirectly telling Xia Minmin that they are starting to be afraid, afraid of Xia Minmin, and that as long as Xia Minmin keeps working hard, she can achieve what she wants to accomplish?

Mu Niange shook his head and said, "Let's go, let's see what trick Xia Minmin wants to play..."

Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi took the bus, Xia Minmin had no choice but to sit with Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi, and when they got on the bus, Xia Minmin felt disgusted in every way.

(End of this chapter)

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