Chapter 445

Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi pretended not to see it, and chatted about topics that belonged to them...

When they got to the stop, Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi got off the bus, and Xia Minmin hurriedly followed behind.

The place where Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi went was not a famous brand store, but a very ordinary department store. Xia Minmin looked at it, and there was an undisguised look of disgust in her eyes. She stepped on high heels and walked to Mu Niange's side Said: "Recite the song, are you saving money for Ah Che?"

Mu Niange didn't even look at Xia Minmin, and dragged Lu Meiqi into a shop...

Xia Minmin was angry, she lowered her social status, and when she talked to Mu Niange like this, Mu Niange ignored Xia Minmin, what did Mu Niange think she was?Everyone wants to circle around Mu Niange?

Xia Minmin looked at Mu Niange's back, with a stern look on his face, when Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi came out of the store, Xia Minmin smiled and greeted him again: "Niange, do you not like famous brands? ... You had that kind of life before, and you were not used to living a luxurious life, how about this, let me take you to the famous brand store I often go to, see if there is anything you like?"

Lu Meiqi was looking at Mu Niange's face, so she ignored Xia Minmin's arrogance. Who would have thought that Xia Minmin would taunt Mu Niange for being a country bumpkin...

So what if Xia Minmin is used to buying famous brands?

One day, Xia Minmin will have no money to buy famous brands if she wants them...

Lu Meiqi stared sideways at Xia Minmin, her eyes were full of raging fire, Mu Niange was not angry, but Lu Meiqi was angry, Lu Meiqi is really a good helper for Mu Niange...

Xia Minmin sneered in her heart, feeling that she didn't need to argue with Lu Meiqi, since Lu Meiqi was useful later.

"You want to show off your capital to me, I saw your capital, can you get out?" Mu Niange pulled Lu Meiqi to stop, she turned to face Xia Minmin, and said without any emotion with.

Xia Minmin's words, in Mu Niange's view, are showing off?

Xia Minmin covered her lips and smiled: "You misunderstood me when you read the song. I am teaching you how to live a good life. Otherwise, if you stand with Lu Yanche, you will only lose Lu Yanche's face..."

Xia Minmin was not polite at all, and directly talked about Mu Niange's shortcomings.

The people around Lu Yanche are all dignitaries, their wives, isn't that the one who likes to buy famous brands?

With all these stalls on Mu Niange, who would take a look at Mu Niange?I'm afraid that Mu Niange's behavior will implicate Lu Yanche. Xia Minmin taught Mu Niange skills, but Mu Niange doesn't know how to be grateful at all. Knowing how to report kindness really makes Xia Minmin feel very ridiculous...

"Mu Niange, I'm talking to you nicely, do you want me to get lost?"

"If you talk to me in a nice voice, I must treat you politely? Xia Minmin... Where did you learn your shameless look? I'm really curious, and I can't wait to know your master Who... could it be Mrs. Xia?"

Mu Niange raised his eyebrows, paused for two seconds and spoke.

Mu Niange scolded Mrs. Xia and Xia Minmin without saying a word.

Mrs. Xia told Xia Minmin not to be impulsive, and to let Mu Niange do everything...

How much heart does Xia Minmin have to do such a thing?

Mu Niange doesn't know how to repay her kindness at all, it's useless for her to be polite to Mu Niange...

Xia Minmin didn't want to waste her expression any more, she took a step forward with a cold face, approached Mu Niange and said, "Mu Niange, why don't you feel ashamed?"

Not to be outdone, Mu Niange met Xia Minmin's gaze, without saying a word, Xia Minmin glanced at Lu Meiqi who was standing aside and said: "If you don't want your secret to be known by others, you will let her go away... "

Lu Meiqi wants to scold Xia Minmin for farting, what secret does Mu Niange have?

But seeing Mu Niange's refusal to refute, Lu Meiqi was surprised. Could it be...Mu Niange really has some secrets?

Lu Meiqi looked at Mu Niange, opened her mouth, and wanted to ask if Mu Niange was real, but Mu Niange looked back at Lu Meiqi and said, "Meiqi, you go and wait for me now..."

Lu Meiqi opened her eyes wide and looked at Mu Niange in disbelief. It turns out...Mu Niange really has a secret, and this secret is known by Xia Minmin. Does Xia Minmin want to use this secret to threaten Mu Niange?
"Xia Minmin, I warn you, if you dare to do anything, my brother and I will definitely not let you go..."

Lu Meiqi warned Xia Minmin fiercely, not to show Xia Minmin any sympathy.

Xia Minmin narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at Lu Meiqi's eyes, a trace of strange emotion flashed, how did Mu Niange do it?
Lu Meiqi knew that Mu Niange had a secret, so why did she protect Mu Niange like this?
Should Xia Minmin say that Mu Niange is amazing, or that Lu Meiqi is stupid?

After Lu Meiqi left, Mu Niange reached out and grabbed Xia Minmin's hand, dragging Xia Minmin aside, Xia Minmin followed Mu Niange, did not resist Mu Niange, Mu Niange took Xia Minmin to a corner where there was no one, Mu Niange Looking at Xia Minmin, he said, "What is your purpose, to be blunt..."

Xia Minmin did not expect that Mu Niange would speak so bluntly.

Xia Minmin folded his arms around his chest, he raised his chin and said, "I want you to break up with Lu Yanche and not get engaged, will you do what I want?"

"Xia Minmin, you must be out of your mind."

Mu Niange laughed twice.It wasn't that Mu Niange wanted to ridicule Xia Minmin, it was that Xia Minmin was really hopeless...

"Is there something wrong with my brain, you will see soon..."

Xia Minmin shrugged, not minding being said by Mu Niange, Xia Minmin's eyes turned on Mu Niange's body, and after looking at Mu Niange thoroughly, Xia Minmin looked back and said: "You slept with Lu Yanche No?"

Mu Niange was taken aback, watching Xia Minmin's face suddenly change...

Does Xia Minmin know what she is talking about?
"It's normal if you don't have it. How dare you let Lu Yanche know about your experience?" Xia Minmin chuckled lightly, and said to herself, "After you get engaged, isn't that a logical thing?"

"Mu Niange, how do you want to explain to Lu Yanche?"

How would Mu Niange explain it, how could he explain it?

What Mu Niange forgot, Xia Minmin let Mu Niange remember again, Xia Minmin came back to the compound, not for Lu Yanche, but for Mu Niange, he couldn't get rid of Lu Yanche, so he had to transfer to Mu Niange Xia Minmin didn't believe that Mu Niange would not be shaken.

(End of this chapter)

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