Chapter 456

Mrs. Lu heard Mrs. Mu's words, and subconsciously glanced at Lu Yanche. In Mu Niange's current situation, Lu Yanche would definitely not be able to leave Lu Yanche, but Mrs. Mu's unyielding attitude was not something Lu Yanche could bear. Madam Lu sighed in her heart, feeling helpless from the bottom of her heart.

She walked towards Mrs. Mu, lowered her voice and said, "Let them decide for themselves about Nian Ge and Ah Che?"

Madam Lu hoped that Madam Mu would not interfere. Once Madam Mu intervened, Mu Niange's thinking would be shaken...

Mrs. Mu is Mu Niange's guardian. Mrs. Mu has no right to take care of Mu Niange's affairs, so who has the right to take care of it?
Mrs. Lu's words are really funny. Mrs. Mu will not sell this face to Mrs. Lu. Compared with the Lu family, there is no difference between the Mu family and the Lu family. There will be no more communication between Lu Yanche, I hope you will stop pestering Mu Niange..."

Madam Lu opened her mouth, wanting to refute Madam Mu, Madam Mu looked at Madam Lu coldly and said, "If I let Yuan Ling treat Mei Qi like this, will you let Mei Qi continue to be with Yuan Ling?"

This is a good example. Madam Lu should understand what Madam Mu wants to express...

Poor parents all over the world, Mrs. Lu knows what Mrs. Mu wants to express, but Mrs. Lu really doesn't want to see Lu Yanche in such pain: "Well, let Ah Che wait until he wakes up after chanting the song. , let's go right away..."

There was a bit of pleading in Madam Lu's tone of voice.

Mu Yuanling pulled Mrs. La Mu, wanting Mrs. Mu to agree to Mrs. Lu's request. If Mu Niange woke up and didn't see Lu Yanche, Mu Niange would inevitably feel disappointed...

Does Mrs. Mu want to see Mu Niange sad?
Facts have proved that Mu Yuanling's idea was wrong. When Mu Niange woke up and saw Lu Yanche who was holding his hand, he screamed frantically. Everyone was frightened by Mu Niange's scream, and turned to Mu Niange rushed over, Mu Niange shook off Lu Yanche's hand vigorously, and said with a panicked expression, "Get out, get out of all get out of here..."

Mu Niange yelled heart-piercingly, punched and kicked, even more crazy...

Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling were frightened, what's going on, the good-looking Mu Niange...

Mu Yuanling rang the bell and yelled to come in. Once he came in, he asked everyone in the ward to go out. Lu Yanche looked at the closed wards and clenched his hands into fists.

Looking at Lu Yanche's eyes, Mu Niange became terrified. She told Lu Yanche to go, all of them. So, Mu Niange didn't want to see them, not any of them?

"Yuanling, what's the matter with reciting songs?" Madam Mu asked nervously while pulling Mu Yuanling.

Hearing this, Mu Yuanling looked anxiously at the closed door of the ward, comforted Mrs. Mu and said, "Mom, it will be fine to recite the song, let's see what's going on first..."

Mu Niange's reaction is so obvious, can't you see one or two?
The similar scene made Yang Zhishuang feel terrified. When everyone fell into worry, Yang Zhishuang stepped forward and slapped Lu Yanche fiercely. The clear and loud slap resounded in everyone's ears. Lu Yanche warned Lu Yanche with tears in his eyes: "If there are any problems in reciting songs, I will not let you go..."

How could something happen to Mu Niange?
Isn't the doctor checking inside?

Why did Yang Zhishuang insist that there was something wrong with Mu Niange? Ji Jingchen was worried that Yang Zhishuang would do something to Lu Yanche again. He took Yang Zhishuang's hand and persuaded him, "If you do this, Niange won't tell."

Wouldn't Mu Niange be happy?
Is Ji Jingchen joking with Yang Zhishuang?

Yang Zhishuang backhanded and gave Ji Jingchen a slap. With a slap, Ji Jingchen was stunned. He looked at Yang Zhishuang in a daze. Say something like this? I have seen such a Mu Nian song, it was six years ago, in a place you couldn't see..."

"You don't understand Mu Niange's pain, I understand, I watched Mu Niange walk over step by step, and now, you want me to see Mu Niange's pain again? Such pain, it is very likely to take Mu Niange's life, you don't have the mentality that nothing is wrong, Mu Niange has something big and serious, she has a mental illness, do you know what a mental illness is?"

Yang Zhishuang cried, pointing at everyone standing in the corridor, accusing...

Lu Yanche and Mrs. Lu of course know what mental illness is. Once, Lu Meiqi suffered from that kind of illness. She stayed in her room all year round, never going anywhere, never seeing anyone...

Not everyone can experience the feeling of peerless isolation. Lu Meiqi has experienced it, and Lu Yanche and Mrs. Lu have also experienced it.

But Mrs. Mu, Mu Yuanling and others don't understand what kind of existence a mental illness is, and what kind of things they might do...

"I'm telling you this, can you understand? If you can understand, you won't let Niange fall to such a point..." Yang Zhishuang heheed twice, laughing at herself, what she said was useless, In the eyes of these people, what they see is themselves, and they swear that it is for the good of Mu Niange, but it is not.

For my own good...

Mu Niange, are you really going to change back to the old Mu Niange?
Yang Zhishuang fell to the ground, crying continuously...

Mu Niange treats everyone like this. The doctor gave Mu Niange a sedative to temporarily stabilize Mu Niange. When the doctor came out, he told Mrs. Mu and the others that he needed to give Mu Niange a full body checkup before he could recover. See what happened to Mu Niange.

Yang Zhishuang wanted to say that there was no need to read it at all...

What happened to Mu Niange, Yang Zhishuang knew best, when Lu Yanche and others wanted to enter the ward, she was stopped by Yang Zhishuang: "You are here, it will only affect the mood of Niange, seeing that Niange is out of control, Are you happy in your heart?"

How could Yang Zhishuang speak like this?
Who wants to see Mu Niange hurt and sad, but the facts in front of him are telling everyone that Mu Niange was indirectly made like this by them...

Mu Yuanling could understand Yang Zhishuang's feelings, on the contrary...they should thank Yang Zhishuang, it was Yang Zhishuang who was by Mu Niange's side that allowed Mu Yuanling and others to know more about Mu Niange.

"Shuangshuang said so, there is a reason for Shuangshuang..."

(End of this chapter)

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