Chapter 457

Mu Yuanling opened his mouth to stop Lu Yanche who wanted to force his way in: "I think the last person you want to see when you read the song is you, Ache, do you understand what I mean?"

In the end, Lu Yanche was taken away by Mrs. Lu. What Mu Yuanling said was so obvious. If Lu Yanche wanted to stay here, Mu Yuanling would definitely do something to Lu Yanche. Mrs. Mu was in a bad mood. Seeing Yang Zhishuang so Looking sad, Mrs. Mu could imagine the pain Mu Niange had suffered...

"Auntie, I hope you don't pay attention to what I just said."

Yang Zhishuang didn't target Madam Mu and Mu Yuanling, she only targeted Lu Yanche, as long as Lu Yanche was away, both Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange would feel better...

"Shuangshuang, I understand what you mean..."

Madam Mu patted Yang Zhishuang's shoulder, sighed and said: "I don't know what kind of emotion Nian Ge will feel when he sees me, I will wait at the door, when Nian Ge wakes up, you can help me ask Nian Ge Ge, can you see me?"

Yang Zhishuang complied with Mrs. Mu's request. Mu Yuanling and Mrs. Mu sat and waited at the door of the ward. When Yang Zhishuang walked inside, Mu Niange fell asleep on the hospital bed and hadn't woken up yet. Yang Zhishuang sat for about half an hour. Mu Niange on the bed slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Yang Zhishuang, Mu Niange was not surprised at all. She stared at the ceiling, her silent appearance made Yang Zhishuang feel distressed...

"Recite a song..."

Yang Zhishuang softly called out to Mu Niange, she stretched out her hand to grab Mu Niange's hand, looked at Mu Niange's eyes, full of distress: "Don't do this, I feel bad if you do this..."

Yang Zhishuang felt uncomfortable, Mu Niange was even more uncomfortable than Yang Zhishuang, Mu Niange didn't know what words to use to describe her mood, when she woke up in the morning, seeing herself here, Mu Niange subconsciously wanted to go crazy, she I didn't open my eyes all the time, I wanted to hear what Lu Yanche and others were talking about...

Lu Yanche held Mu Niange's hand, making Mu Niange want to break free, and didn't want to hold Lu Yanche's hand for a moment, but Mu Niange was cowardly after all, and didn't break Lu Yanche's hand away immediately...

She found the right time, opened her eyes, she clearly saw the joy in Lu Yanche's eyes, she pretended not to see it, broke away from Lu Yanche, and vented her emotions fiercely!
"Shuangshuang, why do you think I persisted until now?"

Mu Niange looked at Yang Zhishuang with a blank expression, and asked softly...

Mu Niange asked Mu Niange soberly, Yang Zhishuang's expression was a little dazed, isn't Mu Niange... having a mental illness?
How could he talk to Yang Zhishuang in such a controlled manner?

In the past, when Mu Niange abused himself, it was Yang Zhishuang who helped Mu Niange and stopped Mu Niange from doing stupid things. Now...Mu Niange's ability to control has reached the limit Such a point?

"Recite the song, did you do it on purpose?"

Yang Zhishuang asked the guess in her heart, Yang Zhishuang held Mu Niange's hand slightly tighter, and questioned Mu Niange: "Why did you do this?"

Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling are really worried about Mu Niange, why doesn't Mu Niange want to think about others?
When did Mu Niange become so selfish?Selfish thinking only of oneself, not of others, not to mention the feelings of others...

"What can I do if I don't?"

Mu Niange smiled bitterly, tears streaming down the corners of his eyes, without any warning, it frightened Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang had never seen such a Mu Niange before, without any forbearance, she expressed the emotions in her heart, When she vented out, tears flowed down the corners of her eyes, and Mu Niange was crying, which proved that Mu Niange's heart was bleeding.

"You have many ways to choose..."

Yang Zhishuang interrupted Mu Niange's words. Although Mu Niange was very uncomfortable, seeing someone like Mu Niange made him feel even more uncomfortable. No matter what Mu Niange said, he had to confess what was in his heart, and let Yang Zhishuang and others Know.

"I can choose many ways, but the way in front of me is the best and most decisive..."

Yang Zhishuang was right. Mu Niange struggled in her heart for a long time before she thought of doing this. She thought, if she wasn't more ruthless, would Lu Yanche be more ruthless?

"I voluntarily left with Xia Minmin..."

Mu Niange recalled what happened last night, and Xia Minmin can't be blamed entirely. If it weren't for Mu Niange, Xia Minmin wouldn't be able to accomplish her goal so smoothly...

When Yang Zhishuang heard Mu Niange's words, many images appeared in her mind. Mu Niange had planned it early in the morning, and she was waiting for Xia Minmin to come and help Mu Niange realize the path that Mu Niange wanted to take?

" you want Lu Yanche to completely hate Xia Minmin and do something decisive to Xia Minmin, so that Xia Minmin will never have a chance to stand up again?"

Thinking of this, Yang Zhishuang couldn't help laughing. In this case, Yang Zhishuang could understand Mu Niange. At least, Mu Niange didn't want to forgive Xia Minmin. Mu Niange was kind to other people. Who would have thought of Mu Niange? it is good?

Mu Niange should have done this a long time ago...

Yang Zhishuang talked with Mu Niange for half an hour, walked out of the ward and told Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling that Mu Niange didn't want to see them for the time being...

Hearing Yang Zhishuang's words, Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling felt distressed and helpless. Did seeing them make Mu Niange think of those bad things: "Shuangshuang, please take good care of Niange. ..."

Madam Mu held Yang Zhishuang's hand and spoke cautiously.

Yang Zhishuang nodded and agreed: "Auntie, don't worry, I will watch Niange carefully, if there is anything wrong with Niange, I will notify you as soon as possible..."

As soon as Yang Zhishuang finished speaking, she looked at Mu Yuanling. Mu Yuanling's eyes were fixed on the door of the ward. Yang Zhishuang sighed in her heart. She couldn't tell them the truth, she could only hide the truth from them. Doing it may not be a good thing...

In fact, Mu Yuanling didn't care about Mu Niange very thoroughly, and Mrs. Mu never asked about Mu Niange's thoughts, and helped Mu Niange make decisions without authorization...

This is a punishment for everyone, and it is also a punishment for Mu Niange.

When Xia Minmin learned that Mu Niange suffered from mental illness, Xia Minmin was very surprised. She trapped Mu Niange in the small black room for one night. In Xia Minmin's view, this was not a big deal. Where did the reciting of the song become such a big deal?

Xia Minmin wanted to find out the truth of the matter...

(End of this chapter)

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