Chapter 468

Mrs. Xia didn't speak, she walked up to Mrs. Mu and confronted Mrs. Mu. Mrs. Mu gave Mu Yuanling a look. Mu Yuanling took out Xia Minmin's things that were still in front of their house, and threw them away like Xia Minmin did. In front of Mrs. Xia, Mrs. Xia was startled by Mu Yuanling's sudden actions...

She took a step back, unable to believe that Mu Yuanling did such a thing, but what is impossible?

What Madam Mu asked Mu Yuanling to do, might Mu Yuanling go against Madam Mu's wishes?
Do not……

Impossible, Mu Yuanling will only do what Mrs. Mu said, and do it even more excessively: "What are you doing? You beat my daughter at my house, and you want to apologize with this pile of crap? "

It seems that Mrs. Xia really doesn't take herself seriously. How could Mrs. Mu think of apologizing to Mrs. Xia?

Mrs. Xia doesn't think about things with her head, but with her ass. Mrs. Mu doesn't want to laugh at Mrs. Xia anymore. It seems that Mrs. Mu really has no style...

"My taste is not so bad. It was your little daughter who brought it to our house to insult us for reciting songs. She took it upon herself. She is the one who made reciting songs like that. Holding this pile of crap, I want to say that nothing happened, do you regard me as the Holy Mother, or do you not take Mu Niange seriously?"

Madam Mu had a sullen face, reprimanding Madam Xia...

When Mrs. Xia heard Mrs. Mu's reprimand, her complexion immediately became ugly. She looked at Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin lowered her head and said nothing. Obviously, what Mrs. Mu said was true. Did Xia Minmin have no brains?She is so eager to admit that she did those things, Madam Mu wants to settle the score, but she is unyielding...

"Xia Minmin said she did it, do you believe it? If I say I did it, do you believe it too?"

"Of course I believe that such a disgusting thing can only be done by your family..."

Mrs. Xia wanted to use assumptions to bring Mrs. Mu down. Who would have thought that Mrs. Mu didn't give Mrs. Xia any face, and directly refuted that such a disgusting thing, only their family could do it?

Yes, that's right……

Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou, Mrs. Xia have been using insidious means, if they were not exposed, they would have continued.

"What does what Xia Minmin did have anything to do with me? If you want to find it, you can settle it with Xia Minmin..." Mrs. Xia can't beat Mrs. Mu with her words. Let's see where Mrs. Xia can settle the score.

Is Mrs. Xia trying to distance herself?
Mrs. Mu expected such a development, she nodded, and felt that what Mrs. Xia said made sense: "You are right, it was Xia Minmin who did it, and I should settle the score with Xia Minmin, but no matter how you say it, you will It's Xia Minmin's mother, before I get rid of Xia Minmin, shouldn't I tell you first?"

When did Madam Mu treat Madam Xia as Xia Minmin's mother?
If Mrs. Mu had thought this way, she wouldn't have dragged Xia Minmin forward like this. Look, what has Xia Minmin become?

It's really embarrassing to throw Xia Minmin at home: "You beat Xia Minmin like this, and I agreed? Since you didn't, stop talking about these useless nonsense..."

Mrs. Xia doesn't have time to waste on Mrs. Mu. Whatever Mrs. Mu wants, she can make it clear that Mrs. Xia can only respond to Mrs. Mu if she wants a countermeasure.

"Xia Minmin alone, it is impossible to take such a responsibility..." Mrs. Mu glanced at Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin, who was so arrogant in front of her just now, has now turned into a shrinking tortoise, and she looks silent there. , Look at it, it's really ridiculous!
"What have I done that I can't take responsibility for alone?"

"I did something bad to Mu Niange, but didn't you see it too? Lu Yanche treated me like Yang Zhishuang..."

They slapped each other with no mercy at all, as if they wanted to beat Xia Minmin to death, they were very satisfied...

Madam Mu's words stimulated Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin raised her head and looked at Madam Mu fiercely, her eyes were red with tears rolling inside, what did Xia Minmin want to do?Who is she pretending to be pitiful for?

Madam Mu has no eyes to see.

"You were beaten by Lu Yanche and Yang Zhishuang, don't you deserve it? Besides, if you want to settle the score, you can go to Lu's house and ask Mrs. Lu to settle the score. What are you talking about with me here?"

Madam Mu is both contemptuous and disdainful...

Xia Minmin's hands were clenched into fists, and her face was full of unwillingness. If she could do that, she would have done it a long time ago. Why wait until now?
Mrs. Mu clearly did it on purpose. She wanted to see Xia Minmin joke. Xia Minmin would not give in to Mrs. Mu. She wanted to show Mrs. Mu that she was amazing: "You are right. If I want to settle the score, I have to ask Mrs. Lu to settle it." , but I just didn’t go, who made me love Lu Yanche, it was Lu Yanche? I was slapped by them, and it was fine, unlike Mu Niange, a little bit of stimulation would cause a mental illness, with a lunatic Similarly, everyone who sees will be bitten, you must be very sad, because you are also one of the people who were bitten by Mu Niange..."

Xia Minmin laughed twice.

She yelled at Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling, wanting to see their jokes...

That's right, Mu Niange is a lunatic, a hopelessly lunatic, what are Madam Mu and Mu Yuanling doing for Mu Niange?
Mu Niange can't obey their wishes, get well soon...

As soon as Xia Minmin finished speaking, before Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling could react, Mrs. Xia stepped forward and slapped Xia Minmin with her hand. She was about to be made to cry by Xia Minmin. Don't you know that there is something called forbearance in this world?
It doesn't matter what you think in your heart, don't say it...

If you say it and let people know, you lose: "Shut up..."

Xia Minmin can be beaten by anyone, but she can't be beaten by Mrs. Xia. Mrs. Xia caused Xia Minmin to become like this. Mrs. Xia has to bear a great responsibility. Xia Minmin covered her cheeks and stared at Mrs. Xia intently. : "Why did you hit me? Did I say something wrong? Mu Niange is a lunatic, there is no cure..."

"Xia Minmin, let me tell you, if you dare to say something, get the hell out of here..."

Mrs. Xia trembled angrily. She pointed to the open door and Xia Minmin laughed twice. Is Mrs. Xia threatening Xia Minmin?
The person who made Xia Minmin come back was Mrs. Xia, and the person who made Xia Minmin go away was also Mrs. Xia...

(End of this chapter)

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