Chapter 469

Is Xia Minmin a ball?
What Madam Xia wants Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin has to obey Madam Xia's wishes?It's just a dream, there is nothing so good in this world...

"This is my home, you are not qualified to let me go..."

Xia Minmin rebutted Mrs. Xia confidently. Mrs. Xia was angry, why didn't she see that Xia Minmin was such a person?She actually raised a white-eyed wolf...

The Lu family is just across from the Xia family. The Xia family heard such a big commotion. Lu Meiqi opened the door and saw Mu Yuanling and Mrs. Mu inside the Xia family. The inside shouted: "Mom, brother, there is a show on the other side..."

Of course Lu Meiqi wanted to join in the fun.

As soon as Lu Meiqi finished speaking, she ran out dressed in compromising...

Seeing Lu Meiqi like this, Mrs. Lu followed up angrily. Lu Yanche was not in the mood, his thoughts were all on Mu Niange, but in a blink of an eye, how could there be a show on the other side?Unless, it's about Mu Niange...

Lu Yanche came out from the door, and saw Mrs. Xia dragging Xia Minmin out, while Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling were watching coldly...

"Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou are both your daughters. Before, I was tolerant to you because I wanted not to make things big. Now, I don't want to make things big. That's impossible. Xia Shi and we admire You have cooperation, oh... no, it should be said that your Xia family is currently relying on our Mu family, you said, if our Mu family wants to understand your Xia family, wouldn't it be an easy task?"

Madam Mu put her arms around her chest, and said casually...

What Mrs. Xia was worried about finally happened. She was jealous of Mrs. Mu's Mrs. Mu, and she was afraid that Mrs. Lu would join forces with Mrs. Mu, and Xia's position would be lost. This is why she wanted Xia Minmin to marry Lu Yanche so hard. reason……

Mrs. Xia, is she stealing chickens and losing money?
"Xia Minmin's matter has nothing to do with our Xia family, don't get us involved..."

Mrs. Xia threw Xia Minmin away. She didn't even look at Xia Minmin. After she said such words, Mrs. Mu laughed twice: "If you say it has nothing to do with it, does it really have nothing to do with it?"

Who would believe what Mrs. Xia said verbally...

Unless Mrs. Mu is a fool, but unfortunately Mrs. Mu is not a fool, but Mrs. Xia is a fool.

"I said it has nothing to do with it, but it has nothing to do with it..."

Mrs. Xia gritted her teeth and responded to Mrs. Mu, what exactly is Mrs. Mu going to do to let Mrs. Xia go? Xia Minmin did this, and she has half a cent to do with Mrs. Xia?

"Ha ha……"

Mu Yuanling smiled softly, and curled his lips to sneer: "It doesn't matter today, it will matter tomorrow, Mom, it doesn't matter, we don't move them today, but tomorrow..."

Depend on……

Mu Yuanling deliberately made trouble for Mrs. Xia, Mrs. Xia looked at Mu Yuanling viciously, and wanted Mu Yuanling to shut up quickly, but who would listen to Mrs. Xia?Mrs. Xia is simply dreaming...

"Mom, auntie has made a move."

Lu Meiqi watched with relish, watching Madam Lu coming up, she excitedly took Madam Lu's hand and said, seeing Lu Yanche who was following closely behind, Lu Meiqi sarcastically said: "Even my aunt is better than someone, really I don't know what Miss Nian Ge wants someone to do..."

Lu Meiqi's attitude changed too quickly.

Mrs. Lu glared at Lu Meiqi, and signaled to Lu Meiqi to stop talking. If this continues, Lu Yanche might do something crazy.

"You can't threaten me, you want to threaten our family?" Xia Minmin looked at Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling's tough attitude, and sneered. She didn't have the slightest fear. The Mu family wanted to bring down the Xia family. An easy thing?
Mrs. Xia is destroying her own prestige and raising others' aura...

"We're not threatening, we're warning. Because of you, the entire Xia family has been implicated. Xia Minmin, are you so sorry?"

Madam Mu shrugged, and said disapprovingly, Madam Mu looked like she was playing a hooligan...

Xia Minmin was choked by Mrs. Mu, what could she say?
Mrs. Mu said it was a warning, so it was a warning. She lost all her face today, and she is no longer qualified to live in this compound. Mrs. Xia said that she has nothing to do with Xia Minmin. They are related by blood. Do you want to say that there is no one?
Mrs. Xia is really funny...

In front of Xia Minmin's eyes, she accidentally saw Lu Yanche, Lu Meiqi, Mrs. Lu standing opposite, Xia Minmin lowered her eyes and thought to herself: "In the final analysis, you are just afraid that Mu Niange's affairs in Mu's house will be known, so you can't help it." who did such a thing..."

Mu Niange is at Mu's house?

Isn't Mu Niange in the hospital?
Those who didn't know looked at Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling in surprise. Mu Yuanling's face didn't change at all. Mrs. Mu burst out laughing. She looked at Xia Minmin as if she was watching a joke: "What are you? How many people will believe what you say?"

"Xia Minmin, sometimes, really don't ruin your career, otherwise, you will definitely regret it..."

Mrs. Mu approached Xia Minmin, her eyes turned cold, and a chill radiated from her body.

"If your Xia family doesn't sever ties with Xia Minmin, tomorrow... I will show you the strength of the Mu family..." Mrs. Mu stopped beating around the bush, and directly stated her real purpose...

Mrs. Xia frowned when she heard the words, what does this severing relationship refer to?
What should I do to truly sever the relationship?
"You said here that you have nothing to do with Xia Minmin, but when you go outside, Xia Minmin still wears the title of daughter of the Xia family on her head. Mrs. Xia, do you think this is appropriate?"

Mrs. Mu gave Mrs. Xia all the reminders. If Mrs. Xia can't understand, she can only say that Mrs. Xia is not ordinary stupid. Mrs. Xia was silent for a while and said: "I know what to do, you will see tomorrow , the newspaper that Xia's family broke up with Xia Minmin..."

The Xia family cannot be destroyed just for Xia Minmin alone.

Xia Minmin couldn't believe what she heard...

She came in and out of the compound at will, and came back after leaving. She is a member of the Xia family, and no one knows about her relationship with the Xia family, but if Mrs. Xia wants to wait for the newspaper, then the matter will no longer be what Xia Minmin imagined easy.

"Mom, how can you do this, I'm your daughter..."

Yes, Xia Minmin is Mrs. Xia's daughter, and Mrs. Xia has no such right.

(End of this chapter)

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