Chapter 476

Mu Niange was talking to Lu Yanche in a negotiating tone. Lu Yanche was stunned when he heard the words. The way Lu Yanche treats Mu Niange well is not decided by Mu Niange, but by Lu Yanche. As long as Lu Yanche restrains himself a little , Mu Niange will not stop Lu Yanche...

What Mu Niange's words revealed must be this information.

Lu Yanche's face brightened, he nodded heavily, and without thinking about it, he directly agreed to Mu Niange's request; "I'll change, how do you want me to treat you, I'll do what you say..."

Mu Niange really wanted Lu Yanche to do something, and Lu Yanche would do it. Mu Niange didn't know how to refute Lu Yanche. Looking at Lu Yanche's expectant eyes, Mu Niange looked back, changed the subject and said: "What should you do?" You know, my aunt and brother won't let us be together."

As Mu Niange talked, he finally shifted the question to the main point?
Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were engaged in the past, and the media reported it. If the engagement was suddenly broken off, it would have a certain impact on the two families: "Niange, I don't know what you think in your heart, but No matter from that aspect, we are not suitable to be separated..."

The current situation is not allowed, I believe that Mu Niange has a good idea and knows how to weigh it.

Lu Yanche is right, they are not suitable to be separated, once separated, there may be more troubles, Mu Niange's mental illness is committed, but it is not as serious as Mu Niange's performance...

Using this method to completely drive Xia Minmin out of the compound, leaving Xia Minmin in a desperate situation, to be honest, Mu Niange is quite shameless, Mu Niange does not think he is nobler than Xia Minmin, but compared to Xia Minmin's methods, Mu Niange is more Be aboveboard.

"I understand exactly what you mean..."

Mu Niange thought about this matter carefully. The marriage contract between her and Lu Yanche is valid. It's not because Mrs. Mu can tell Lu Yanche to sever ties with Mu Niange...

"The relationship between us is the same as before."

Mu Niange stood up from the stone bench. She didn't look at Lu Yanche, and said calmly, this is the last chance Mu Niange gave Lu Yanche. Whether she can cherish it depends on what Lu Yanche thinks and does. that's it.

As soon as Mu Niange finished speaking, before Lu Yanche could react, he turned and left...

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange's back, unable to recover for a long time...

Lu Yanche thought that when he saw Mu Niange again, Mu Niange's attitude towards him would be very indifferent, even indifferent to Lu Yanche, angry at Lu Yanche, and let Lu Yanche go...

No, nothing, this made Lu Yanche feel hopeful.

Mu Niange didn't know what Xia Minmin did at the beginning, but afterward, Mu Niange will definitely know about it. Lu Yanche's patience with Xia Minmin finally reached a limit. Lu Yanche hired a lawyer and filed a complaint against Xia Minmin , accused Xia Minmin of slandering Mu Niange, and demanded that Xia Minmin give Mu Niange spiritual compensation...

When Xia Minmin received Lu Yanche's lawyer's letter, she smiled...

That kind of smile is an unbelievable smile. It's not that Lu Yanche didn't fight back, but was waiting for an opportunity. She was useless to Lu Yanche. Xia Minmin sent a message to Lu Yanche later, and Lu Yanche couldn't even throw Xia Minmin back, no... It should be said that Xia Minmin's number was blocked by Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin couldn't contact Lu Yanche, and wanted to contact Lu Yanche, she could only use an unfamiliar number to call Lu Yanche, but Lu Yanche might not answer Xia Minmin's call, Xia Minmin still used the text message The way of information, once, twice, three times...

In the end, even Xia Minmin gave up...

Her persistence won't be rewarded in any way.

Xia Minmin silently put away the lawyer's letter, she didn't rush to respond, Xia Minmin is no longer the Xia Minmin she was before, she didn't have the support of the Xia family, she went outside, she was no longer the daughter of the Xia family , but an ordinary person.

She is ordinary, thanks to Mu Niange.

Mu Niange should be that ordinary person, Mu Niange took away everything that didn't belong to Mu Niange, wouldn't Mu Niange feel ashamed?

I don't know if I have to return something after taking it, or spit it out?

Xia Minmin clenched her hands into fists and looked in the direction ahead with hatred in her eyes...

After making sure that Mu Niange was in the compound, after talking with Mu Niange, Lu Yanche suddenly became enlightened. He didn't understand why Lu Yanche seemed to be a different person overnight. Lu Meiqi walked in front of Lu Yanche, He kept looking at Lu Yanche and said, "You are so happy, what happened to you?"

Getting Mu Niange's forgiveness is a great blessing to Lu Yanche...

This is something that Lu Meiqi can't understand, nor can she: "Meiqi, in your eyes, what kind of person am I?"

When Lu Yanche asked Lu Meiqi such a question, Lu Meiqi really couldn't get used to it. She was slightly taken aback, and the look in Lu Yanche's eyes became weird. What kind of person is Lu Yanche?

Lu Meiqi is really hard to say about this matter.

Lu Meiqi remembers that when she was young, Lu Meiqi was bullied, and Lu Yanche would be the first to stand up to help Lu Meiqi get justice. Later... things turned into a situation that Lu Meiqi didn't want to see, but couldn't control.

Lu Meiqi's elder brother has become the elder brother of Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou.

It's Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou's tricks are great, and it's also Lu Yanche who ignores Lu Meiqi's feelings. Sometimes, when Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou are together, Lu Meiqi really wants to rush out and drive them away, it belongs to her How could his elder brother be snatched away by them?


Lu Meiqi gradually became indifferent. Lu Yanche is not a special existence to Lu Meiqi, he can only be regarded as an elder brother. The person who is really special to Mu Niange is Mu Niange. If you want to ask Mu Niange, in Lu Meiqi's eyes What kind of person, Lu Meiqi thought, she could answer immediately.

"I don't say what kind of person you are, you are what kind of person..."

"What you are, you know in your heart."

Lu Meiqi answered in an official way, with a bit of impatience. Hearing this, Lu Yanche slammed Lu Meiqi on the head: "I knew you were so unreliable..."

Lu Meiqi stroked the place where Lu Yanche knocked, she glared at Lu Yanche, and complained dissatisfiedly: "Who is unreliable?"

Lu Yanche was too lazy to argue with Lu Meiqi, he left the room, went downstairs, had breakfast before Lu Yanche went out.

(End of this chapter)

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