Chapter 477

Lu Yanche didn't hurry to get the car from the garage, but walked around the compound according to the usual practice. When he reached the place under the window of Mu Niange's room, Lu Yanche stopped. , Lu Yanche thought about something, if Mu Niange hadn't seen where Lu Yanche was, he wouldn't have come out to meet Lu Yanche...

Mu Niange is wearing house shoes, since he is recovering from illness, there is no need to come out from home, this is not a good thing for Mu Niange.

But Mu Niange stayed at home restlessly, probably because he didn't care about Mrs. Mu's obstruction. Lu Yanche could imagine how Mu Niange looked like when he was paranoid. Lu Yanche liked to see it so much. It was Mu Niange who had never It was shown in front of Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche is not worried, when he stands here and looks up at Mu Niange, he will scare Mu Niange away...

Mu Niange's eyes were fixed on Lu Yanche's body. Mu Niange watched Lu Yanche's every move clearly. It was because Mu Niange watched clearly that he felt that way in his heart.

Lu Yanche stretched out his long arms and waved at the window of Mu Niange's room, saying goodbye to Mu Niange. Mu Niange walked to the window by accident and saw it. He just got up and wanted to open the curtains. Seeing such a scene, Mu Niange's heart suddenly warmed...

Mu Niange is someone Lu Yanche always thinks about.

Lu Yanche has no other way to see Mu Niange, and can only use this way to meet Mu Niange. When Lu Yanche waved to Mu Niange, it happened that Mu Niange was also thinking of Lu Yanche and waving .

Xia Minmin hasn't come to work at Lu's for a while, and without Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin basically has nothing to say. However, Xia Minmin didn't come to work because she saw Lu Yanche.

Xia Minmin went to work on a whim...

Lu Yanche took the attack, does it mean that Lu Yanche cheered up?What kind of trick did Mu Niange use against Lu Yanche?
After finishing Lu Yanche in twos and twos, Xia Minmin felt that it was necessary for him to ask Mu Niange for advice...

When Xia Minmin came to Lu's, as usual, he wanted to build an exclusive elevator. Who would have thought that he was stopped by the front desk when he was halfway there. Looking at the situation at the front desk, Xia Minmin wouldn't go up?
Xia Minmin raised her eyebrows, raised her chin, and said haughtily, "What are you stopping me for?"

"Sorry miss, you are not qualified to take this elevator..."

Whether you are qualified or not is not decided by the front desk, but by Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin pushed the front desk away in disgust, and continued to walk forward. The front desk continued to block Xia Minmin's way without giving up: "Miss, If you don't listen to my advice, I can only call the security to take you out."

Xia Minmin seemed to have heard a big joke...

When Xia Minmin came to Lu's, would he be known by Lu's security?
Xia Minmin leaned closer to the front desk, making the front desk stare at her clearly: "I'm Mr. Lu's secretary. If I don't go up, why don't you come to be Mr. Lu's secretary?"

Xia Minmin's eyes swept back and forth at the front desk, the contempt in her eyes was undisguised.

People's patience has a limit. Not only did Xia Minmin disrespect the front desk, but he also belittled the front desk to nothing. He was so polite to Xia Minmin because Xia Minmin used to be the daughter of the Xia family. The front desk turned cold : "You wait for me here, I'll call the security guard over."

The front desk left, and 2 minutes later, security guards surrounded Xia Minmin, otherwise Xia Minmin would go forward...

Xia Minmin is completely angry, what's going on?
When she came to work before, she never encountered such a thing. Could it be that Xia Minmin's work in Lu's Group was affected because Xia's newspaper was published?

Isn't this funny?

What is the relationship between the Xia family and the Lu family?
Xia Minmin suppressed the anger in her heart. At this time, Xia Minmin can't confront them head-on, otherwise the one who suffers will definitely be Xia Minmin: "You won't let me be the exclusive elevator, okay, I won't, but you always let me go up, I'm here for work..."

"I'm sorry miss, you don't have such authority..."

The words from the front desk hit Xia Minmin again: "I told you, I'm here for work."

"President Lu's secretary has already gone up, there is nothing to do with you here..."

The receptionist's attitude towards Xia Minmin was no longer so polite, Xia Minmin focused on listening, Lu Yanche's secretary?Isn't Lu Yanche's secretary himself?When did it become someone else?
"What is the relationship between me and Mr. Lu, you should know in your heart..."

Here, there was a vaguely dangerous atmosphere, and it was not an easy task to frighten the front desk. Such an order was entirely issued by Lu Yanche himself.

"We don't know what relationship you have with Mr. Lu. If you have anything to do, you can tell Mr. Lu yourself..." As soon as the receptionist finished speaking, he signaled the security guard to invite Xia Minmin out.

Xia Minmin shook off the hands of the security guards, the disgust in his eyes was clearly visible: "Don't touch me, you stupid bastards..."

After Xia Minmin made such a fuss, the entrance of Lu's Building instantly became lively. When Lu Yanche came, he frowned fiercely when he saw such a commotion. What's going on?
When he heard Xia Minmin's voice, Lu Yanche instantly calmed down...

He walked through the crowd expressionlessly, and walked towards the exclusive elevator. Xia Minmin was dragged away. When he was almost at the door, Xia Minmin saw Lu Yanche's figure. Xia Minmin's eyes lit up, and he quickly chased after him: "Ache, you wait……"

Lu Yanche didn't take Xia Minmin seriously, ignored Xia Minmin's words, and continued walking.

Lu Yanche gave Xia Minmin such an embarrassment in front of so many people. Xia Minmin wanted to swallow this breath. She was afraid that it would be a bit difficult. She stood where she was and shouted loudly: "Lu Yanche..."

When Xia Minmin yelled, Lu Yanche gave an instant reaction. He stopped and looked back at Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin thought that Lu Yanche wanted to say something, and she looked happy, waiting for Lu Yanche's words. Who would have thought that Lu Yanche passed Xia Minmin, and looked He said to the security guard behind Xia Minmin: "How do you do it? Get out..."

Get out?
Lu Yanche said such words without even asking, Xia Minmin is Lu Yanche's secretary, Lu Yanche can work without Xia Minmin?

Xia Minmin felt amazing, she chuckled lightly and said, "Do you know what you're talking about? I'm your secretary, and you asked the security to kick me out?"


Lu Yanche's long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous aura bloomed in his eyes: "I don't remember, there is a secretary like you."

(End of this chapter)

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