Chapter 480

Lu Yanche hummed softly, waiting for Lu Meiqi's next words...

Lu Meiqi was quite dissatisfied with Lu Yanche's indifferent reaction: "Lu Yanche, can you have a little brain, what do I order flowers for you, don't you know?"

Lu Yanche really didn't know, he needed Lu Meiqi to remind...

"Damn it!" Lu Meiqi couldn't help but swear: "Use your brain, Sister Niange is your fiancée, you should have a romantic relationship with Sister Niange, Sister Niange didn't make such a request with you, Do you think you can treat Miss Nian Ge casually?"

Lu Meiqi felt that Lu Yanche really needed to be trained...

Lu Meiqi is right. Lu Yanche doesn't understand romance, and he never thought of sending flowers to Mu Niange. Even when Mu Niange was discharged from the hospital, Lu Yanche didn't have it. To Lu Yanche, the three-eyed conversation with Mu Niange is greatest boon.

Asking Lu Meiqi to help me prepare flowers, this feeling is quite wonderful...

Lu Yanche couldn't help laughing: "You are really my sister..."

Regarding Lu Yanche's matter, Lu Meiqi is so caring, she wants Lu Yanche to get the best, and she also wants Lu Yanche to give Mu Niange the best.

"If you know I'm good, treat Miss Nian Ge well. This is the beginning, and the next step depends on your performance..."

After Lu Meiqi finished giving instructions, she hung up the phone with a snap. Lu Yanche looked at the flowers placed there with deep meaning in his eyes.

It's not that Lu Meiqi never went to Mu Niange's school to send flowers to Mu Niange. At that time, it seemed that Lu Meiqi was also reminding Lu Yanche that Lu Yanche always wanted people around him to remind him that this was Lu Yanche sorrow.

Lu Yanche didn't know about Mu Niange's itinerary...

Whether Mu Niange is at school is a problem. When Lu Yanche drove to the gate of Mu Niange's school, Lu Yanche didn't get out of the car in a hurry. He stared at the school gate. It's not the end of school time, so naturally he wouldn't Someone came out, and there were security guards at the door, so it would take some time for Lu Yanche to go in.

Lu Yanche looked at the flowers on the co-pilot, took out his phone and sent a message to Yang Zhishuang...

Yang Zhishuang, who received Lu Yanche's message, was in the dormitory. Mu Niange had a class, but Lu Meiqi didn't. Lu Meiqi hummed a little song, and Yang Zhishuang was happy to see Mu Niange gradually returning to normal.

The mobile phone on the bed rang, Yang Zhishuang took a look, but did not go up to look in a hurry, waited for a while, the phone rang again, Yang Zhishuang walked over to pick up the phone to have a look.

It was Lu Yanche's message, and Yang Zhishuang sneered instantly: "What trick do you want to play?"

Yang Zhishuang clicked on the message, and the words displayed in it: "Is Niange in class?"

Mu Niange is not in class, does he have half a dime relationship with Lu Yanche?
Yang Zhishuang didn't want to tell Lu Yanche Mu Niange's itinerary, Yang Zhishuang chose to ignore it, and saw Lu Yanche's message the next day: "Please..."

Only at this time did Lu Yanche know that he wanted to ask Yang Zhishuang, so why didn't Lu Yanche know that he wanted to ask Yang Zhishuang before?Let Yang Zhishuang take good care of Mu Niange, so that Mu Niange won't encounter anything later on.

"The matter of reciting songs is not your business. What does it have to do with you?"

In Yang Zhishuang's words, there was a bit of provocation...

Lu Yanche was not at all surprised when he received such a message from Yang Zhishuang. He tapped the keyboard slowly, and responded: "The matter of reciting songs is my business, you should be clear..."

What does Yang Zhishuang need to know?Isn't this what Lu Yanche asked for?Want Yang Zhishuang to take responsibility for Lu Yanche?
Lu Yanche doesn't even need to think about it, Yang Zhishuang is not a fool: "What you want to say is your business, it has nothing to do with me..."

After Yang Zhishuang finished sending the message, she turned off the phone screen, and threw the phone away, out of sight. Whatever Lu Yanche wanted to do, it depended on whether Lu Yanche had the ability to get Mu Niange's whereabouts...

Without Yang Zhishuang's help, Lu Yanche did not do things so smoothly. Lu Yanche sighed. In such a situation, Lu Yanche should have thought of it. If it was Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche would do the same.

Lu Yanche had no choice but to wait for Lu Yanche at the school gate...

Lu Yanche doesn't understand what Lu Meiqi is talking about about romance, but Lu Yanche can create romance, and that kind of romance is exclusive to Mu Niange alone, and has nothing to do with anyone else.

After class, Mu Niange wanted to go back to the dormitory directly, Yang Zhishuang gave Mu Niange a message, telling Mu Niange not to come up, but to go out for dinner!
Mu Niange wanted to go to the school gate to wait for Yang Zhishuang, but as soon as he walked out of the school gate, a figure came towards him, Mu Niange didn't react, Lu Yanche had already held flowers in front of Mu Niange, he focused on Mu Niange, Lightly parting her thin lips, she said, "Recite the song..."

The simple greeting brought back Mu Niange's thoughts.

At this time, although there was no one there, Lu Yanche's coming out like this would inevitably attract the attention of others...

The first thing Mu Niange saw was the flowers in Lu Yanche's hands, and then seeing Lu Yanche's appearance that Mu Niange would not take him away, Mu Niange was a little speechless, she took a step back, wanting to distance herself from Lu Yanche, This Lu Yanche doesn't know Mu Niange, it's Lu Yanche's business what Lu Yanche wants...

"Are you trying to pretend I don't know me?"

Lu Yanche continued to speak unyieldingly.

Mu Niange looked at Lu Yanche with a healthy expression and said, "I remember I said that I want to live a quiet life..."

Lu Yanche remembered Mu Niange's words, and wanted to give Mu Niange a quiet life, but sending flowers did not prevent Mu Niange from living a quiet life. Lu Yanche disagreed with Mu Niange's statement: "I am romantic, not Noisy..."

Lu Yanche is really enough, putting gold on his face?
Isn't it up to Mu Niange whether the waves are romantic or not?
More and more people came back and forth, Mu Niange wondered why Yang Zhishuang didn't come out yet, Mu Niange didn't want to accept Lu Yanche's flowers, the relationship between them was in a cold war.

Yang Zhishuang never expected that she indirectly helped Lu Yanche, seeing Lu Yanche standing in front of Mu Niange, Yang Zhishuang wanted to kick Lu Yanche away, what the hell is Lu Yanche, come to play with this kind of thing again?
Yang Zhishuang walked up with a sullen face...

She pushed Lu Yanche away, protected Mu Niange behind her and said, "Lu Yanche, why are you so annoying, didn't you say that I don't know if Mu Niange is in class?"

What did Yang Zhishuang say?

Mu Niange was in a fog...

(End of this chapter)

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