Chapter 481

Yang Zhishuang realized that she had said the wrong thing, she turned her head and saw Mu Niange, leaned into Mu Niange's ear and whispered: "He wants to get news about you from me, I won't let him know, no I thought, he ran to the door to block people..."

Lu Yanche expressed some dissatisfaction with Yang Zhishuang's explanation...

He didn't come to the school to block Mu Niange, he came here specially, and asked Yang Zhishuang if he didn't want to miss out, and he was disappointed.

Mu Niange finally understood, Yang Zhishuang must have been fooled by Lu Yanche, a trace of helplessness flashed across Mu Niange's expression, she stood behind Yang Zhishuang without saying anything, letting Yang Zhishuang be her spokesperson.

"Lu Yanche, I have taken a step ahead of Niange..." Yang Zhishuang held Mu Niange's hand, wanting to leave, but when Mu Niange was leaving, Lu Yanche grabbed Mu Niange's wrist and stopped Mu Niange The way to read songs.

Mu Niange turned to look at Lu Yanche. Yang Zhishuang looked at Lu Yanche's posture and wanted to arrest and beat him. Because of Mu Niange's presence, Yang Zhishuang couldn't be so rude. She lowered her anger and said to Lu Yanche, "This is the school. At the door, what do you want to do with Niange?"

If you don't remind Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche doesn't know what's going on...

Reminding Lu Yanche's words is to make Lu Yanche look bad. All of this is Lu Yanche's own fault, not Yang Zhishuang's intention to trap Lu Yanche into injustice...

Of course Lu Yanche knew that this was the gate of the school, it was impossible for him to do anything to Mu Niange, it was Yang Zhishuang who was thinking about the bad side, and Yang Zhishuang could not be blamed, it was Lu Yanche who made the move that made Yang Zhishuang afraid.

"Song, this is a flower for you, I hope you can accept it..."

Lu Yanche didn't look at Yang Zhishuang at all, and spoke directly to Mu Niange, and just as the words fell, he stuffed the flowers in his hand into Mu Niange's arms, wanting Mu Niange to accept them.

Lu Yanche is forcing Mu Niange, Mu Niange doesn't want to be forced by Lu Yanche, she broke away from Lu Yanche's hand, wanting to be free, Lu Yanche held Mu Niange's hand slightly tighter, like Mu Niange If I don't accept Lu Yanche's flowers, Lu Yanche will not let Mu Niange go.

"You can give me anything, it's up to me to accept it or not, you can't force me..."

Mu Niange focused on Lu Yanche, and said with a serious expression.

Hearing this, Lu Yanche felt that what Mu Niange said made sense, he took the flowers back and let go of Mu Niange's hand, when did Lu Yanche learn this strong trick?

Yang Zhishuang was about to open her eyes...

Yang Zhishuang tugged at Mu Niange's hand, wanting Mu Niange not to waste time here with Yang Zhishuang, but just as her hand touched Mu Niange, Lu Yanche looked at Yang Zhishuang with warning eyes, Yang Zhishuang was startled, There is a feeling of guilty conscience...

Is it true that she can't intervene in Mu Niange's matter like this?
Yang Zhishuang silently withdrew her hand, and stared at Mu Niange quietly...

Mu Niange is angry and funny, is Lu Yanche so obedient?
What does Mu Niange say? Lu Yanche obeys Mu Niange's will?

"I'm not forcing you, I'm giving it to you. Don't you know the relationship between us?"

Lu Yanche blinked at Mu Niange and smiled flatteringly.

Mu Niange wanted to slap Lu Yanche on the forehead. Could it be that Lu Yanche couldn't hear Mu Niange's words?Lu Yanche first talked about romance to Mu Niange, and then talked about his relationship with Mu Niange.

Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are fiancee in name...

Mu Niange can't go back on his word, and Lu Yanche definitely won't. This is really a tangled relationship. Isn't it reasonable for Lu Yanche to give Mu Niange something?

It is only natural for Mu Niange to accept it...

"What is the relationship between us, as long as you and I are clear in our hearts, why bother to show it?" Mu Niange couldn't understand Lu Yanche's thoughts, she simply told Lu Yanche, if Lu Yanche couldn't understand, Mu Niange I don't know how to explain it.

"As a man and a responsible man, I think this is a basic etiquette. You accept my flowers, it doesn't mean you accept me, or promise me something..."

Lu Yanche explained to Mu Niange in a calm tone.

When he came here, Lu Yanche had practiced, what kind of attitude he should use to deal with any situation...

Obviously, his way of coping was effective for Mu Niange. Seeing Mu Niange's speechless expression, Lu Yanche wanted to laugh a little. He hadn't seen such a Mu Niange for a long time, and he was inexplicably nostalgic.

"Since it's Lu Yanche's kindness, you can accept the recitation."

Yang Zhishuang noticed that other people's eyes were on them, Yang Zhishuang slammed Mu Niange, and motioned for Mu Niange to catch up and leave quickly.

Mu Niange had no choice but to accept Lu Yanche's words, Lu Yanche withdrew his hand in satisfaction, he smiled and said: "Thank you for accepting the flowers I sent, I can invite my fiancée, that is you, Mu Nian Will Miss Ge have a meal together?"

Is Lu Yanche pushing an inch?

Yang Zhishuang looked at Lu Yanche with wide eyes, Mu Niange never expected that things would be so tense, Lu Yanche clearly didn't want Mu Niange to go away like this...

Mu Niange is under a lot of pressure, Lu Yanche sees ordinary life like this, why doesn't Mu Niange feel that?

Being stared at like this is not what Mu Niange wants, let alone what Mu Niange likes: "I refuse."

Mu Niange responded sternly, Lu Yanche nodded, expressing that he understood what Mu Niange was thinking, he raised his eyebrows without frustration, glanced at Yang Zhishuang and said, "Where are you going, I'll see you off... ..."

Where can Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange go?

Of course it was time to eat, and Lu Yanche stopped him, so he didn't know how much time was wasted.

Yang Zhishuang rolled her eyes angrily and said, "We're not local tyrants, we have to take a car to eat."

"When you go home for dinner, don't you need a car?"

Lu Yanche responded reflexively to Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang was angry, did Lu Yanche resent Yang Zhishuang for not telling Lu Yanche about Mu Niange?

Yang Zhishuang wanted Mu Niange to help her to uphold justice. Who would have thought that Mu Niange would not even look at Lu Yanche, but stared straight ahead. This way, Yang Zhishuang felt a little better, she snorted coldly With one sound, protest to Lu Yanche: "What you want must be approved by me..."

Lu Yanche could not deny Yang Zhishuang's position in Mu Niange's heart...

(End of this chapter)

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