Chapter 482

"You are the most important friend of reciting songs, of course I have to respect your opinion..."

Lu Yanche chuckled, and treated Yang Zhishuang with a very friendly attitude. Even when he was talking, he stared straight at Yang Zhishuang to show that he took Yang Zhishuang to heart...

Regarding Lu Yanche's abnormality, Yang Zhishuang didn't know what words to use to describe it. How could there be such a person?The sudden change was so severe that neither Mu Niange nor Yang Zhishuang could adapt...

"Lu Yanche, what trick do you want to play?"

It doesn't matter if Mu Niange doesn't ask Lu Yanche clearly, Yang Zhishuang came to help Mu Niange ask clearly.

Lu Yanche didn't intend to play any tricks. For Mu Niange, Lu Yanche was serious and did it after careful consideration. This is a brand new beginning. Flowers are the first step, and eating is the second step. Immediately afterwards, It's the dating mode with Mu Niange.

"You don't want me to follow, I won't follow you, if necessary, just give me a call, I will come to you, don't disturb your meal, I'll take a step first..."

Lu Yanche retreated to advance, he greeted Mu Niange, turned around and left.

Yang Zhishuang looked at Lu Yanche's back, and laughed twice, Yang Zhishuang really couldn't understand more and more, what was going on?

"Recite the song, do you know what's going on in Lu Yanche's mind?"

Yang Zhishuang turned to look at Mu Niange and asked, Mu Niange shook her head when she heard the words, she watched Lu Yanche leave, until Lu Yanche's car disappeared in front of Mu Niange, Mu Niange looked away, she looked down He picked up the flowers in his hand, and a strange emotion flashed in his eyes: "This is Lu Yanche's method."

Being forced to find a way...

Make Mu Niange want to refuse the means that cannot be refused, this is the flower that Mu Niange should accept and Lu Yanche should send.

Yang Zhishuang was speechless after hearing what Mu Niange said...

For some reason, seeing Lu Yanche's neurotic appearance, Yang Zhishuang didn't know how to deal with it: "Leave him alone, he's like a neurotic..."

Lu Yanche's nervousness didn't happen in a day or two, but lasted all the time. Whenever Lu Yanche had time, he would go to the place where Mu Niange was to find Mu Niange. Every time he appeared, he must have a bunch of flowers in his hand...

Lu Meiqi told Lu Yanche that no woman could resist the charm of flowers.

That's right...

Mu Niange couldn't resist, from the initial refusal to accept it naturally, just like Lu Yanche was a flower delivery person, Mu Niange accepted Lu Yanche's words and let Lu Yanche go, Lu Yanche smiled happily, and then really left.

Mu Niange's time is with Lu Yanche, and an appointment is required...

Last time, I wanted to ask Mu Niange out for dinner but it didn't work out, it doesn't matter, Lu Yanche has a lot of patience, I can wait for the next date...

A banquet gave Lu Yanche this opportunity. Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are unmarried couples, and Lu Yanche's female companion must be Mu Niange. When Lu Yanche told Mu Niange about this, Mu Niange frowned , I had the urge to refuse, and then I thought about it, what did Mu Niange prove by not appearing in public with Lu Yanche?
There is no relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche at all...

Mrs. Mu knew that Mu Niange was going to the banquet with Lu Yanche. She didn't object to Mu Niange and told Mu Niange not to go, but took Mu Niange to dress up beautifully, so that Mu Niange sing out...

Seeing Mu Niange's appearance, Mu Yuanling felt really helpless.

It is impossible to guess what Mu Niange is thinking, what exactly is Mu Niange thinking?

On the one hand, resisting Lu Yanche like that, and on the other hand, being with Lu Yanche again, is this falling in love and killing each other?
In fact, ever since Mu Niange and Lu Yanche met, Mu Niange should have expected that she and Lu Yanche would not be able to go on smoothly. If they want to continue, they need to pay a price. How big is the price? I just found out.

"Brother, you may not understand me..."

Mu Niange saw the speculation in Mu Yuanling's mind, she smiled casually, and said what was in her heart. Mu Yuanling touched her nose, a little unnaturally, because Mu Niange said what was on her mind.

Even his own sister can't understand, what kind of brother Mu Yuanling wants to be?
"Recite the song, what I think is not what you think..."

Mu Yuanling wants to explain to Mu Niange, but I don't know what kind of explanation can make Mu Niange understand that their thoughts are different. Looking at Mu Niange's understatement, it is obvious that he didn't understand Mu Yuanling. Taking his words to heart, Mu Yuanling was slightly relieved.

"No matter what you think, I know you are doing it for my own good..."

"But I can't selfishly want you to pay the price just because you guys are nice to me. The news of my engagement to Lu Yanche has just spread. Although it's not the first time that the Lu family has cooperated with the Mu family, but they are more intimate. It is a good thing after all, if because of my relationship, it affects Mrs. Mu, I will be too upset."

Mu Niange even thought of this level, which surprised Mu Yuanling...

"So, you and Lu Yanche didn't do it out of sincerity?"

Whether Mu Niange is sincere or not, no one can decide, even Mu Niange himself is not aware of what he really thinks in his heart...

Xia Minmin completely disappeared from the compound. In society, it was difficult for Xia Minmin to find a good job. A large part of the reason why she became Lu Yanche's secretary was because she was the daughter of the Xia family. It's not easy for people from the Lu family to drive her away alone. If they accidentally offend Lu Yanche, what should we do?
Xia Minmin was treated like this because she delayed Lu Yanche's blessing...

In a blink of an eye, Xia Minmin became a mistress, mistress, what a disgusting position, if you don't behave yourself, what are you doing?

"Isn't it common to play on occasion?" Mu Niange blinked, and said mischievously to Mu Yuanling. Hearing this, Mu Yuanling patted Mu Niange's head, expressing his helplessness. What about Mu Niange? When did you learn such tricks?
Playing around with Lu Yanche, he didn't give all his sincerity...

I am afraid that only Mu Niange can think of this point, right?

"What do you want to do, do it boldly, our Mu family will be your strongest backing..."

Mu Yuanling encouraged Mu Niange to do what he wanted to do. If Mu Niange had such a strong backing six years ago, would the current situation be different?

(End of this chapter)

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