Chapter 488

Xia Minmin is not willing to lose to Mu Niange, she must have a strong momentum with Mu Niange, and win Mu Niange's capital, Xia Minmin thought so, and wanted to find Mu Niange, but she didn't know Where is Mu Niange, I can only wander around the gate of Mu Niange's school to see if I can bump into Mu Niange.

Mu Niange went to the clinic in the morning and returned to school in the afternoon...

Just as he was about to walk into the school, he saw a familiar figure standing there from a distance. Mu Niange was not sure if it was Xia Minmin. Mu Niange stopped, squinted his eyes and looked carefully. Getting closer, Xia Minmin looked towards Mu Niange's direction, Mu Niange was startled, and hurriedly avoided.

Mu Niange hid in a place that Xia Minmin couldn't see, Mu Niange patted his chest, looking like he was still in shock...

Mu Niange felt that he was a little funny, why did he hide when he saw Xia Minmin?
Xia Minmin must have come here to trouble Mu Niange, and Mu Niange's avoidance did not follow Xia Minmin's wishes?If Xia Minmin wants to see it, she will definitely laugh at Mu Niange.

The corners of Mu Niange's lips raised, and he laughed sarcastically twice.

It doesn't matter, this is not the first time that Mu Niange has been looked down upon by Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin can do whatever he wants to think of Mu Niange. Mu Niange didn't leave in a hurry and chose to face Xia Minmin. He should know all of Xia Minmin's actions. Xia Minmin was at school If you don't wait for Mu Niange at the door, you will definitely leave.

Xia Minmin waits for Mu Niange, Mu Niange waits for Xia Minmin, this cycle continues, and time goes away...

Xia Minmin had been waiting here for a whole morning, unexpectedly, Mu Niange would make up for it, Xia Minmin was a little annoyed, annoyed by her impulsiveness, every time she was thinking about something, she had to do it immediately to feel at ease, could it be, Want Xia Minmin to enter the school and find out Mu Niange?
Thinking of Yang Zhishuang who was following Mu Niange, Xia Minmin gritted her teeth in hatred. She didn't have Yang Zhishuang by her side, so she couldn't fight against Mu Niange...

Xia Minmin gave up, turned around and left, Mu Niange stared at Xia Minmin's back for a while, with deep meaning in his eyes, and decided to follow Xia Minmin to see where Xia Minmin was going and what he wanted to do.

What Xia Minmin did after leaving the compound was a mystery. Mu Niange couldn't guess it, so he could only go to find out by himself...

Xia Minmin didn't sit down, but kept walking. She walked a long way and stopped to rest. Mu Niange followed Xia Minmin's pace. When Mu Niange was about to continue to follow Xia Minmin, she clearly saw it. There were two or three middle-aged men, staring at Xia Minmin's back, muttering something.

Mu Niange paused, and a bad thought came into his mind...

These people are definitely not following Xia Minmin for the first time, but they are choosing the right time to attack Xia Minmin...

What did Xia Minmin do?Offended such a person?What do they want to do to Xia Minmin?
Mu Niange didn't know, didn't understand. Seeing these three people, Mu Niange couldn't follow so blatantly. She walked carefully, and every time she walked a certain distance, she would look up at the people in front of her to make sure they didn't notice her. After that, Mu Niange continued to walk forward.

The place where Xia Minmin lives is not that kind of high-end hotel, nor is it a high-end residential area...

It is a civilian house. The house here is not a burden to Xia Minmin, but it is something Xia Minmin dislikes and can no longer dislike. Walking into the alley, Xia Minmin kicked the garbage basket on the ground fiercely. Xia Minmin is a shame.

Thinking of my previous life, looking at myself now...

How did Xia Minmin do it, since he got himself into such a field?
Xia Minmin smiled sarcastically, the hatred in her eyes was clearly visible, she continued to walk forward, just about to lower her head and take out the key in the bag to open the door, when she felt someone approaching Xia Minmin behind her, when Xia Minmin turned her head, she was covered by someone With her mouth open, Xia Minmin wanted to break free, but her hands and feet were caught. Xia Minmin opened her eyes wide, feeling terrified.

Xia Minmin groaned twice, wanting to call for help...

Those people seemed to have seen through Xia Minmin's mind and wanted to knock Xia Minmin unconscious.

Mu Niange didn't expect that his prediction was true. Xia Minmin really met an enemy. They treated Xia Minmin like that. Looking at their aura, they wanted to take Xia Minmin away. Mu Niange was not in a hurry to go out. It has nothing to do with Mu Niange, thinking of what Xia Minmin did to him before, isn't this Xia Minmin's retribution?
But if Mu Niange really didn't care about Xia Minmin, what kind of situation would Xia Minmin fall into?
Who are those people?
Who is the master behind them?

Mu Niange leaned her back against the wall, her brows were frowned, she clenched her hands into fists, listening to the movement from inside, is it possible... This group of people was sent by Lu Yanche?

Thinking so, Mu Niange took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Lu Yanche. Mu Niange was rational. If she were to be discovered, she would definitely be arrested. When she sent a message to ask Lu Yanche again, she turned her mobile phone to became silent.

Lu Yanche's message was sent back to Mu Niange in seconds.

"Did you do anything to Xia Minmin?"

What Lu Yanche did to Xia Minmin was not one or two things, which one was Mu Niange referring to?
"What do you want to know?"

Mu Niange sneered, what did Mu Niange want to know?She wanted to know what was going on with what she saw: "Someone did something to Xia Minmin and wanted to kidnap Xia Minmin. I'm watching here. Tell me, should I go out and help Xia Minmin?"

The second half of Mu Niange's words are full of playfulness and exploration...

Seeing Mu Niange's message, Lu Yanche stood up from his chair in a hurry. He wanted to call Mu Niange, but thought it was not safe...

He quickly replied: "Where are you? Hurry up and hide, I'll be right there..."

What Lu Yanche was worried about was Mu Niange's comfort. As for what would happen to Xia Minmin, it had nothing to do with Lu Yanche. From Lu Yanche's attitude, Mu Niange could tell that this matter had nothing to do with Lu Yanche None, this is Xia Minmin's own enemy.

Whatever they want to do to Xia Minmin, they will definitely do it the most ruthless...


Xia Minmin's voice of breaking free continued to echo in Mu Niange's ears. Mu Niange put away the mobile phone in her hand, she watched Xia Minmin leave, and then watched Xia Minmin being led into the car by those people.

Mu Niange never thought that when facing such a scene, her heart would be so peaceful...

(End of this chapter)

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