Chapter 489

What happened to the peaceful Xia Minmin had nothing to do with Mu Niange, it was Xia Minmin's own fault, but... is Mu Niange's conscience really offended?

Does Mu Niange really want to pay back a little bit on Xia Minmin for everything that Mu Niange has endured?

Mu Niange is lost, she doesn't know if this is what she wants, she really has no choice... There is no way to do it, go out and help Xia Minmin, or help Xia Minmin call the police and let other people solve it About Xia Minmin.

When Xia Minmin was taken away, she vaguely saw someone hiding and watching. Xia Minmin shouted even harder, hoping that person would notice her...

Who would have thought, that person didn't even look at Xia Minmin, when Xia Minmin was about to be pulled into the car, she could see his face clearly, Mu could Mu Niange be here?

The emotions in Xia Minmin's heart are complicated. She never expected that when she was at her lowest point, she would meet Mu Niange. Yes, the hatred between her and Mu Niange is so great, how could Mu Niange help her? with yourself?

But right now, if Mu Niange doesn't help Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin will really die. Xia Minmin's eyes are red, and tears are rolling in her eyes. When looking at Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin clearly saw the indifference in Mu Niange's eyes, without any emotion.

As if Xia Minmin is not human...

She is a thing, being taken away by someone is a very common thing, Xia Min hated, the complicated emotions in her heart disappeared, and the rest was despair, Xia Min knew that her life was over, and the person who destroyed Xia Minmin, It was Mu Niange, it was Xia Minmin who underestimated Mu Niange, and Mu Niange became cruel, the real absolute...

Lu Yanche anxiously waited for Mu Niange's reply, but he was really anxious when he couldn't wait for Mu Niange's message.

Lu Yanche had no choice but to call Mu Niange. The first time he called, Mu Niange did not answer Lu Yanche's call. It was not until the second time that Mu Niange answered Lu Yanche's call. As soon as the call was connected, Lu Yanche's concerned words crackled: "Niange, where are you, are you injured, and what happened?"

At this moment, Mu Niange thought, she needs to be hugged...

However, there are no embraces that should be there, what is left is the hope that Mu Niange can't see.

Lu Yanche's eager voice, caring about Mu Niange, worried that something really happened to Mu Niange, if something really happened to Mu Niange, would Lu Yanche see it immediately?

Seeing Xia Minmin being treated like that, Mu Niange thought of his past self, the things Xia Minmin did to him: "Lu Yanche, I never thought that I could be so indifferent..."

Mu Niange uttered such unexpected words, which proves that Mu Niange really did not expect it. If Mu Niange wanted to think about it, he would not come here with Xia Minmin. Seeing Xia Minmin feel uncomfortable, Mu Niange felt bad too. .

who made...

Mu Niange's hatred for Xia Minmin is not deep enough, does Mu Niange really want to destroy Xia Minmin?
Do not……

It was Mu Niange who had indirectly destroyed Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin had nothing left, and what awaits Xia Minmin next is an unknown.

"Recite the song, where are you..."

Lu Yanche didn't listen to what Mu Niange said, but kept asking Mu Niange, where is Mu Niange.

At the end, Mu Niange told Lu Yanche where she was, and she waited on the spot for an unknown amount of time. Lu Yanche came to Mu Niange, who was squatting underneath. Lu Yanche looked down at Mu Niange, with Full of worry.

Mu Niange looked up at Lu Yanche, there was no emotion in his eyes...

Mu Niange really made Lu Yanche more and more unpredictable. Lu Yanche didn't hurry to get Mu Niange up, but squatted down with Mu Niange: "How do you feel?"

The feeling in Mu Niange's heart must be bad...

She had never done such a thing before, it was the first time she did it, and she felt terrified, how is Xia Minmin doing now?

Mu Niange was curious and had an urge to know...

"I saw that Xia Minmin was taken away." Mu Niange didn't answer Lu Yanche's question directly, but asked a question that Lu Yanche was not interested in. Lu Yanche frowned when he heard this.

"Recite the song, I'm asking you, how do you feel?"

"When I saw Xia Minmin being taken away, I didn't feel anything..." Mu Niange shook his head, and expressed what was in his heart. Really, he didn't feel anything at all. The calmness made Mu Niange feel incredible.

"Who took Xia Minmin away? That's Xia Minmin's business. It has nothing to do with you. What do you want to express when you care so much?"

Lu Yanche couldn't bear Mu Niange's behavior anymore. He grabbed Mu Niange's shoulders with both hands and shook them twice, wanting Mu Niange to wake up. What Lu Yanche said, Mu Niange knew very clearly that she had nothing to express. I just want to simply tell Lu Yanche about my changes.

"In the past, when I was bullied by Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou, I was afraid that they would continue to bully me, so I didn't dare to tell you about it. Later... I thought about it carefully, and another part of the reason is that they really I care about you, I'm going to tell you this, how will they be treated by you? I can't imagine it, I can't imagine it..."

"At this moment, I understand that the kindness and innocence of me in the past made people laughable, but the indifference of me now makes me feel terrible. I really hate Xia Minmin, but I really can't bear to see Xia Minmin being abused by other people. Ruin?"

If Xia Minmin is going to be ruined, then Mu Niange should ruin Xia Minmin too...

When did Xia Minmin become someone else to spoil her?

Lu Yanche couldn't imagine what kind of mood Mu Niange used to say such words, but Lu Yanche knew that Mu Niange must be very sad, otherwise, Mu Niange wouldn't be like this. Why is Mu Niange sad?
Because seeing Xia Minmin being taken away, didn't Mu Niange help Xia Minmin?

"In this world, there is a cycle of karma. What Xia Minmin did to you, she will encounter retribution sooner or later. Now...isn't it the time for retribution? It's useless for you to be so caring, caring, and caring."

Lu Yanche's indifferent attitude was even more indifferent than Mu Niange's.

Mu Niange laughed twice in disbelief, but had to admit that Lu Yanche was right.

It's Xia Minmin's retribution, not Mu Niange's fault, Lu Yanche can say it so lightly, what can't be let go of Mu Niange?

"Lu Yanche, if something really happened to Xia Minmin..."

(End of this chapter)

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