Chapter 490

"How do you feel in your heart?"

Mu Niange looked at Lu Yanche, and asked calmly, Lu Yanche was slightly taken aback by Mu Niange's question...

How would Lu Yanche feel in his heart?
This... is really hard to say.

Lu Yanche was able to make a move on Xia Minmin without blinking his eyes. Naturally, he saw that something happened to Xia Minmin: "Didn't you agree to recite the song and live a peaceful life?"

In a peaceful life, without Xia Minmin, this is what Mu Niange and Lu Yanche should live...


Mu Niange said that he wants to live a peaceful life, but if he wants to, can he really live it?
What is peace, Mu Niange really can't understand, Mu Niange chuckled, lowered his eyes, stopped looking at Lu Yanche and said: "I shouldn't ask you such a question, it's useless to ask, Lu Yanche you With such a cruel heart, how could you know how I feel in my heart?"

Mu Niange has gradually turned from a person who negotiated to a cruel person...

She turned a blind eye to Xia Minmin, what are the consequences of turning a blind eye?
Mu Niange didn't dare to think about it anymore...

I can only wait quietly, what kind of face Xia Minmin will turn into when she appears in front of Mu Niange again, Mu Niange thinks, it should be terrifying, the most terrifying, and what is terrifying cannot be more terrifying...

The conversation between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche broke up unhappy.

Lu Yanche sent Mu Niange back to the school, and when they reached the school gate, Mu Niange didn't even look at Lu Yanche, opened the car door and wanted to get out of the car, but Lu Yanche grabbed Mu Niange's hand, hesitant to speak look.

"Let go..."

Mu Niange didn't look at Lu Yanche, and spoke directly.

Hearing this, Lu Yanche slightly loosened his grip on Mu Niange's wrist, and Mu Niange took the opportunity to get out of the car and out of Lu Yanche's sight...

Lu Yanche wanted to chase after him, but seeing Mu Niange's faster and faster pace, a flash of disappointment flashed in Lu Yanche's heart.

Lu Yanche lowered his eyes, making it hard to see the emotion in his eyes. When Lu Yanche raised his head, his emotion returned to normal. He took out his mobile phone, found a number, and dialed the number.

Mu Niange didn't come back all day, so Yang Zhishuang was inevitably a little worried.

Mu Niange told Yang Zhishuang that he had gone out all morning and would come back in the afternoon. Seeing that the afternoon had passed and Mu Niange hadn't come back, could it be that he bumped into the annoying Lu Yanche?

Yang Zhishuang shook her head, shaking off the thoughts in her mind, she walked out of the dormitory, just about to go to see Mu Niange, when Mu Niange came out of the elevator, she bumped into Yang Zhishuang.

Yang Zhishuang became emotional when she saw Mu Niange, she grabbed Mu Niange's hand and said, "Niange, where have you been? Do you know that I am very worried about you..."

Of course Mu Niange knew that Yang Zhishuang was worried about him, it was Mu Niange who was negligent and forgot to explain to Yang Zhishuang, Mu Niange forced a smile at Yang Zhishuang, watched the others walk into the elevator, Mu Niange dragged Yang Zhishuang back to the dormitory , when closing the dormitory door, Mu Niange said to Yang Zhishuang: "Shuangshuang, I met Xia Minmin..."

To be precise, it was Mu Niange who avoided, followed Xia Minmin, and saw something he shouldn't have seen...

"That bitch Xia Minmin..."

When Yang Zhishuang heard the words, she cursed loudly. No wonder Mu Niange hadn't come back for so long. It turned out that she bumped into Xia Minmin: "What did she do to you?"

What can Xia Minmin do to Mu Niange?

Yang Zhishuang was really... worried that Mu Niange was worried to such an extent that it made Mu Niange feel guilty.

"I'm fine, but Xia Minmin, something happened..."

Hearing about Xia Minmin's accident, Yang Zhishuang became excited: "Really? Why don't you call me and let me go and have a look?"

Yang Zhishuang really wanted to see what happened to Xia Minmin. Although it was immoral for Yang Zhishuang to say so, there was no way. Who would think Xia Minmin was like that?

He gritted his teeth in hatred, wishing to tear off a layer of Xia Minmin's skin and show Xia Minmin a look.

"Shuangshuang, I saw Xia Minmin's accident with my own eyes, but I didn't step forward to help Xia Minmin, nor did I make any help calls for Xia Minmin..."

Mu Niange grabbed Yang Zhishuang's hand, and desperately wanted to tell Yang Zhishuang that what Mu Niange did and Yang Zhishuang's thoughts were really important to Mu Niange, if Mu Niange couldn't figure it out, Yang Zhishuang was there, Mu Niange felt a little better.

"I know, are you blaming yourself?"

Yang Zhishuang could barely think, knowing what was going on in Mu Niange's mind.

Mu Niange blamed Xia Minmin?

Did Mu Niange really treat Xia Minmin as an enemy?Yang Zhishuang was really curious, and she didn't want to be curious: "Recite the song, Xia Minmin had an accident, it was Xia Minmin's own fault, it wasn't you who caused Xia Minmin to have an accident."


Xia Minmin's accident was caused by Xia Minmin himself, but Mu Niange saw it with her own eyes. If she had helped Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin's accident would not have happened. Mu Niange was the one who indirectly caused Xia Minmin's accident.

"What kind of person will she fall into and what will happen to her? When you heard about her accident, didn't you think about such a problem?"

Mu Niange asked again, Yang Zhishuang who asked was stunned, there was indeed nothing, it wasn't that Mu Niange had an accident, Yang Zhishuang would not have thought so deeply: "Are you worried that Xia Minmin's accident was serious?"

Mu Niange bit her lower lip without denying it...

Mu Niange didn't think of it at the beginning, but only thought of it after Xia Minmin left. Xia Minmin was with old men one after another, and she took advantage of them. If she didn't give anyone any benefit, everyone would feel uncomfortable of.

Facts have proved that Mu Niange's idea is right.

Xia Minmin was dragged away and brought into a small room. The repeated humiliation made Xia Minmin want to die. When the heart-piercing pain stopped, Xia Minmin saw a light in front of her eyes, as if, As long as Xia Minmin steps forward, her life will disappear, and she will be willing to do things that Xia Minmin doesn't want to face.

How to do……

What should Xia Minmin do?
How did she become like this?

Does she really want to die like this?Xia Minmin is not reconciled, really not reconciled, her life was ruined here, it was caused indirectly by Mu Niange, she saw Mu Niange, but Mu Niange did not come to help Xia Minmin.

Xia Minmin ruined the first half of Mu Niange's life, Mu Niange wanted to ruin the second half of Xia Minmin's life, she wanted Xia Minmin's life, Mu Niange was really cruel, Xia Minmin found it incredible that he was cruel.

Xia Minmin didn't know how she managed to climb out of that small dark room...

Her clothes were disheveled, her hair was disheveled, and she was in a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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