Chapter 495

In the following days, Xia Minmin ran to Lu's house every three days, either guarding the gate of the Lu's compound, or running inside to ring the doorbell. As soon as the doorbell rang, Xia Minmin went in, sat on the sofa, With a cute look, Mrs. Lu didn't realize what was going on.

Looking at Xia Minmin who was sitting on the sofa with a dazed expression, Mrs. Lu was too embarrassed to let Xia Minmin go...

Mrs. Lu went to the kitchen and poured Xia Minmin a glass of water. Mrs. Lu heard about Xia Minmin. No matter how bad Xia Minmin was, she must have been seriously hurt when she encountered such a thing.

Mrs. Lu looked at Xia Minmin, her eyes flashed with distress, she asked Xia Minmin softly, "Minmin, what's the matter with you coming to Auntie's place?"

Isn't Xia Minmin's purpose for coming here obvious?

She wants to see Lu Yanche, wants to see Lu Yanche madly, this is a good opportunity for Xia Minmin to show off, does Xia Minmin want to waste it like this?
Xia Minmin laughed twice, she approached Mrs. Lu, and said in a low voice, "Auntie, I'm here to wait for Brother Che..."

Xia Minmin waited for Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche didn't even want to see Xia Minmin, Mrs. Lu thought for a while, and explained to Xia Minmin: "Minmin, Ah Che has gone to the company and is not at home, you go home first? You can come back when Ah Che comes back ?”

It is impossible for Mrs. Lu to keep Xia Minmin here. This is disrespect to Mu Niange, and it is even more hurt to Mu Niange...

Having chosen Mu Niange, it is impossible to get another Xia Minmin.

Xia Minmin's eyes turned red when she heard Madam Lu's words. Xia Minmin could hear the meaning of Madam Lu's words. Madam Lu wanted Xia Minmin to leave, lest Lu Yanche see Xia Minmin and Madam Lu would be embarrassed.

"Auntie, do you dislike me?"

"Because what happened to me, all despise me?"

Xia Minmin grabbed Mrs. Lu's hand emotionally. Mrs. Lu didn't pay attention, and was scratched by Xia Minmin. The pain hit, and Mrs. Lu couldn't help frowning. She struggled to break away from Xia Minmin's hand: "Don't do this! ..."

"Auntie, you shouldn't be like this, you can't dislike me..."

Xia Minmin's tears flowed, she shouted, she wanted to talk to Mrs. Lu, the pain in her heart, really, she was really bitter, her pain, not everyone can understand, understand...

The movement from Xia Minmin alarmed Lu Meiqi who was upstairs. When Lu Meiqi came down and saw Xia Minmin tearing up Mrs. Lu, she was furious and quickly came down, pushing Xia Minmin away: "You shameless person, Come to my house, what do you want to do to my mother?"

" I'm a shameless woman."

Xia Minmin sat down on the ground, nodded, and responded to Lu Meiqi's words, and then she cried again: "Brother Che, I want my brother Che..."

Xia Minmin cried like a child, Madam Lu couldn't bear it, Lu Meiqi knew that Madam Lu must have a soft heart to let Xia Minmin in, but a soft heart cannot change Xia Minmin's nature.

"Get out of here, cry outside, don't dirty our house..."

As Lu Meiqi said, she wanted to step forward and drag Xia Minmin out, Madam Lu stopped Lu Meiqi's move and said, "Meiqi, don't do this..."

Xia Minmin looks very pitiful, if she continues to treat Xia Minmin like this, maybe something will happen to Xia Minmin.

"Mom, she is a downright cheap, don't be fooled by his appearance..."

Lu Meiqi pointed at Xia Minmin, wanting Madam Lu to recognize this fact, but unfortunately, Madam Lu recognized it, and she couldn't really do anything to Xia Minmin: "You go to Xia's house and let them come and take Xia Minmin away."

Lu Meiqi reluctantly agreed, the person who came to take Xia Minmin away was Xia Youyou, seeing Xia Minmin's appearance, Xia Youyou frowned fiercely.

Xia Minmin doesn't cause trouble for others all day, doesn't she feel uncomfortable?

When Xia Youyou helped Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin struggled to break free from Xia Youyou's hand, Xia Youyou slapped Xia Minmin's face with her hand, and said coldly: "Did I tell you that things should be done in moderation? You don't believe that something like this happened , Who do you want to shift the responsibility to? Xia Minmin, if you want to be sensible, stop doing such a thing..."

Xia Minmin was quieted down by Xia Youyou's slap, she let Xia Youyou help her up in a daze...

Xia Youyou looked into Madam Lu's and Lu Meiqi's eyes, and said apologetically, "I didn't know that things would turn out like this. It's because we didn't take Xia Minmin seriously. This is the first time, and it will also be the last time..."

As soon as Xia Youyou finished speaking, without waiting for Mrs. Lu to react, Lu Meiqi helped Xia Minmin out of the gate of Lu's house. Lu Meiqi looked at the backs of Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou and muttered, "What are you doing? I just want to see, this is Not really the last time."

As it turns out, this isn't the first time and it won't be the last...

Xia Minmin knew that she would not be able to enter the Lu's house, so she waited at the gate of the Lu's compound, calling Lu Yanche's name like crazy every day. Fortunately, Lu Yanche went out early so that Xia Minmin couldn't bump into Lu Yanche.

But if we continue like this, there is no way out, we must let Xia Minmin regain his senses, let Xia Minmin go, and stop staying at the gate of the Lu family compound, if Mu Niange sees this, what will Mu Niange think in his heart ?
Lu Meiqi sighed, and decided to go to Mu Niange to explain the situation to him...

After Lu Meiqi finished explaining to Mu Niange, Mu Niange didn't show too much expression on his face, as if he was listening to other people's affairs, didn't Mu Niange care at all?

Lu Meiqi couldn't understand: "Sister Niange? Xia Minmin did that at our door, do you think she has some purpose?"

Whether Xia Minmin has a purpose, Mu Niange can't say for sure...

Mu Niange couldn't understand Xia Minmin, so he didn't know what Xia Minmin was thinking at all: "You can't control Xia Minmin, what Xia Minmin wants to do is Xia Minmin's freedom, you just let Xia Minmin go."

The person who caused the burden was definitely not Mu Niange, but Lu Yanche...


Lu Meiqi opened her mouth, wanting to refute something, seeing Mu Niange's determined face, Lu Meiqi swallowed the words unwillingly, is it that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry?

Lu Yanche didn't say anything, but Lu Meiqi became worried first: "I think I'll let my brother handle this matter by himself..."

Really, Lu Meiqi has to worry about everything.

(End of this chapter)

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