Chapter 496

Xia Minmin's weird behavior, not only other people can't see through Xia Minmin's thoughts, even Xia Minmin herself doesn't know why she did this.

After waiting for such a long time at the gate of the Lu family compound, before Lu Yanche came, I don't know if Lu Yanche had seen through Xia Minmin's thoughts and deliberately didn't show up here. Xia Minmin felt that her patience was about to reach a limit, If this continues, Xia Minmin will really be unbearable.

What can be done?
Otherwise, how could Xia Minmin approach Lu Yanche?
Xia Minmin sat on the ground with her hands clasped tightly, staring at the ground, motionless, looking very downcast.

Xia Minmin waited from morning to night, if Xia Youyou, Mrs. Xia came to take Xia Minmin away, Xia Minmin would have continued to wait, Xia Youyou can't say that Xia Minmin is pretending, if you want to accuse Xia Minmin, see Xia Minmin again After doing this, he instantly lost the desire to scold him.

After all, this is the path Xia Minmin chose...

Xia Youyou has nothing to say.

Xia Minmin persisted like this for a full month. She lost a lot of weight, and the problems in her heart became more serious. She stood guard at the gate of the Lu family compound, and kept muttering about Brother Che, Brother Che. ...

Madam Lu, when Lu Meiqi went out, seeing Xia Minmin like this, she was really frightened.

Lu Meiqi felt that she was going crazy, because Xia Minmin drove her crazy...

Xia Minmin is really capable, so capable that Lu Meiqi admired Xia Minmin: "Xia Minmin, what exactly do you want? Are you going to use the reason that you were raped to pester my brother?"

Lu Meiqi really didn't feel sorry for Xia Minmin, she casually said the word rape, she didn't give Xia Minmin any sympathy, and she didn't worry about what would happen to Xia Minmin or what would affect her, Xia Minmin really admired Lu Meiqi , can do things at will.

Xia Minmin scolded Lu Meiqi secretly in her heart, her face remained calm. It should be said that Xia Minmin had no reason for Lu Meiqi to continue sitting and maintain her original movements...

It's really not a good solution for Lu Yanche to avoid Xia Minmin like this...

One day Xia Minmin will go crazy and run to the door of Mu's house to block Mu Niange's way, what should Mu Niange do?
Has Lu Yanche thought about Mu Niange's problems?Mu Niange is also troubled, it's not that Mu Niange doesn't have troubles...

When Yang Zhishuang heard the news that Xia Minmin was raped, she was stunned and couldn't recover for a long time. No one thought that the matter would happen to such a serious extent. Looking at Mu Niange who was sitting on the bed, Yang Zhishuang suddenly didn't know how to comfort her Mu Niange, when Mu Niange started, didn't you blame yourself for Xia Minmin being taken away?
Knowing that Xia Minmin encountered such a thing, Mu Niange must have something to say...

"Recite the song, are you blaming yourself?"

Yang Zhishuang carefully looked at Mu Niange and asked, Mu Niange chuckled when she heard the words, she responded to Yang Zhishuang's gaze, shook her head and said, "What do I need to blame myself?"

This is not Mu Niange's fault, Xia Minmin asked for it...

Everyone said that to Mu Niange, but whenever Mu Niange thought about it, he didn't think so in his heart.

"Yes, you don't need to blame yourself, this matter has nothing to do with you..." Yang Zhishuang nodded, and immediately followed Mu Niange's words.

Looking at Yang Zhishuang like this, Mu Niange couldn't help feeling a little funny...

"However, for reciting songs, Xia Minmin is now holding chicken feathers as arrows. She squats at the door of Lu's house every day. What is she trying to do? Who does she want to win sympathy for? Has Mrs. Lu even glanced at Xia Minmin?"

Of course Mrs. Lu cares about Xia Minmin, but Mu Niange doesn't know if she manages Xia Minmin's affairs. After all, Mrs. Lu's thoughts are not what Mu Niange can idealize, nor are Mu Niange's few words Can decide.

"Lu Yanche doesn't take this matter seriously, do you think Madam Lu will?"

Lu Yanche is different from Mrs. Lu, how can the two be compared?

Does Mu Niange understand the reason?
"Recite the song, I advise you not to take it lightly..."

"Xia Minmin has become like that, what can she do to me?"

If Xia Minmin really wanted to do something to Mu Niange, he would have to wait for Xia Minmin to recover, right?
"Alas..." Yang Zhishuang sighed, not knowing how to continue talking to Mu Niange, since Mu Niange thought so, it must be true, after all, the person who knew Xia Minmin was not Yang Zhishuang, but Xia Minmin.

It was the first time in such a long time that Mu Niange appeared in front of Xia Minmin again. Mu Niange stood condescendingly, looking at Xia Minmin with no emotion at all...

Xia Minmin felt a figure enveloped her, looked up, and when she saw Mu Niange, just like Mu Niange, she was not moved at all.

"What do you want to do here?"

Mu Niange asked Xia Minmin indifferently, Xia Minmin shouted one after another brother Che, not caring about Mu Niange's question at all, her brother Che was quite harsh to Mu Niange's ears.

Since when did Lu Yanche become Xia Minmin's elder brother Che?

Everything in front of me is Xia Minmin's self-indulgence, Xia Minmin's hallucination, how far will Xia Minmin go before she is willing to let go and stop doing such stupid things?
"I'm waiting for my brother Che..."

Xia Minmin laughed twice, and answered Mu Niange.

Mu Niange was speechless, when did Xia Minmin speak so calmly and bluntly in front of Mu Niange?
What Mu Niange wanted to say to Xia Minmin was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say it. For some reason, seeing Xia Minmin like this, Mu Niange suddenly thought of himself, whether he was as pitiful as Xia Minmin, and kept saying Said to wait for Lu Yanche, what was waiting in the end?
It's not Lu Yanche, it's a tragedy...

The tragedy made Mu Niange feel that he was very pitiful, poor and unloved, and Xia Minmin's current state was pitiful and unloved.

"Do you really think that if you do this, you can change anything?"

Mu Niange said calmly, she didn't come to quarrel with Xia Minmin, let alone provoke Xia Minmin, Mu Niange didn't feel that she had anything to be proud of, after all... Xia Minmin used to have the capital to be proud, but Mu Niange didn't .

Lu Yanche didn't stand on Mu Niange's side from the very beginning, but later on Mu Niange's side. He realized how to cherish it when he realized the loss.

"I don't want to change anything, I just want my brother Che..."

Xia Minmin shook her head vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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