Chapter 536

What Yang Zhishuang was thinking, Ji Jingchen knew very well, he didn't intend to expose Yang Zhishuang, but slowed down when Yang Zhishuang slowed down...

He was within three steps of Yang Zhishuang, how could Yang Zhishuang walk such a distance?
If he moved even a little bit, Ji Jingchen would have noticed. Yang Zhishuang scolded Ji Jingchen in his heart, he was here to see Yang Zhishuang's jokes, right?
He also thought that Yang Zhishuang would have been in trouble if Ji Jingchen hadn't been there just now...

This kind of part-time model, this kind of money, Yang Zhishuang is really not rare. Next time, she will definitely not be deceived so easily. If she wants to be deceived, unless Yang Zhishuang is a fool.

Yang Zhishuang was thinking this, but she didn't look at the road ahead. She accidentally bumped into Ji Jingchen's back. Yang Zhishuang wrinkled her face in pain. She was covering the place where she was knocked down. Just about to speak, she turned to Ji Jingchen. Yang Zhishuang was instantly speechless.

It's not that Yang Zhishuang didn't want to say it, but Ji Jingchen's eyes looked a little scary...

It was Yang Zhishuang's eyes that she had never seen before, what did Ji Jingchen want?

Is it really okay to look at Yang Zhishuang with such eyes?

Not to be outdone, Yang Zhishuang looked at Ji Jingchen's eyes, and she was about to avoid it a little, which proved that she was guilty, but why should Yang Zhishuang be guilty?
Whether it's this incident or the incident just now, it has nothing to do with Yang Zhishuang. Yang Zhishuang is the most innocent and wronged one...

"What are you looking at me for?"

Yang Zhishuang couldn't bear to look at Ji Jingchen like this, she rolled her eyes angrily and said, Ji Jingchen laughed twice, how could such a laugh sound so sinister...

Is Yang Zhishuang crazy to follow Ji Jingchen?

Who knows what Ji Jingchen will do to Yang Zhishuang later?

Yang Zhishuang turned around and walked in the opposite direction to Ji Jingchen. Ji Jingchen's expression changed, and he quickly grabbed Yang Zhishuang's hand and said, "Where are you going?"

"Isn't it my freedom to go where I want?"

"It's your freedom, yes, but have you forgotten what happened just now?"

Ji Jingchen raised his eyebrows, nodded in response naturally, he deliberately brought up what happened just now, to make Yang Zhishuang remember, this is not a safe place, if Yang Zhishuang wants to walk around at will, Ji Jingchen can't guarantee that nothing else will happen...

What kind of things can make Ji Jingchen so nervous and Yang Zhishuang so caring?
"What did I forget? I..." Yang Zhishuang shook off Ji Jingchen's hand, and emotionally refuted Ji Jingchen. Just in the middle of speaking, Yang Zhishuang thought of what happened at the door of the part-time job...

Yang Zhishuang shut up instantly, she blinked and looked at Ji Jingchen with a seemingly innocent look.

Looking at Yang Zhishuang's innocent appearance, Ji Jingchen felt itchy in his heart, Yang Zhishuang really, how could he show such an expression in front of Ji Jingchen?
Ji Jingchen's heart was tickled, Ji Jingchen put his hands in his belt, looked away, and continued: "If you are not afraid, you can go..."

Ji Jingchen, is this a radical method?
The more he let Yang Zhishuang go, the more Yang Zhishuang would not leave...

Yang Zhishuang lifted it up without a single slap on Ji Jingchen's face, what did Ji Jingchen want to be so indifferent?

It is impossible to show off in front of Yang Zhishuang...

"Ji Jingchen, don't you take yourself too seriously? Don't you know that there is a kind of car in this world called an express car? If I want to take a car, I can just ask her to come to the door. Just show me... "As Yang Zhishuang said, she took out the mobile phone in her bag, opened Alipay, and wanted to call a car.

Ji Jingchen got carried away too much...

After finally having a chance to be alone with Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen naturally wanted to perform well in front of Yang Zhishuang...

If this performance is not good, it will greatly affect the score in the future. Ji Jingchen doesn't want to be dropped by Yang Zhishuang in the first round...

"Shuangshuang, that's not what I meant." Ji Jingchen withdrew his haughty posture, and showed a fawning look again. There was really no way, Ji Jingchen couldn't go on like this.

"You don't mean that, what do you mean?" Yang Zhishuang snorted coldly, and refused to accept Ji Jingchen's apology. If she wanted to be proud in front of Yang Zhishuang, if Ji Jingchen could be proud, wouldn't Yang Zhishuang become too worthless?
"Shuangshuang, I'm worried about you..."

Ji Jingchen sighed, and expressed the most sincere thoughts in his heart.

When seeing Yang Zhishuang being dragged away, Ji Jingchen was furious in his heart, and wanted to clean up Yang Zhishuang, why did Yang Zhishuang protect herself so ignorantly?

After she calmed down and thought about it carefully, Yang Zhishuang was not the kind of person who would suffer. When she encountered such a situation, it must not be what she wanted, and she did not expect this to happen...

Yang Zhishuang couldn't be blamed for this matter, Yang Zhishuang was wronged too, right?

But what Ji Jingchen can't forget is watching Yang Zhishuang being dragged by someone...

Ji Jingchen was even more helpless to think about it, if Ji Jingchen didn't come out, how would Yang Zhishuang face this situation?
"You have always been a very strong girl in my eyes. Your strength is shown in front of Xia Minmin and Mu Niange. In front of other people, I have never seen you who is strong..."

"Just now, seeing you being grabbed by someone's hand, I couldn't think anymore. I went up and hit that person, wanting to vent all the anger in my heart. If you were hurt a little, what should you do?"

Ji Jingchen definitely didn't want to see Yang Zhishuang get hurt...

Although it wasn't the first time that Yang Zhishuang showed a fragile look in front of Ji Jingchen, it was the first time that she was grabbed by other men.

Ji Jingchen couldn't accept just this masculine character...

"I'm not hurt, am I?"

Yang Zhishuang is not cold-blooded, Ji Jingchen is kind to Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang sees it in his eyes, but when his heart is moved, what is left is a piece of emotion that Yang Zhishuang cannot control.

I want, I really want to try it...

Get close to Ji Jingchen like this, let Ji Jingchen come close to you like this, develop with Ji Jingchen like this.

Yang Zhishuang had no way of predicting what kind of situation he would face in the future, but the most important thing was right now?
Yang Zhishuang spoke confidently, Ji Jingchen was about to vomit blood in anger, if Ji Jingchen hadn't appeared in time, could Yang Zhishuang really guarantee that she was fine?

"Shuangshuang, I'm not talking about you. You really shouldn't think of yourself as a superman. You are a woman, not a man. How can a woman compare to a man?"

Ji Jingchen spoke with a sincere tone, as if he wanted to educate Yang Zhishuang well...

(End of this chapter)

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