Chapter 537

What's the difference between a man and a woman? What's wrong with Yang Zhishuang being a woman?
Yang Zhishuang is a woman, does Ji Jingchen look down on her like that?
"Ji Jingchen, what are you talking about? What do you mean I am a woman, don't think of yourself as a superman? If I were a superman, can I stand here and talk to you, a mortal?"

As soon as Yang Zhishuang gained momentum, she took a step forward, approaching Ji Jingchen.

Ji Jingchen swallowed, and subconsciously took a small step back. If Yang Zhishuang got angry and slapped Ji Jingchen on the head, wouldn't Ji Jingchen die of pain?

It's not the first time being beaten by Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen must learn a lesson...

"Shuangshuang, we are all civilized people, what's the matter, we can calm down and talk slowly..."

When did Yang Zhishuang say she was going to beat Ji Jingchen?If Ji Jingchen wants to be beaten by Yang Zhishuang so much, Yang Zhishuang can fulfill Ji Jingchen's...

Yang Zhishuang made a gesture, he was really going to hit Ji Jingchen, Ji Jingchen was really frightened, he curled up in a corner, not daring to look at Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang felt that Ji Jingchen was really ashamed...

Yang Zhishuang stood with Ji Jingchen, it was even more embarrassing, she stepped forward and patted Ji Jingchen's arm and said, "What are you doing? Do you think I will really hit you?"

Yang Zhishuang is not that kind of person, Ji Jingchen doesn't understand Yang Zhishuang too much...

Ji Jingchen himself felt ashamed, afraid that Yang Zhishuang would be so afraid. However, it was precisely because he was afraid of Yang Zhishuang that he and Yang Zhishuang had such a development. Ji Jingchen was willing to be afraid of Yang Zhishuang.

"Where are you going, I'll take you back..."

Ji Jingchen stopped talking nonsense, and just talked about the main point. He was here to pick up Yang Zhishuang. Hearing this, Yang Zhishuang didn't reject Ji Jingchen anymore, thinking that what Ji Jingchen said made sense...

It's actually quite nice to have Ji Jingchen by my side...

At the very least, Ji Jingchen can scare people.

The corners of Yang Zhishuang's lips twitched uncontrollably, her bad mood disappeared in an instant...

Yang Zhishuang followed Ji Jingchen, and Ji Jingchen opened the co-pilot's door and asked Yang Zhishuang to sit on it. Yang Zhishuang glanced at Ji Jingchen and sat on it without saying a word. When Ji Jingchen followed, Yang Zhishuang looked forward and said, "I invite you to dinner... ..."

A simple sentence made Ji Jingchen suspect that he had heard it wrong.

Yang Zhishuang said she wanted to treat herself to dinner?

Ji Jingchen wanted to have dinner with Yang Zhishuang for a long time, but every time he failed...

Is this not far from success?

Ji Jingchen was stunned, unable to react for a while, Yang Zhishuang frowned, and urged with a bit of impatience: "I invite you to dinner, do you want it? If you want it, start quickly..."

If she didn't drive again, Yang Zhishuang didn't want to go with Ji Jingchen.

Ji Jingchen nodded quickly, started the car, and drove away. Yang Zhishuang invited him to dinner. The place was naturally chosen by Yang Zhishuang. Yang Zhishuang bought a group purchase in Meituan, and found a shop very close...

Behind Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen watched as Yang Zhishuang handed the verification code of Meituan to the waiter, and then the waiter served the food. Ji Jingchen approached Yang Zhishuang, and said in a low voice, "Don't we need to pay later?"

"Don't you know the term online shopping?"

Ji Jingchen really doesn't know...

He was embarrassed, shut up wisely, Yang Zhishuang is the emperor, Ji Jingchen is a little eunuch next to Yang Zhishuang, he can't say anything...

Yang Zhishuang ate quite happily, while Ji Jingchen ate so-so. It should be said that Ji Jingchen didn't like this kind of food, so there was really no way to like it...

Ji Jingchen looked at Yang Zhishuang who was eating very deliciously, and thought, even if he didn't like it, he could eat it with Yang Zhishuang. Seeing Yang Zhishuang eating so happily, Ji Jingchen was quite satisfied.

After a meal, Ji Jingchen felt that the relationship between himself and Yang Zhishuang had increased...

The increase is not just talk, it's true, you see, Yang Zhishuang doesn't reject Ji Jingchen that much anymore, this is a great thing for Ji Jingchen...

"Shuangshuang, do we want to watch a movie next?" Ji Jingchen looked sideways at Yang Zhishuang and asked casually.

Yang Zhishuang glanced at Ji Jingchen expressionlessly and said, "It's true that you helped me. But I didn't intend to treat you to dinner or watch a movie..."

Ji Jingchen didn't want Yang Zhishuang to treat him, Yang Zhishuang didn't have to be so emotional, but Yang Zhishuang was not a stingy person, why would he care about Ji Jingchen for such a thing?

"You treat me to dinner, and I treat you to a movie. Isn't that normal?"

Ji Jingchen said it as a matter of course, but Yang Zhishuang didn't think so. If it continued like this, it would seem that Yang Zhishuang was dating Ji Jingchen. Yang Zhishuang didn't want to date Ji Jingchen, and Ji Jingchen didn't even think about it...

"You can go to someone else to watch a movie."

It meant that Yang Zhishuang didn't want to watch a movie with Ji Jingchen. Ji Jingchen had no choice but to follow Yang Zhishuang's wishes and send Yang Zhishuang back to school. Seeing that Yang Zhishuang was about to get off the car, Ji Jingchen couldn't hold back and said, "Shuangshuang ..."

Yang Zhishuang looked back at Ji Jingchen, Ji Jingchen struggled in his heart, and felt that there were some things that he really needed to clarify with Yang Zhishuang...

"I'm thinking, in the future, if you have anything, can you think of me first?"

Yang Zhishuang's surprised eyes fell on Ji Jingchen, what did Yang Zhishuang think of Ji Jingchen?Thinking of inviting Ji Jingchen to dinner?

Ji Jingchen really likes to be funny...

How could Yang Zhishuang be thinking about such things all the time, wouldn't Yang Zhishuang be at a loss?
"Shuangshuang, what I mean is, if you want to go anywhere, you can think of me and let me come to act as your driver. No matter when or where you go, I will arrange a time to come out..."

What Ji Jingchen needs is a word from Yang Zhishuang. Yang Zhishuang's words are more effective than anything else. What Ji Jingchen wants Yang Zhishuang to know is this. I hope Yang Zhishuang can keep Ji Jingchen in his heart.

What Ji Jingchen said was lightweight, how could it be so simple in practice?

Yang Zhishuang had thought about letting Ji Jingchen come here. If Ji Jingchen really wanted to pursue Yang Zhishuang, how could he not stand such a test?

However, the test is just a test, and it will not really be realized...

Whenever she remembered that Lu Yanche came to school to pick up Mu Niange, Yang Zhishuang felt an inexplicable emotion in her heart, and she didn't know where this emotion came from...

It wasn't very good anyway, it should be said that it was the matter between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche that had a bad influence on Yang Zhishuang.

(End of this chapter)

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