Chapter 540

Lu Meiqi thought so, walking back and forth in the room...

Looking out of the window, Lu Meiqi saw Yang Zhishuang speechlessly, her eyes lit up, and she ran out of the room with a bit of excitement.

Lu Meiqi hadn't seen Yang Zhishuang for a long time, nor had she called or sent messages to Yang Zhishuang, for fear that she would disturb Yang Zhishuang, why would Yang Zhishuang appear in the courtyard?
Such doubts arose in Lu Meiqi's heart, the way, Yang Zhishuang is Mu Niange's bridesmaid, it's normal to come out here...

In this way, Lu Meiqi is not alone, she has Yang Zhishuang as her companion.

When Lu Meiqi came out of the house, she saw Ji Jingchen sneaking behind Yang Zhishuang, Lu Meiqi looked surprised, what's going on?

Yang Zhishuang appeared here, and Ji Jingchen followed?
What did Ji Jingchen want to do to Yang Zhishuang?
With such a mentality in mind, Lu Meiqi walked into Ji Jingchen slowly. Lu Meiqi walked very carefully, with very light steps, for fear of alarming Ji Jingchen...

She patted Ji Jingchen's shoulder fiercely from behind Ji Jingchen. Ji Jingchen was frightened and turned around to see that it was Lu Meiqi. He really wanted to strangle Lu Meiqi to death. Did Lu Meiqi not know such a truth?
Scaring people can scare people to death...

"Ji Jingchen, what are you doing here?"

Before Ji Jingchen could speak, Lu Meiqi spoke first. She followed Ji Jingchen's line of sight and happened to see Yang Zhishuang's sitting position: "Ji Jingchen, aren't you? You follow Sister Shuangshuang, you..."

Lu Meiqi's voice raised, and Ji Jingchen hurriedly covered Lu Meiqi's mouth to prevent Lu Meiqi from saying the next thing. He dragged Lu Meiqi to the side and hid...

Lu Meiqi struggled to break free from Ji Jingchen, wanting to be free. If Ji Jingchen continued like this, Lu Meiqi would be breathless. Ji Jingchen must have done something wrong to want to do this.

Lu Meiqi kept yelling...

Ji Jingchen stared at Lu Meiqi: "I let go, you shut up."

Lu Meiqi nodded and compromised with Ji Jingchen. At this time, if Lu Meiqi doesn't compromise, what can she do?
Lu Meiqi breathed heavily: "You must have done something shameful..."

Lu Meiqi can speak with certainty instead of suspicion...

Ji Jingchen wanted to strangle Lu Meiqi to death. If it wasn't for Lu Meiqi, Ji Jingchen would have talked to Yang Zhishuang. Seeing Yang Zhishuang sitting there alone, Ji Jingchen's heart was throbbing, and his heart ached.

I really want to go forward, hug Yang Zhishuang into my arms, and love her dearly...

Ji Jingchen didn't even look at Lu Meiqi, his eyes were fixed on Yang Zhishuang's direction, Lu Meiqi was ignored by Ji Jingchen, he felt uncomfortable...

She moved to Ji Jingchen's side and said, "Don't tell you, you want to take revenge on Sister Shuangshuang."

The relationship between Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen is known to everyone in the compound. Yang Zhishuang has been riding on Ji Jingchen's head, bullying Ji Jingchen fiercely. Cleaning up Ji Jingchen doesn't leave any sympathy for Ji Jingchen.

"Am I as boring as you?"

Ji Jingchen glanced at Lu Meiqi, and said angrily...

When Lu Meiqi heard this, she was instantly angry. What did Ji Jingchen mean by this?
To Ji Jingchen, taking revenge on Xia Minmin is a boring thing?
Isn't what Xia Minmin did to Lu Meiqi back then boring?

What did Lu Meiqi think, why was he upset, he stood up and walked towards Yang Zhishuang's position: "You don't need to tell me your purpose, but you can't stop me from telling Sister Shuangshuang your purpose..."

Lu Meiqi was windy and rainy again, how did Ji Jingchen bear it?

Feeling so tired, Ji Jingchen stepped forward and grabbed Lu Meiqi's hand and said, "Meiqi, I didn't mean that, please don't misunderstand me..."

How could Lu Meiqi misunderstand Ji Jingchen?
What Ji Jingchen said was really funny...

Lu Meiqi shook off Ji Jingchen's hand calmly. She folded her arms around her chest and said with a bit of pride: "Ji Jingchen, I don't need your apology. What I want is the truth..."

A truth that can convince Lu Meiqi, if it can't convince Lu Meiqi, what Ji Jingchen does is meaningless, and what he does is useless.

Ji Jingchen is not good at going out, right?
Otherwise, how could he bump into someone like Lu Meiqi?

Ji Jingchen had no choice but to tell Lu Meiqi about the matter...

Lu Meiqi expressed quite surprise, how could things develop in this direction?
Lu Meiqi didn't realize at all that Ji Jingchen was interested in Yang Zhishuang, so Ji Jingchen covered it up too well, right?
"You want to ask to chase Sister Shuangshuang, do you think it might be an easy task?"

Do not……

It can't be an easy task, Ji Jingchen has never felt that way, so right now, Ji Jingchen is so distressed, so distressed that he is dying, wishing for someone to come out to help Ji Jingchen...

However, the only person who can really help Ji Jingchen is Ji Jingchen himself, other people can't help Ji Jingchen at all.

"Ji Jingchen, I'm not talking about you, it's impossible for Sister Shuangshuang to fall in love with you."

Lu Meiqi patted Ji Jingchen's shoulder, and said earnestly, Lu Meiqi was the first person to hit Ji Jingchen in front of Ji Jingchen, Ji Jingchen was about to vomit blood, why did Yang Zhishuang despise her?

How can I match Yang Zhishuang?Or, Ji Jingchen is really bad...

"Is it really, impossible for me to be liked by Shuangshuang?"

The scene changed too fast, Lu Meiqi couldn't bear it, he laughed twice, this is really not what Lu Meiqi can be sure, sure, guarantee...

How about Lu Meiqi helping Ji Jingchen and asking Yang Zhishuang?
"I'm not Sister Shuangshuang, so I can't be sure about Sister Shuangshuang's thoughts, but if you treat Sister Shuangshuang in this way, it's impossible to get Sister Shuangshuang's liking..."

Lu Meiqi spoke from Yang Zhishuang's point of view: "Sister Shuangshuang is a very cool person..."

What kind of combination would a cool person be with a silly person?
This is really quite exciting...

"I know Shuangshuang is a cool person, so what do you want now? Hit me again?"

Lu Meiqi shook her head: "Don't dare."

After hitting Ji Jingchen once, if he wants to do it again, Ji Jingchen can't bear it, what should Lu Meiqi do?
Continue to comfort Ji Jingchen here?
(End of this chapter)

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