Chapter 541

Do not……

That's impossible, Lu Meiqi's original intention was not like this.

"What do you want to do, you can continue, I'll go first." Lu Meiqi said so, he really wanted to leave, Ji Jingchen didn't want Lu Meiqi to go, he grabbed Lu Meiqi's hand, looked into Lu Meiqi's eyes, and brought With a bit of sincerity: "Can you do me a favor?"


What does Ji Jingchen want Lu Meiqi to help with?
Lu Meiqi had a bad feeling in her heart...

Yang Zhishuang blew the wind, and her mind cleared up a little. Yang Zhishuang wanted to get up and go back to Mu's house, but then thought that there was Ji Jingchen in Mu's house, Ji Jingchen's ghost was still there, if she wanted to do something to Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang could handle it?

Yang Zhishuang thought, she couldn't handle it...

But escaping like this is not a way out, Yang Zhishuang mustered up her courage, stood up, and just turned around, Lu Meiqi came oncoming, Lu Meiqi smiled unnaturally, Yang Zhishuang was surprised.

"Sister Shuangshuang..."

Lu Meiqi ran over, she held Yang Zhishuang's arm, and said affectionately, "Why are you here? I wanted to play with you, and you happened to be here, what a coincidence..."

Aren't Lu Meiqi's words contradictory?

Yang Zhishuang couldn't understand what Lu Meiqi meant. Yang Zhishuang looked sideways at Lu Meiqi, wanting to see some clues from Lu Meiqi's face, but she couldn't see any clues. Yang Zhishuang was really conflicted...

"We didn't see each other a while ago. I was busy. During this time, I was at the Niangejia. If you have anything, you can come to the Niangejia to find me..."

With Yang Zhishuang's guarantee, Lu Meiqi felt a little better. Finally, she was not busy in vain. Judging by Ji Jingchen's appearance, Lu Meiqi could not do what Ji Jingchen said, and Ji Jingchen refused to give up...

Before he knew it, Lu Meiqi and Ji Jingchen were on the same front. Ji Jingchen soon discovered that with Lu Meiqi around, it was really convenient for Ji Jingchen to do things...

This convenience refers to being able to meet Yang Zhishuang, which is different from when he asked Mu Niange. Lu Meiqi was really straightforward, and the cheerful Ji Jingchen wanted to treat Lu Meiqi as his biological sister.

"Ji Jingchen, let me tell you some good news, I've made an appointment with Sister Shuangshuang..."

Lu Meiqi called Ji Jingchen, triumphantly talking about the surprise he brought to Ji Jingchen. Hearing this, Ji Jingchen sat up from the bed: "Really, when?"

"Tomorrow, Sister Shuangshuang and I will go out and have something to do. If you are free, you can come together..."

Lu Meiqi said quite casually, as if Ji Jingchen wanted to come, Lu Meiqi would definitely be able to help Ji Jingchen, and Ji Jingchen didn't need to do anything.

"If I show up right away, Shuangshuang will find out. Tell me your itinerary, and I will show up silently when the time comes, for a chance encounter..."

What kind of encounter is Ji Jingchen talking about?
Lu Meiqi was about to throw up, but what Ji Jingchen said made sense...'

Rather than meeting here, it would be better to appear outside and meet without knowing it. In that case, it would be a very good thing for everyone...

"The matter is so settled, you wait for my good news."

Lu Meiqi was very excited, just as excited as when she was dealing with Lu Yanche and Mu Niange...

Lu Meiqi is really looking forward to what will happen when Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen combine.

Yang Zhishuang and Lu Meiqi went out mainly for shopping, Yang Zhishuang wanted to give Mu Niange a wedding gift, this gift, of course, could not be sloppy, thinking of Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang thought again, should he come with him?
What did you ask Ji Jingchen to do?
Yang Zhishuang was stunned...

Can't answer, but wants Ji Jingchen to come, what kind of logic is this?

When Yang Zhishuang and Lu Meiqi went out, she was in a good mood...

Mu Niange felt that Yang Zhishuang should go out to relax, staying at home all day is not a good thing...

Mu Niange wanted to go out with Yang Zhishuang, but who would have thought that Yang Zhishuang rejected Mu Niange, saying that he was going out with Lu Meiqi, it was very strange, when did Lu Meiqi and Yang Zhishuang bump into each other?

Got in touch so soon?
The two go out together?
Mu Niange chuckled, and said with a bit of helplessness: "Well, you and Meiqi go out and have fun..."

Yang Zhishuang nodded in agreement, and went out with Lu Meiqi, Lu Meiqi was leading Yang Zhishuang away, Yang Zhishuang was not familiar with this area at all, quite unfamiliar, I am afraid that Yang Zhishuang would go out and not come back.

"Sister Shuangshuang, is there anything you particularly want to buy?"

There is nothing special to buy, but there is one thing that must be bought: "You know, Nian Ge is going to marry your brother."

This is great news, Lu Meiqi must know it: "I think my brother is really lucky..."|
Seeing what Lu Meiqi said, Yang Zhishuang couldn't understand: "Your brother is lucky, aren't you happy?"

How could Lu Meiqi be unhappy?

What she wanted to express was not this: "I was thinking, how could Sister Niange be with my brother so easily, after all, my brother really did a lot of bad things..."

Lu Meiqi saw those bad things in her eyes and kept them in her heart. It was not easy for Lu Meiqi to forget them.

When did Lu Meiqi's mind become so delicate?

This is a question that even Yang Zhishuang almost ignores. If Mu Niange is happy, what is impossible?

It's okay, it's okay to be happy, it's not happy to be happy, it's not the same between the three, isn't it?

"Sometimes, emotional matters are really difficult to control and understand." Yang Zhishuang's expression suddenly dawned, and she unconsciously said such a sentence.

Lu Meiqi observed Yang Zhishuang's expression, and she could tell that Yang Zhishuang was a very serious person.

"According to what you said, there are times when you can't control it?" Lu Meiqi was completely testing Yang Zhishuang. After hearing Lu Meiqi's words, Yang Zhishuang gave Lu Meiqi an angry look: "I'm trying to reason with you, where do you want to go?" gone?"

"I didn't think where it was going, I was just thinking, how can you understand so well?"

Such an understanding...

So understanding?
Did Yang Zhishuang really understand?
In a word, Yang Zhishuang was stunned, unable to react, when did Yang Zhishuang become like this?

Didn't Mu Niange keep saying those great principles in Yang Zhishuang's ears before?

"Sister Shuangshuang, do you have a date?" Lu Meiqi smiled wickedly and asked Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang rubbed the center of her brows, feeling a little headache.

(End of this chapter)

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