Chapter 544

Yang Zhishuang managed to wrap the gift in her hand, and just about to put it by her side, she turned around and met Ji Jingchen's gaze, Yang Zhishuang was stunned, a little stunned...

Ji Jingchen didn't even expect that Yang Zhishuang would suddenly turn her head, and the moment her eyes met each other, there was an ambiguous aura in the air...

Yang Zhishuang forgot to look away, and just stared at Ji Jingchen. Ji Jingchen's deep eyes stared at Yang Zhishuang's eyes, and his eyes fell on Yang Zhishuang's lips involuntarily, and kissed her at this time.

Is it the best time?

However, what consequences will Ji Jingchen face when he kisses her?
Ji Jingchen couldn't imagine, worried that if he really kissed him, Yang Zhishuang's slap came to him...

The relationship between Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang was not that good. How Yang Zhishuang felt towards Ji Jingchen, Ji Jingchen hadn't figured it out until this moment. If he really did that to Yang Zhishuang, how would he face Yang Zhishuang in the future?
Ji Jingchen clenched his hands into fists...

What he needs is courage...

Yang Zhishuang's hand on the sofa moved slightly, touched the gift on the sofa, and fell to the ground with a bang...

As if waking up from a dream, Yang Zhishuang leaned over nervously and picked up the gift on the ground, forgetting what was inside, Yang Zhishuang had to unwrap the wrapping paper to be sure that the contents inside were intact.

Seeing Yang Zhishuang being so nervous and caring...

Ji Jingchen felt that he was doing a disservice by being here...

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Ji Jingchen stood up from the sofa and volunteered, "I'm going to make dinner..."

Just as Ji Jingchen finished speaking, without giving Yang Zhishuang a chance to respond, she turned around and walked towards the door of the room. After Ji Jingchen walked out, only Yang Zhishuang was left in the huge room. Yang Zhishuang looked around, then at the door, and finally chose to remain silent. , continue to wrap the gift.

Ji Jingchen's cooking skills are really good...

Lu Yanche, Mu Yuanling is not as good as Ji Jingchen, sometimes, he wants to ask Ji Jingchen to cook...

Ji Jingchen may not be happy, for Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen is willing to volunteer, proving that Yang Zhishuang really has an extraordinary place in Ji Jingchen's heart...

However, Yang Zhishuang didn't know this point. Yang Zhishuang was more focused than anything else. During the period, Mu Niange called Yang Zhishuang and asked where Yang Zhishuang was. Hearing this, Mu Niange chuckled lightly, and teased Yang Zhishuang, "Don't tell me, you're at Ji Jingchen's house..."

If Yang Zhishuang said yes, Mu Niange might not believe it...

Yang Zhishuang chose to remain silent and let Mu Niange guess for herself.

When Mu Niange hung up the phone, there was a knock on the door of the room. Ji Jingchen opened the door, probed in and looked at Yang Zhishuang, "Can I come in?"

It was obviously his own room, and Ji Jingchen asked so politely, Yang Zhishuang didn't know how to respond to Ji Jingchen...

Yang Zhishuang nodded, and stared at Ji Jingchen as he walked in. Ji Jingchen rubbed his nose embarrassedly, pointed in the direction of the living room and said, "You can come down to eat."

Yang Zhishuang hummed lightly, put down the things in her hands, got up, and walked towards Ji Jingchen, Ji Jingchen let Yang Zhishuang go in front, he walked behind Yang Zhishuang, and walked to the dining table, Ji Jingchen politely helped Yang Zhishuang to open the chair, Yang Zhishuang was held by Ji Jingchen Amused by her actions, she sat down and looked at Ji Jingchen with treacherous eyes.

The long-lost eyes...

How long has it been since Yang Zhishuang didn't get along with Ji Jingchen in this way?

Ji Jingchen's expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't get used to it for a while...

Yang Zhishuang smiled, picked up the tableware to eat: "I never thought you would have such a side..."

Yang Zhishuang is complimenting Ji Jingchen, right?

Ji Jingchen didn't ask, and regarded Yang Zhishuang as complimenting: "I have many sides, which you have never seen before..."

"Really? Then you want to show it one by one in front of me?"

Ji Jingchen wants to show it to Yang Zhishuang one by one. The premise is that Yang Zhishuang will give Ji Jingchen that kind of opportunity: "Some things, I can't get what I want. Whether the other party accepts it is also an important issue."

When did Ji Jingchen become so considerate of the other person's feelings?

Yang Zhishuang was quite uncomfortable, she nodded thoughtfully, what Ji Jingchen said was not unreasonable...

"But, sometimes, shouldn't you use a tough attitude?" Yang Zhishuang said quite casually, and didn't say who the question was aimed at. Ji Jingchen heard that Yang Zhishuang was talking about herself.

Ji Jingchen's hand holding the chopsticks trembled slightly, looked up at Yang Zhishuang, and asked with some uncertainty: "Shuangshuang, are you encouraging me?"

What did Yang Zhishuang encourage Ji Jingchen?

Yang Zhishuang was confused, Ji Jingchen looked excited, Yang Zhishuang pondered for a while before realizing what was going on, Ji Jingchen could understand that, Yang Zhishuang was encouraging Ji Jingchen: "Sometimes, I think, some things, I didn’t really have to do that, and then I thought, in fact, I don’t have to be so persistent…”

Yes, Yang Zhishuang doesn't need to be so persistent, some things happen naturally, not deliberately...

Right now, the situation of Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen is like this.

Yang Zhishuang didn't deliberately want to come here, it was Ji Jingchen who asked Yang Zhishuang to come here, and Yang Zhishuang came here uncontrollably...

Yang Zhishuang thought about it, and smiled softly.

Hearing Yang Zhishuang's laughter, Ji Jingchen was a little silly, what's the matter with this laugh?

Ji Jingchen couldn't understand for a while...

Yang Zhishuang stared at Ji Jingchen, and said in a rather bad tone: "What are you looking at, help me pack the meal after eating..."

Ji Jingchen nodded repeatedly, and hurriedly responded.

Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen packed all the gifts until ten o'clock in the evening. Yang Zhishuang stayed in Ji Jingchen's room and forgot the time. Mrs. Ji came back, but Yang Zhishuang didn't realize it.

When Yang Zhishuang walked out of Ji Jingchen's room and saw Mrs. Ji sitting on the sofa in the living room, Yang Zhishuang was dumbfounded, she was a little at a loss, she stepped forward to say hello: "Auntie..."

Mrs. Ji was quite surprised that there was a girl hidden in Ji Jingchen's room.

Ji Jingchen had never done such a thing before: "Come and sit..."

Mrs. Ji patted the position beside her and asked Yang Zhishuang to step forward. Seeing this look, Ji Jingchen hurried out to smooth things over and said, "It's getting late, I'm going to send Shuangshuang back."

Mrs. Ji had some influence on Yang Zhishuang, and she couldn't remember where she met Yang Zhishuang...

(End of this chapter)

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