Chapter 545

Hearing that Ji Jingchen was going to send Yang Zhishuang back, Mrs. Ji thought about it and said, "You are, are you the good friend who recited the song?"

"Yes, she is Yang Zhishuang..."

Before Yang Zhishuang spoke, Ji Jingchen helped Yang Zhishuang speak first, Yang Zhishuang smiled at Mrs. Ji, but said nothing...

I don't know what kind of image Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang have in Madam Ji's heart, but Yang Zhishuang dare not speak lightly.

When Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen walked out the door, Mrs. Ji said to Yang Zhishuang, "Come here often..."

Mrs. Ji's impression of Yang Zhishuang is good?
Otherwise, wouldn't you say such a thing?
Thinking of this, Ji Jingchen felt quite happy. Mrs. Ji's liking for Yang Zhishuang was a great help and support to Ji Jingchen...

Yang Zhishuang didn't want to expose Ji Jingchen, what Ji Jingchen was thinking in his heart, Yang Zhishuang was clear, when he got to the door of Mu's house, Yang Zhishuang looked back at Ji Jingchen and said, "Here we are, I'm going in."

Ji Jingchen was thinking, why does Mu's family have to be opposite to his own?
Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang didn't get along very well at all...

If Ji Jingchen's words were to come out, Yang Zhishuang would definitely complain about Ji Jingchen. After getting along for a day, isn't it just getting along?

Just as Yang Zhishuang finished speaking, Ji Jingchen grabbed Yang Zhishuang's hand before Ji Jingchen could respond, "Wait..."

Yang Zhishuang turned her head in surprise, she was not in a hurry to shake off Ji Jingchen's hand, she wanted to see what kind of tricks Ji Jingchen was going to play.

"Are you coming to my house tomorrow?"

"What am I going to your house for?"

Yang Zhishuang responded subconsciously, but Ji Jingchen was speechless...

Yang Zhishuang's presents at Ji Jingchen's place are all wrapped, what is Yang Zhishuang going to Ji Jingchen's house for?
Ji Jingchen's question is illogical, right?
Yang Zhishuang looked at Ji Jingchen who was holding her hand and said, "Can you let go? I want to go back to sleep..."

Yang Zhishuang can speak so calmly and freely, Ji Jingchen is ashamed of himself, Ji Jingchen wants to dig a hole to bury himself, Ji Jingchen is ashamed and thrown to his grandma's house, right?
Ji Jingchen let go of Yang Zhishuang's hand slowly, saying nothing, if you have anything to say, Ji Jingchen will tell Ji Jingchen after he clears up his mind...

The moment Yang Zhishuang walked into the gate of Mu's courtyard, a smile appeared on the corners of her lips. She took two or three steps, looked back at Ji Jingchen and said, "Sometimes, I think you're quite smart, and sometimes, I think you're smart." You're pretty stupid..."

In Yang Zhishuang's eyes, Ji Jingchen is an idiot?
What Yang Zhishuang said, Ji Jingchen didn't know how to respond, the next second, Yang Zhishuang's words fell below Ji Jingchen's vision and said: "No, it should be said, you are really stupid, in general, I shouldn't be asked to wrap all the presents, but should wrap them several times, so that the time spent alone is more than a day's time?"

Moreover, we can see each other every day, not every day, after three autumns...

Ji Jingchen was defeated by Yang Zhishuang, and when Yang Zhishuang's figure completely disappeared in front of Ji Jingchen's eyes, Yang Zhishuang was fluttering in the wind.

Subtle changes have taken place in the relationship between Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang...

Yang Zhishuang was encouraging Ji Jingchen. With Ji Jingchen's understanding, he mustered up courage regarding Yang Zhishuang's matter...

Seeing that Mu Niange's and Lu Yanche's wedding is coming soon, Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang need to discuss certain things...

The time they stayed together seemed to be longer. Lu Meiqi was quite interested in the matter of Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang. Seeing the rapid development of the relationship between Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang, Lu Meiqi felt a little unbelievable. Ji Jingchen is not that kind of person...

How can you do such a great thing?
Yang Zhishuang is not an easy character to deal with...

Did Ji Jingchen drug Yang Zhishuang?

Lu Meiqi couldn't imagine, she came to Ji Jingchen several times and asked about Ji Jingchen's situation. Ji Jingchen was very proud in front of Lu Meiqi...

Lu Meiqi is the person who is the least optimistic about Ji Jingchen. Lu Meiqi is quite surprised by such a change.

Ji Jingchen touched his nose, leaned close to Lu Meiqi's ear and said, "This is a secret, a secret that cannot be known to you..."

When Lu Meiqi heard this, her face became angry, and she wanted to slap Ji Jingchen on the forehead. This is the rhythm of Ji Jingchen turning his face and denying others...

Lu Meiqi suppressed the anger in her heart: "Aren't you afraid that if you treat me like this, I will go and inform Sister Shuangshuang?"

"There's nothing to tell, I didn't do anything to you..."

See what Ji Jingchen said, what is his attitude?

With Yang Zhishuang's backing, is she not afraid of anything?
The relationship between Lu Meiqi and Ji Jingchen is quite harmonious and harmonious...

From a distance, seeing such a scene, Yang Zhishuang didn't know how it felt in her heart, it was not very good, although the other party was Lu Meiqi and Lu Yanche's younger sister, but she was not Ji Jingchen's younger sister after all...

This kind of intimacy, this kind of action seems to be similar, like, something like this happened between Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang.

At some point, Mu Niange stood beside Yang Zhishuang. She followed Yang Zhishuang's line of sight and saw the scene where Lu Meiqi and Ji Jingchen were together. She could imagine what Yang Zhishuang was thinking.

Mu Niange once had that feeling too, it's not like he wants to forget, but he can forget it easily...

"Shuangshuang, don't you feel bad..." Mu Niange's deep voice rang in Yang Zhishuang's ears. Mu Niange watched calmly, just like Yang Zhishuang. are different.

"Whether I feel in my heart, do you know better than me?"

Yang Zhishuang's rhetorical question made Mu Niange chuckle, Yang Zhishuang definitely did not mean to provoke Mu Niange, this point, Mu Niange knew better than Yang Zhishuang...

"You said you didn't care about Ji Jingchen, you said you didn't want to be with Ji Jingchen, you said yes, Ji Jingchen, you are not suitable, but when you see Ji Jingchen with other people, you can't calm down..."

Yes, unable to calm down, unable to calm the mood in my heart, what kind of feeling is that?
Mu Niange understands better than Yang Zhishuang, but Yang Zhishuang doesn't want to let Mu Niange know the truest feeling in her heart...

"I think I'm different from you..."

Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang cannot be said to be the same, nor can they be said to be different. Ji Jingchen and Lu Yanche are not on the same side, nor are Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang.

"We are different, and we are the same. There are some things that you can say directly..."

There is no need to hide it in your heart and make yourself uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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