Chapter 546

Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange from the side, and felt that Mu Niange was completely different from before. The previous Mu Niange would never say such things to Yang Zhishuang, and the Mu Niange who would say such things was because he had let go of the past. thing.

Yang Zhishuang felt quite relieved...

However, Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange's standpoints are from different angles: "Niange, there are some things that don't need to be said, just do it..."

As soon as Yang Zhishuang finished speaking, she walked towards the direction where Ji Jingchen and Lu Meiqi were...

Sensing someone approaching, Ji Jingchen looked over subconsciously. When he saw Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen hurriedly grabbed Lu Meiqi's hand away with a bit of disgust.

Yang Zhishuang watched Ji Jingchen's every move, it was not just pretending, it was the most authentic expression, thinking of this, Yang Zhishuang couldn't help laughing, she stepped forward and grabbed Ji Jingchen's ear, and said viciously to Ji Jingchen: "You What are you doing? Such a bad attitude towards Meiqi?"

Ji Jingchen was so hurt by Yang Zhishuang, he grabbed Yang Zhishuang's hand and kept shouting: "Shuangshuang, what are you doing?"

What Yang Zhishuang was doing, wasn't it obvious?

Need Yang Zhishuang to repeat it to Ji Jingchen again?
Seeing Ji Jingchen being treated like this by Yang Zhishuang, Lu Meiqi was in a great mood. Just now Ji Jingchen was proud in front of Yang Zhishuang...

In fact, the person who should be really proud is not Ji Jingchen, but Yang Zhishuang. Even if Yang Zhishuang is really interested in Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang will help Lu Meiqi. Sis, let me tell you, Ji Jingchen just wanted to speak ill of you..."

Ji Jingchen scolded Lu Meiqi thousands of times in his heart...

What the hell?

When did Ji Jingchen scold Yang Zhishuang? From Ji Jingchen's mouth, he only praised Yang Zhishuang...

"Mei Qi, don't wrong me."

It's good to be misunderstood by anyone, but don't be misunderstood by Yang Zhishuang. Is the relationship with Yang Zhishuang that has been established with so much difficulty going to be abandoned halfway like this?
Ji Jingchen is not a fool, he doesn't want such a thing to happen...

"Sister Shuangshuang, I'm telling the truth, don't believe what Ji Jingchen said..." Lu Meiqi kept talking in Yang Zhishuang's ear, Yang Zhishuang looked at Lu Meiqi with a smile, and let go of Ji Jingchen's ear.

She looked natural, as if what happened just now didn't happen...

No one knew what Yang Zhishuang was feeling.

If you don't want to see the person you like make such an intimate move with other people, the only way is to step forward and destroy them...

At the beginning, Xia Minmin used this method to treat Mu Niange, but unfortunately, Mu Niange didn't know how to deal with Xia Minmin, so Xia Minmin didn't suffer like that.

Yang Zhishuang's and Mu Niange's positions are different...

It's even more unlikely that Lu Meiqi could be Xia Minmin. Yang Zhishuang did this purely to feel better. What she thought of was her own feelings, not other people's feelings. Yang Zhishuang put herself first.

"Ji Jingchen doesn't have the guts to speak ill of me behind my back..."

Yang Zhishuang spoke confidently, quite confident. Hearing Yang Zhishuang's words, Lu Meiqi looked at Yang Zhishuang with a smirk and said, "Sister Shuangshuang, do you know Ji Jingchen so well?"

Knowing what Ji Jingchen dares to do and what not to dare...

If Yang Zhishuang wants to say that she has nothing to do with Ji Jingchen, Lu Meiqi will not believe it...

Lu Meiqi booed, Ji Jingchen's lips curled up into a smile, he was in a very happy mood, and Lu Meiqi was not useless, knowing how to help Ji Jingchen was the most appropriate...

Ji Jingchen cleared his throat and really felt complacent: "If Shuangshuang doesn't understand me, who understands me?"

"According to what you said, am I the roundworm in your stomach?" Yang Zhishuang raised her eyebrows and responded calmly.

Hearing this, Ji Jingchen chuckled twice. Ji Jingchen didn't know how to respond to this question...

If he said yes, wouldn't he be speaking ill of Yang Zhishuang?

If not, wouldn't it be indirectly denying Yang Zhishuang's understanding of herself?
Ji Jingchen's heart is really tangled...

Mu Niange watched such a scene from a distance, and admired Yang Zhishuang from the bottom of his heart. Yang Zhishuang was right, Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang were different, and the way Yang Zhishuang chose was always so unexpected .

Mu Niange smiled softly, a trace of helplessness appeared in his eyes...

On the day of Mu Niange's wedding, Yang Zhishuang was always by Mu Niange's side. When Yang Zhishuang brought out the gifts that Yang Zhishuang had prepared for Mu Niange, Mu Niange burst into tears...

What Yang Zhishuang brought to Mu Niange was a silent touch, whether it was in the past or now, it has never changed...


It has never changed, Mu Niange seems to be always placed first in Yang Zhishuang's heart...

Mu Niange cried, and Yang Zhishuang's eyes turned red. What she wanted and expected most was the scene in front of her. However, when the thing really came true, Yang Zhishuang felt a little sad.

It seems that the relationship between Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange really can't be the same as before.

What is changing, what is changing?

Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange couldn't even remember, Yang Zhishuang sniffed, stepped forward and wiped away Mu Niange's tears angrily: "Why are you crying? You want to spend the makeup you put on so hard ?"

Of course Mu Niange didn't want to, it was quite a strenuous task...

Mu Niange let Yang Zhishuang wipe her tears, she stared at Yang Zhishuang without blinking, as if Mu Niange was interested in Yang Zhishuang...

Ji Jingchen and Lu Yanche are the third party and the fourth party in this room. Although they feel quite helpless, they have given up space to them...

After Ji Jingchen walked out of the room, he put his hand on Lu Yanche's shoulder. He stared at the corsage on Ji Jingchen's chest, and said enviously, "That's great, if only I could be like you."

Ji Jingchen wants to be like Lu Yanche, why does he want to be like Lu Yanche?
Lu Yanche thought Ji Jingchen was crazy...

Lu Yanche reached out and touched the corsage on Ji Jingchen's chest and said, "Aren't you carrying this thing like me?"

Ji Jingchen wanted to punch Lu Yanche in the face, if Lu Yanche did it on purpose, how could it be the same?

The one on Ji Jingchen's chest is the bridesmaid, and the one on Lu Yanche's chest is the groom: "You mean, you want to switch places with me?"

"If I want to exchange positions with you, I guess you will be miserable..."

"It's not just me who is miserable, but us, Lu Yanche, use your brain to think about it, did it come from not easy?"

(End of this chapter)

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