Chapter 547

Ji Jingchen reminds Lu Yanche all the time, what should be said and what should not be said...

Lu Yanche was quite helpless, but he had to admit that what Ji Jingchen said was quite reasonable...

Lu Yanche can't talk nonsense like this, let Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang hear it, it's a pretty big deal...

After Mu Niange calmed down, Yang Zhishuang asked Mu Niange to take out the gifts one by one. Each gift has a special meaning to Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange...

Mu Niange unwrapped a few, felt that the way of packaging was different, and thought of the time when Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen got close: "Did you prepare these at Ji Jingchen's house?"

"Does Ji Jingchen have these things to buy at home?"

"I went to buy it with Meiqi, and Ji Jingchen volunteered to help me, so of course I want to help Ji Jingchen..."

Yang Zhishuang rolled her eyes at Mu Niange angrily, seeing what Mu Niange said, it seemed that Yang Zhishuang really needed Ji Jingchen to complete these things...

Mu Niange laughed twice, but the meaning in the words is actually the same, isn't it?

"No matter what, you have to thank Ji Jingchen, after all, Ji Jingchen helped you..."

What Mu Niange said is reasonable, Yang Zhishuang can't take Ji Jingchen's help for granted: "I know, lest Ji Jingchen feel like I really want to rely on him..."

"Aren't you relying on Ji Jingchen?"

Yang Zhishuang reflexively wanted to respond: "Of course not..."

However, thinking about it carefully, Yang Zhishuang was relying on Ji Jingchen, and that dependence was produced silently, and even Yang Zhishuang didn't know what was going on, how to stop it.

"I didn't expect that things would turn out like this..."

"There are many things that I didn't expect. The premise is, can you handle this matter well..."

As soon as Mu Niange finished speaking, Yang Zhishuang continued to unwrap the presents, and Yang Zhishuang fell into deep thought, carefully thinking about what Mu Niange said.

Yang Zhishuang is Mu Niange's bridesmaid, she is supposed to help Mu Niange hold back the wine, watching Yang Zhishuang drink cup after cup into his stomach, Ji Jingchen is very distressed, Yang Zhishuang just resisted the wine glass to his lips, Ji Jingchen put the wine glass in Yang Zhishuang's hand He snatched it over and said, "I'll help you drink."

The people around are booing...

When did Ji Jingchen become so caring?
Yang Zhishuang's face flushed slightly, and she let Ji Jingchen help her to block the wine...

To be honest, Yang Zhishuang really couldn't take it anymore, her stomach felt very uncomfortable, and she had the urge to vomit.

After the wedding, Mu Niange and Lu Yanche left. Before Mu Niange left, he asked Ji Jingchen to take good care of Yang Zhishuang. Ji Jingchen suspected that he had heard wrong...

But thinking about it carefully, it is not surprising that Mu Niange entrusted Yang Zhishuang to take care of Ji Jingchen. After all, here, Ji Jingchen is someone Mu Niange trusts, and Ji Jingchen completely ignored Mu Yuanling. If Mu Yuanling knew, Ji Jingchen would inevitably suffer.

Ji Jingchen sent Yang Zhishuang to the hotel, the room where Yang Zhishuang lived...

Seeing Yang Zhishuang's uncomfortable appearance, Ji Jingchen felt uncomfortable in his heart, and wanted to help Yang Zhishuang relieve the uncomfortable feeling, but Ji Jingchen didn't know what to do...

Ji Jingchen found some ways to hangover on the Internet, he found what could be realized now, made honey water for Yang Zhishuang, and fed Yang Zhishuang to drink it.

Yang Zhishuang was in a daze, and was picked up by Ji Jingchen. Ji Jingchen let Yang Zhishuang lean in his arms and found a comfortable position for Yang Zhishuang.

Yang Zhishuang blushed, thinking that the person who fed her honey water was Mu Niange, she grabbed Ji Jingchen's sleeve and said, "Niange, I finally saw your wedding day, I am really happy..."

As soon as Yang Zhishuang finished speaking, she burst out laughing, looking a little silly, Ji Jingchen planned to ignore Yang Zhishuang's appearance, lest Yang Zhishuang would catch him, and Ji Jingchen would not be able to cleanse himself by jumping into the Yellow River.

"At the beginning, when you and Lu Yanche were together again, I really didn't like you, but I didn't expect that you were together in the end, torturing each other..."

Yang Zhishuang recalled many times, and felt pain in her heart. The distress she felt for Mu Niange was really extraordinary: "I really want to beat Lu Yanche well, but I have never had the chance to fulfill this wish..."

It was Yang Zhishuang's wish to beat Lu Yanche, what was all this about?
Ji Jingchen showed helplessness on his face, and listened quietly to Yang Zhishuang's words. The next second, Yang Zhishuang cried out, crying heartbreakingly, but Ji Jingchen was quite frightened...

Ji Jingchen patted Yang Zhishuang's back, wanting to appease Yang Zhishuang, but suddenly found that this was of no use to Yang Zhishuang at all...

"Suddenly, I feel a little lonely. How will I live in the days to come?"

Would Yang Zhishuang not be able to live without Mu Niange?
I could imagine Mu Niange's position in Yang Zhishuang's heart, but I never thought it would be so important...

It made Ji Jingchen envious and jealous. He also wanted to be valued by Yang Zhishuang like this, but it seems that it is not very possible...

"Niange, tell me, what kind of person is Ji Jingchen?" Yang Zhishuang looked up at Ji Jingchen, and asked Ji Jingchen about herself. Ji Jingchen was stunned, completely unexpected that things would develop in this direction.

At this time, Ji Jingchen tested Yang Zhishuang, is it easy to find out the answer?
"In your heart, what kind of person is Ji Jingchen?" Ji Jingchen asked cautiously, probing...

When Yang Zhishuang heard this, she smiled foolishly: "Don't you know very well? What kind of person is Ji Jingchen?"

"What you think about the song is different from what you think..."

Ji Jingchen was a little anxious, and it wasn't me who responded, it was the song. Ji Jingchen realized that he had said something wrong, and covered his mouth with an annoyed expression on his face. Fortunately, the drunk Yang Zhishuang didn't notice the slightest abnormality.

"Yes, our ideas are different. Ji Jingchen, at first, I thought he was an idiot..."

Ji Jingchen's face darkened, and he couldn't believe that he was an idiot in Yang Zhishuang's eyes, what kind of idiot does it exist?
Ji Jingchen couldn't imagine, let alone dare to imagine...

"You said, Ji Jingchen is an idiot in your eyes?"

"Well, it was like this at the beginning. Later, I realized that Ji Jingchen is not that stupid. His stupidity is all pretending..."

Pretending to be so stupid made everyone think that Ji Jingchen was really stupid, but in fact, Ji Jingchen was not stupid, but for the sake of his friends, he was sacrificing some kind of friendship.

(End of this chapter)

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