Chapter 548

Ji Jingchen heard another new word from Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen didn't know whether he should cry or laugh...

Seeing Yang Zhishuang's drunk appearance, Yang Zhishuang would definitely not admit to such a thing when she wakes up tomorrow, Ji Jingchen sighed, with a bit of resignation: "You are right, Ji Jingchen is a very pretending person."

"Well, tell me, why did he pretend to be handsome in front of me back then? He is obviously such an ordinary person..."

Yang Zhishuang laughed twice, she nodded, catering to Ji Jingchen, Ji Jingchen was about to vomit blood, okay?
Ji Jingchen's handsomeness is not pretended, it's all born, okay?
Ji Jingchen is so miserable that he can't express it, he can only hold back in his heart...

Ji Jingchen nodded, and agreed again: "You're right, Ji Jingchen likes to pretend to be handsome..."

"But tell me, why do I sometimes feel that Ji Jingchen is really handsome? Didn't you say that when you read the song? Sometimes, you have to look back and see everything that happened, you will understand, you will know , the deep meaning in it, and when I looked back, I really found that subtle heartbeat..."

"In the beginning, I was the one who forced Ji Jingchen to help me. Not only did Ji Jingchen not refuse me, but he also helped me with all his heart..."

"I don't know what words to use to describe my mood. Anyway, I was really touched. He always thinks of me. When he sees me sad, he will stand by my side and comfort me. ..."

"I never thought that such a person would appear by my side. He appeared on his own initiative, not by me forcing him..."

"Ji Jingchen is such a stupid person, treated like this by me, tell me, does Ji Jingchen resent me very much?"

Yang Zhishuang was drunk, slowly speaking word by word, Ji Jingchen listened quietly, and never interrupted again, it's hard to imagine that Ji Jingchen would hear Yang Zhishuang's sincere words on such an occasion...

It's heartbeat, it's excitement, Ji Jingchen is not useless in Yang Zhishuang's heart, Yang Zhishuang's affection for Ji Jingchen is not love at first sight, but long-term affection, Ji Jingchen's relationship with Yang Zhishuang is the same.

Ji Jingchen wanted to laugh, but just raised the corners of his lips, and was worried that Yang Zhishuang would see him, so he quickly put it away, cleared his throat, and Ji Jingchen tentatively said, "According to what you said, Shuangshuang, you actually like Ji Jingchen's, right?"

Yang Zhishuang's blurred eyes, the sight of Ji Jingchen...

Yes, Yang Zhishuang likes Ji Jingchen, but it seems that Yang Zhishuang doesn't want to admit it...

But in such an occasion, Yang Zhishuang didn't want to admit it, it was impossible, Yang Zhishuang thought uncontrollably, thinking, Yang Zhishuang nodded heavily: "Well, you are right, I like Ji Jingchen of……"

"Quite like……"

As soon as Yang Zhishuang finished speaking, she laughed. Ji Jingchen couldn't suppress the thoughts in his heart. He lowered his head and kissed Yang Zhishuang's kiss...

Yang Zhishuang never expected that Ji Jingchen in front of her would do such a thing to her, she began to treat Ji Jingchen as Mu Niange, Yang Zhishuang broke free twice, if she didn't break free, she didn't have the strength to break free.

She nestled quietly in Ji Jingchen's arms, and finally fell into a deep sleep...

Ji Jingchen kissed Yang Zhishuang's lips passionately in his head. He was really worried that Yang Zhishuang would slap Ji Jingchen on the forehead. Fortunately, Yang Zhishuang fell asleep in his arms. However, falling asleep, to Ji Jingchen, really is a good thing?
A good thing for Ji Jingchen to rejoice?

Ji Jingchen put Yang Zhishuang on the bed to make Yang Zhishuang sleep more comfortably. Looking at Yang Zhishuang in his sleep, Ji Jingchen's eyes flashed a deep meaning...

When she woke up the next day, Yang Zhishuang felt that she had a headache...

Those people that Lu Yanche invited were toasting like madmen, Yang Zhishuang felt so uncomfortable, Ji Jingchen was definitely no better than Yang Zhishuang...

However, Yang Zhishuang was wrong. What Ji Jingchen was holding was not wine, but a wine glass filled with Coke. Ji Jingchen went to ask for advice...

Yang Zhishuang looked at the surrounding decorations, knew that this was a hotel, and didn't pay much attention to it, if it was impossible for Mu Niange to hand herself over to a stranger, she must be handed over to someone she knew well, and this person was probably Lu Meiqi's .

Yang Zhishuang thought so, and wanted to get up from the bed...

Feeling dizzy and in pain, Yang Zhishuang grabbed her hair, thinking that the makeup on her face hadn't been removed, she felt a little depressed...

In this case, wouldn't Yang Zhishuang's skin become very bad?
Yang Zhishuang found a bathrobe in the closet, went into the bathroom to wash it...

Yang Zhishuang fought in the bathroom for a full hour. When Yang Zhishuang wiped the water droplets from her hair with a towel, she raised her eyes and met Ji Jingchen's gaze...

The movement of Yang Zhishuang's hands stopped, she stood there in a daze, unable to react, who can tell Yang Zhishuang what is going on now?
"How will you be here……"

After Yang Zhishuang came to her senses, she asked Ji Jingchen subconsciously. Hearing Yang Zhishuang's question, Ji Jingchen was both disappointed and thankful. Ji Jingchen put the breakfast in his hand on the table and said, "Why can't I be here?"

Did Ji Jingchen come to provoke Yang Zhishuang?
What are they talking about? Who said Ji Jingchen can't be here?

The question is, why Ji Jingchen is here, that's the point...

"If you don't want to be kicked out by me, speak up." Yang Zhishuang said to Ji Jingchen in a rare good-tempered manner. Ji Jingchen touched his nose and smiled shyly, "Need I remind you?"

Hearing Ji Jingchen's malicious voice, Yang Zhishuang frowned, she didn't need Ji Jingchen to remind her, and Yang Zhishuang didn't want to think about it, there must be something bad.

"If you don't want to talk, you can go out..."

Yang Zhishuang pointed to the direction of the door, and signaled Ji Jingchen to go out by himself, Yang Zhishuang tidied it up nonchalantly, Ji Jingchen was heartbroken, Ji Jingchen had a card for Yang Zhishuang's room, didn't Yang Zhishuang understand?
The person who sent Yang Zhishuang here was Ji Jingchen...

If the two are together, what needs to happen?

Ji Jingchen sighed, sat opposite Yang Zhishuang aggrievedly, staring at Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang ignored Ji Jingchen's eyes, Ji Jingchen opened the breakfast he brought: "This is porridge, you drank too much yesterday, eat something light ..."

Do you have to eat greasy for breakfast?
Although, Yang Zhishuang shouldn't have said such a thing...

It's hard to control yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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