Chapter 557

What Ji Jingchen said was ambiguous, Yang Zhishuang heard it, and stared at Ji Jingchen, as if wanting to kill Ji Jingchen, Ji Jingchen looked a little scared, he touched his nose, smiled embarrassingly: "It's not what you think, I That's not what it means."

"What do I think, what do you mean, and what do you mean?"

Yang Zhishuang asked Ji Jingchen two questions in a row, but Ji Jingchen couldn't answer...

This is a question no one can answer, right?

Ji Jingchen's heart was broken, anyway, Ji Jingchen didn't want to go back so soon, he didn't want to go back so soon: "If you have something to do, you can do it, I want to stay here..."

Ji Jingchen said quite capriciously, there was no room for reversal at all.

Yang Zhishuang chuckled, if Ji Jingchen wanted to do this, Yang Zhishuang would have no way to stop Ji Jingchen, that's right...

Yang Zhishuang stood up from the chair, carried her bag on her back, and walked towards the door: "If you want to do this, I can't help it. Then you can stay here. If there is any problem, you can solve it yourself..."

Is there any problem that Ji Jinchen can't solve?

Being able to stay here is the greatest gift to Ji Jingchen...

Ji Jingchen watched Yang Zhishuang leave. When Yang Zhishuang walked out of the house, she regretted it. She has no part-time job today...

Ji Jingchen came here to trouble Yang Zhishuang, the troublesome Yang Zhishuang went to trouble herself, Yang Zhishuang sighed heavily, and went out again.

Ji Jingchen was not very relaxed at Yang Zhishuang's house, and he didn't dare to touch Yang Zhishuang's things, for fear of accidentally touching something private that shouldn't be touched, but they all came here, if Ji Jingchen didn't look at it, wouldn't he be too sorry for Yang Zhishuang ?

Thinking of this, Ji Jingchen started to feel restless with his hands...

Take a look here, look over there, I suddenly became interested, fascinated by watching, interested in watching...

Ji Jingchen was quite courageous, he looked and saw that Yang Zhishuang had gone into the closet, the things in the closet were the most hidden, Ji Jingchen should be clear about this.

It is precisely because Ji Jingchen knows it well that Ji Jingchen dared to do this...

Ji Jingchen's eyes, looking in the closet, didn't dare to be blatant, so he could only be cautious...

When Ji Jingchen saw Yang Zhishuang's underwear, his face turned red all of a sudden, not very well...

He, he shouldn't have watched it. Seeing such a picture, he thought of the scene when he kissed Yang Zhishuang again. Ji Jingchen at that time should be deeper?

And just now, Ji Jingchen should be responsible for saying such ambiguous words, instead of choosing to back down after Yang Zhishuang said those words...

After all, Ji Jingchen was really useless, could it be that Ji Jingchen didn't make any progress with Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen sighed, feeling rather tired.

Ji Jingchen sat at Yang Zhishuang's house for a whole morning, Ji Jingchen wanted to go back to sleep...

I was also afraid that Yang Zhishuang would come back, seeing such a scene, I couldn't accept it, after all, this is not Ji Jingchen's territory, Ji Jingchen can't be so blatant...

Ji Jingchen kept staring at his phone, and the time on it passed by every minute. At twelve o'clock, Ji Jingchen started to feel hungry and wanted to eat very much.

Yang Zhishuang is not at home, who prepared food for Ji Jingchen?

If Ji Jingchen wants to leave this door, he won't be able to come back. Ji Jingchen is such an idiot, he didn't know that he asked Yang Zhishuang for a key...

Yang Zhishuang saw that the count was almost up, and thought that Ji Jingchen who was at home was hungry. At this time, if Yang Zhishuang wanted to go back, didn't she seem too deliberate?
Yang Zhishuang thought, let's not go back for now...

Waiting to go back, because of Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang spent a whole morning in the coffee shop, feeling a little tired and powerless, when did Yang Zhishuang become such a person?

A day of sleeping in was ruined by Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang was playing with the spoon in the cup, staring at the coffee in the cup, Yang Zhishuang's cell phone rang at an inappropriate time, it wasn't Ji Jingchen's call, it was Mu Niange Yang Zhishuang was a little surprised, at this time, Mu Niange called her, what's the matter?

Yang Zhishuang picked up the phone...

With a somewhat excited voice, Mu Niange came from the phone and said, "Shuangshuang, did Ji Jingchen look for you?"

Did everyone know that Ji Jingchen came out to look for Yang Zhishuang?

What is the meaning of Mu Niange's excitement?
Yang Zhishuang couldn't help rolling her eyes, feeling very helpless, Ji Jingchen really, why do things like this, let people all over the world know, is it really a good thing?

"Yes, how do you know." Yang Zhishuang responded, and asked again...

When Mu Niange heard Yang Zhishuang's answer, he laughed even more treacherously. What do you think is going on?

Hearing that Ji Jingchen came to look for Yang Zhishuang, what did Mu Niange smile happily, Yang Zhishuang didn't think there was anything so happy...

"Ji Jingchen came to see me yesterday. I was not here, and Meiqi was at home. He asked Meiqi some strange questions. I don't know how Meiqi answered Ji Jingchen. Then I saw that Ji Jingchen's car was gone. I thought He must have been looking for you..."

What Mu Niange said was so sure, so firm.

It seems that everything is in Mu Niange's plan...

If Mu Niange knew about it earlier, shouldn't he have told Yang Zhishuang...

Yang Zhishuang didn't want Ji Jingchen to appear in front of her suddenly: "I'm really speechless, Ji Jingchen is such a big person, I don't know what's in his head..."

Brain huh?
Something that ordinary people can't understand?

"Shuangshuang, you can't say that. Ji Jingchen really cares about you and misses you so he did this..." Mu Niange even defended Ji Jingchen.

"I heard from Meiqi that Ji Jingchen sent you a message, didn't you reply to Ji Jingchen?"

When did Yang Zhishuang not respond? Did Ji Jingchen spread rumors in front of Mu Niange and others?

If Ji Jingchen was going to be in front of Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang would definitely slap Ji Jingchen on the forehead. It was hard to say anything, but he said something like this: "Whom I want to deal with, isn't that my freedom?"

It was Yang Zhishuang's freedom, that's right, Yang Zhishuang looked at Ji Jingchen like that, wouldn't she feel sorry for Ji Jingchen?
"I see, you want Ji Jingchen to take the initiative to deliver it to your door, right?"

Right now, Ji Jingchen took the initiative to come to the door, it was in line with Yang Zhishuang's wishes, Yang Zhishuang is bah bah bah, when did Yang Zhishuang want such a thing to happen...

Is Mu Niange really okay like this?Just say something like that.

(End of this chapter)

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