Chapter 558

"Niange, you don't know what kind of person I am? When did I want Ji Jingchen to come to my door automatically..." Yang Zhishuang rubbed the center of her brows and said with a headache.

Ji Jingchen took the initiative to deliver it to the door, did Mu Niange realize the seriousness of the matter?

"I just said that clearly. You don't want Ji Jingchen to take the initiative to deliver it to your door. Ji Jingchen has already delivered it to your door. What can you do? Shuangshuang, accept the facts in front of you." Mu Niange persuaded Yang Zhishuang earnestly. I know how to respond to Mu Niange.

How come in the blink of an eye, everyone is saying Ji Jingchen's hello in Yang Zhishuang's ears...

There was nothing wrong with Ji Jingchen, and Yang Zhishuang had also considered Ji Jingchen. However, when Yang Zhishuang's consideration came up with other people's opinions, what Yang Zhishuang faced was no longer such a simple problem.

"All of you help Ji Jingchen think about things from Ji Jingchen's point of view, don't you think about what will happen to me?" Yang Zhishuang's light voice came out of her mouth.

Hearing Yang Zhishuang's words, Mu Niange was a little stunned, things were not what Yang Zhishuang thought, sometimes things that were said casually were not sincere, Yang Zhishuang didn't need to care so much...

I just feel that some people are suitable to be together, and it would be a pity if they were not together...

Didn't Yang Zhishuang realize this problem?

"Shuangshuang, it's not that we haven't considered your feelings, nor are we thinking about things from Ji Jingchen's point of view. We really feel that you and Ji Jingchen are very good together. A good marriage is what everyone wants. to see..."

Mu Niange told Mu Niange such a thing as someone who had been there.

If Yang Zhishuang wanted to be smart, she had to listen to what Mu Niange said, and follow what Mu Niange wanted...

In this way, no matter it is for everyone, everyone is happy. However, Yang Zhishuang doesn't want to go like this. Yang Zhishuang's thoughts cannot be controlled by anyone...

"I think, I really can't reach the level you mentioned..." Yang Zhishuang chuckled, and responded with some helplessness.

"I will remember what you said..."

Yang Zhishuang remembered every word Mu Niange, Lu Meiqi and others said about Ji Jingchen.

Yang Zhishuang didn't show it, everyone thought that Yang Zhishuang didn't take it seriously, Yang Zhishuang was not that kind of person at all, Yang Zhishuang cared more about things that mattered than anyone else...

The conversation between Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang was terminated by Yang Zhishuang. When Yang Zhishuang put away her phone and was about to leave, she raised her head and saw Ji Jingchen standing outside. Yang Zhishuang was a little startled by Ji Jingchen.

Ji Jingchen stared at Yang Zhishuang expressionlessly, even though Yang Zhishuang found out, he didn't show any expressions that shouldn't be shown...

Ji Jingchen's heart was broken. He struggled for a while and decided to see if he could be lucky enough to run into Yang Zhishuang. It was true that he bumped into Yang Zhishuang. He didn't expect to bump into Yang Zhishuang on such an occasion...

Yang Zhishuang was avoiding Ji Jingchen, it could be seen from the table where Yang Zhishuang was sitting.

The things placed on it, as well as Yang Zhishuang's sitting posture, Yang Zhishuang's attitude, are enough to prove everything...

Ji Jingchen is not a person without anger, but Ji Jingchen has never been good at venting his anger. When Ji Jingchen was really angry, he chose to remain silent.

Silently aggrieved, aggrieved and swallowed all the breath in his stomach...

When he woke up, Ji Jingchen was Ji Jingchen, and nothing could make Ji Jingchen feel angry. For the first time, Ji Jingchen wanted to vent his anger.

He wanted to vent in front of Yang Zhishuang, so that Yang Zhishuang could see clearly what kind of person Ji Jingchen was...

Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang looked at each other for a while, Ji Jingchen walked in from the outside, and sat down opposite Yang Zhishuang, this is a coffee shop, there is nothing, Ji Jingchen sits opposite Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang can't eat here with Ji Jingchen.

Yang Zhishuang wanted to tell Ji Jingchen to leave...

Ji Jingchen would come out only when he was hungry, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything...

How should I say it?
What is Ji Jingchen thinking?
Such a silent Ji Jingchen really made Yang Zhishuang feel a little uneasy...

Yang Zhishuang stared at the cup on the table, but didn't dare to look at Ji Jingchen, Ji Jingchen kept staring at Yang Zhishuang, without blinking...

Did Ji Jingchen take any medicine when he went out?

Yang Zhishuang was really skeptical...

Yang Zhishuang secretly sighed in her heart, she stood up from the chair, looked at Ji Jingchen and said, "Let's go eat."

Ji Jingchen's eyes followed the direction Yang Zhishuang was walking. Ji Jingchen didn't stand up immediately. Normally, Ji Jingchen must have rushed up immediately. Could it be that Yang Zhishuang took the initiative to say, let's go eat...

Yang Zhishuang took two or three steps, but seeing that Ji Jingchen hadn't moved at all, she turned her head to look at Ji Jingchen and asked, "Are you going?"

How could Ji Jingchen not leave, it's just that the anger in his heart came up, and Ji Jingchen couldn't accept it for a while...

In order to avoid herself, Yang Zhishuang sat in the coffee shop for such a long time. To Ji Jingchen, this long period of time was a kind of torment, but to Yang Zhishuang, what was it?
Ji Jingchen, it's just passing the time...

Yang Zhishuang called Ji Jingchen twice, it is impossible to call Ji Jingchen a third time, if Ji Jingchen wants to leave, Yang Zhishuang will not force it...

Yang Zhishuang left without looking back, and when Yang Zhishuang walked out of the coffee shop, Ji Jingchen suddenly realized that she was going to follow her out, otherwise, the consequences would be very serious...

When Ji Jingchen walked out of the coffee shop, Yang Zhishuang's figure had already gone away. Ji Jingchen quickly caught up with Yang Zhishuang and said, "I'll go, I'll go, wait for me..."

It's not that Yang Zhishuang didn't give Ji Jingchen a chance, if Ji Jingchen appeared in front of Yang Zhishuang like this again, Yang Zhishuang didn't even want to take a look at Ji Jingchen, but Yang Zhishuang thought of what Mu Niange said.

A good marriage is hard-won...

Are Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen really good friends?

This question deserves Yang Zhishuang's doubts. Yang Zhishuang didn't say a word, walking with Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang was quite familiar with this area.

Ji Jingchen couldn't even find the southeast, northwest...

Yang Zhishuang didn't take Ji Jingchen to that kind of extravagant and extravagant shop, thinking that Ji Jingchen is rich, so it doesn't matter what?

Yang Zhishuang brought Ji Jingchen to Real Kungfu, Yang Zhishuang asked Ji Jingchen to sit down, and went to order food for Ji Jingchen by herself, such treatment made Ji Jingchen quite flattered...

(End of this chapter)

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