Chapter 559

This meal was quite peaceful...

Ji Jingchen didn't chatter in Yang Zhishuang's ear as usual, Yang Zhishuang is not a person who is good at talking, sometimes, if he can be silent, Yang Zhishuang chooses to be silent.

When Yang Zhishuang complained about Ji Jingchen, for most of the time, it was Ji Jingchen who did something that made people complain...

But Ji Jingchen didn't do such a thing, so naturally Yang Zhishuang didn't need to speak up, such a scene was quite embarrassing, the two of them didn't speak, they buried their heads in eating their own things.

Ji Jingchen raised his head to look at Yang Zhishuang from time to time, seeing Yang Zhishuang's appearance, Ji Jingchen didn't say anything, chose to remain silent...

This is the best decision, the best choice, right?
After Yang Zhishuang had dinner with Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang didn't want to take Ji Jingchen anywhere...

Instead, she took Ji Jingchen home, and on the way home, it was quite quiet, quite peaceful. Yang Zhishuang had made up her mind, she really didn't want to talk to Ji Jingchen, she wanted to see how long Ji Jingchen could bear it?
Ji Jingchen's endurance is so good...

He must be able to endure it for a long time, but in front of Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen suddenly didn't want to endure it any longer...

This kind of endurance is tantamount to a cold war. Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen are in a cold war?

If this is said, wouldn't it be ridiculous, Ji Jingchen didn't want such a thing to happen...

Yang Zhishuang walked in, Ji Jingchen quickly closed the door, Yang Zhishuang walked to the sofa and sat down, Ji Jingchen followed, stood in front of Yang Zhishuang and said: "Shuangshuang, let me ask you, are you avoiding me on purpose... ..."

Did Ji Jingchen summon up the courage to say such straightforward words?
Yang Zhishuang was not moved at all, she took out her mobile phone from her bag, looked at it casually, after reading it, Yang Zhishuang locked the screen of the mobile phone, looked up at Ji Jingchen and said, "If I say yes, you will believe it ?"

Ji Jingchen believed every word Yang Zhishuang said...

What's more, it's such an important matter. However, at this moment, Ji Jingchen doesn't want to believe it. If he wants to believe it, what will Yang Zhishuang say next?
Ji Jingchen shook his head and said, "What does it matter if I believe it or not? What matters is what you think in your heart and how you view this matter..."

Yang Zhishuang's thoughts, Yang Zhishuang's opinion, are very important, even more important than what Mu Niange said verbally...

Ji Jingchen undoubtedly posed a problem for Yang Zhishuang, a difficult problem for Yang Zhishuang to answer...

Yang Zhishuang withdrew her gaze from Ji Jingchen, and laughed loudly: "What do you mean my thoughts are important, really? Don't pretend anymore, express the emotions you want to express..."

Yang Zhishuang pursed her lips and said sarcastically...

Ji Jingchen suspected that he had heard it wrong, Yang Zhishuang wanted Ji Jingchen to express what was in his heart?

Ji Jingchen really wants to express it, but how can he express it...

Facing Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen was so powerless, quite powerless, so powerless that he didn't know how to cover up this feeling of powerlessness...

"My emotions are very important to you?" Ji Jingchen was silent for a while, then asked Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang was startled when she heard the words, is it important?
Yang Zhishuang thought, it was important, otherwise, she would not have asked Ji Jingchen to express the emotions in her heart. Yang Zhishuang stood up from the chair, she looked at Ji Jingchen and said, "Shouldn't people get along with each other calmly?" Is it?"

should be frank...

Is Yang Zhishuang blaming Ji Jingchen for not being calm enough?
When Ji Jingchen heard Yang Zhishuang's words, he wanted to laugh inexplicably...

I couldn't laugh but couldn't laugh, so I could only endure it aggrievedly, and endured it: "You are right, we need to be calm when we get along..."

"Shuangshuang, before you ask me to be frank, shouldn't you be frank with me first?"

Ji Jingchen raised his eyebrows, and stared at Yang Zhishuang seriously...

Yang Zhishuang was stunned, was she counterattacked by Ji Jingchen?

What Ji Jingchen said was something Yang Zhishuang never expected...

If Yang Zhishuang wanted to be calm with Ji Jingchen, what Yang Zhishuang should say was not these words, but other words.

From the moment Yang Zhishuang walked out of the door, she turned her head and said to Ji Jingchen, "I don't want to go to work, I just, I just don't know how to face you..."

Facing Ji Jingchen, is it Yang Zhishuang's powerlessness?

Are you nervous?

It was difficult for Yang Zhishuang to express the true thoughts in her heart. Thinking about it, Ji Jingchen couldn't understand...

"What do I have, am I not frank with you?" Yang Zhishuang's ability to tell nonsense with her eyes open is not ordinary, she folded her arms around her chest, and said quite casually.

Hearing this, Ji Jingchen laughed out loud...

According to what Yang Zhishuang said, the wrong person is Ji Jingchen alone?

Ji Jingchen suppressed the smile on his face, looked at Yang Zhishuang's eyes, and said coldly, "Shuangshuang, has anyone told you that I'm not good at getting angry, but if I get angry, It was a scene that even I myself could not have imagined..."

The scene was too scary, Ji Jingchen didn't dare to think about it, Ji Jingchen could understand and think so.

Yang Zhishuang felt that Ji Jingchen was threatening herself...

But thinking about it carefully, Ji Jingchen really never got angry in front of Yang Zhishuang, no matter what Yang Zhishuang said, Ji Jingchen acted as if he didn't care...

That level is not comparable to Yang Zhishuang's. Yang Zhishuang's expression was stunned, and for a while, she didn't know how to respond to Ji Jingchen. Ji Jingchen grabbed Yang Zhishuang's shoulder, shook it vigorously, and said, "Is it because I don't want to show off in front of you?" My temper, don't you know what kind of person I am?"

Is Ji Jingchen going to get completely angry with Yang Zhishuang?

Yang Zhishuang was grabbed by Ji Jingchen's shoulders, it hurt a little, and she wanted to call out because of the pain...

She frowned, looking into Ji Jingchen's eyes, there was a flash of warning, if Ji Jingchen wanted to continue like this, Yang Zhishuang wanted Ji Jingchen to look good.

Ji Jingchen went all out, he came here not to catch up with Yang Zhishuang, but to get Yang Zhishuang's answer.

"Ji Jingchen, let me go..." Yang Zhishuang struggled to break away from Ji Jingchen, wanting to shake off Ji Jingchen's hand, how could Ji Jingchen obey Yang Zhishuang's wishes?
Ji Jingchen managed to grab Yang Zhishuang's hand, so he didn't want to let Yang Zhishuang go like this...

"When I finish speaking, I will let go of your hand." Ji Jingchen calmly responded to Yang Zhishuang, he looked into Yang Zhishuang's eyes, revealing an unprecedented seriousness.

(End of this chapter)

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