Failed Boss

Chapter 115: A Hero Saves the Beauty in Chaos

Chapter 115: A Hero Saves the Beauty in Chaos (3)
Hong Guoguo's flirting made Murong Wan, who has always been dignified and generous, look even more ruddy, bit her lip lightly, and remained silent.

Ken gently hooked his lips, and his handsome face moved closer to the girl's charming little face, and his lips kissed the girl's pink lips without missing a beat.

His kiss was a bit jerky, Murong Wan didn't expect him to do this, her eyes widened instantly, her mind went blank, the strange masculine scent and the smell of high-end cologne rushed towards her, sweeping all her senses.

I don't know how long it took, like a century, before Ken moved his lips reluctantly, looked at the bewildered girl, smiled lightly, charming all beings, "Be my girlfriend?"

Murong Wan didn't expect boys from abroad to be so straightforward, his tone was gentle and domineering, his eyes were sincere and burning, she couldn't refuse.

Murong Wan blushed, nodded slightly, and gave him silent grace.

Ken stretched out his ape arms, embraced her in his arms, bowed his head, and rubbed her soft little face with his warm face, feeling infinitely happy.

On the other side, in the black business car, the terrified Xiao obediently looked at the devil who had saved her from trouble, and felt for the first time that his appearance was so exciting to her.

But why is he here?

Could this demon have been following her?
So didn't he know all about her plan to sell flowers to make money to buy air tickets?
Woo!It turned out that his every move was under his nose!

Obviously he was watching him in disguise, but Xiao Guaiguai just couldn't say anything to complain about him, because she couldn't imagine what she would have done if Baili Hanchu hadn't appeared in time just now?
With a lot of thoughts, Xiao obediently lowered his eyes, not daring to look into his gentle eyes, "Thank you, Baili Hanchu."

There was a helpless smile on Baili Hanchu's lips, and he glanced at the small pink satchel of the monkey at her waist, "Hey, it looks like your business is doing well, I don't know that you picked the flowers from our small garden to sell How much did you pay, is it enough to buy a plane ticket?"

The man's serious and concerned words made Xiao Guaiguai's heart numb, and the strange feeling for the devil just now disappeared in an instant!

This demon is still so overbearing!Take control!
It seems that her small thoughts still cannot escape his eyes!
Huh, it seems that the plan to sell flowers to raise money has failed.

Having said that, even if the devil didn't see through this plan, it would be difficult for her and Wan'er to do business in the flea market based on the situation where the gangsters came to find fault just now!
But...a thought suddenly came to his mind, Xiao obediently raised his eyes, looked at the man's deep eyes, and asked suspiciously: "Baili Hanchu, could it be that you arranged the group of troublemakers just now? "

Baili Hanchu's heart was stabbed severely because of the girl's words, and there was pain in her eyes staring at her, "Hey, you really don't believe me so much?"

Xiao Guaiguai was embarrassed to face him like this, and lowered his eyes, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt you."

Yes, she is so silly!

Baili Hanchu is such a powerful figure, does he need to use such indecent tricks on a hostage?

Thinking of this, a burst of guilt welled up in my heart, remembering that although Baili Hanchu had imprisoned her, but treated her well in every way, I couldn't help but feel that I was too hard-hearted, to ignore my sincerity like this, and still be a man like the proud son of heaven sincerity.

Baili Hanchu's gentle voice interrupted the girl's thoughts of continuing to blame herself, "Hey, if you want to go back to China, just tell me, and I will take you back."

Xiao Guaiguai looked at him incredulously, his eyes sparkling: "Really?"

Baili Hanchu nodded slightly: "When have I lied to you?"

Xiao Guaiguai immediately smiled, and a pair of tender white hands tightly grasped his arm.

Baili Hanchu sighed in his heart, he really is a child who can't grow up!
"But maybe not recently."

The faint words made Xiao Guaiguai, who was originally elated, immediately depressed, "Why? Is there something wrong with your company?"

Baili Hanchu leaned back and looked at her leisurely, "Yeah."

Yes, recently the Baili Group was attacked by Nangong Jue and Murong Jing, so Baili Hanchu naturally did not dare to relax.

Xiao Guaiguai suddenly felt that she was so ignorant, Baili Hanchu was so busy, and she made some messes and asked him to clean them up.

But such guilt is only fleeting in Xiao Guaiguai's heart, it is this devil who wants to catch her and take care of her like this!If he wants to make his own way, what can she do?
Xiao Guaiguai began to think in her heart again, hoping that Baili Hanchu would solve their company's affairs quickly, and when he brought her back to China, she would have a way to get rid of the demon's control, and she could go home and be with Aunt Xu!And Dad!

She hasn't seen her father for a long time. I don't know how is my father now?
So, Xiao Guaiguai stopped talking, just leaned on his seat and fell into deep thought.

Back in the castle, Xiao obediently sat on the sofa, washed his hands with water brought by the servants, and ate pastries again.

Inadvertently seeing the satchel on his waist, Xiao obediently put down his snacks, opened the bag and counted the francs inside, and then folded the RMB in his heart to convert it, which was less than 200 yuan.

Put those francs, big and small, back into the bag, took out the pink flip phone, and dialed Murong Wan's number.

At this moment, Murong Wan is sitting on the cruise ship with Ken, admiring the scenery on both sides of the river.

Ken handed over a bottle of soda with a straw in it, and his sexy and authentic English slowly overflowed from his lips: "You must be tired after running for so long, come, drink some soda."

Murong Wan raised her little hand, took it sweetly, and was about to say something when the phone in her pocket rang, she took out the phone, looked at the number on it, smiled slightly, and pressed the answer button: "Be good."

Hearing Wan'er's crisp and melodious voice, Xiao obediently let out a sigh of relief, "Wan'er, are you okay? Did Ken save you?"

Murong Wan was a little surprised, then subconsciously raised her eyes to look at the handsome and noble young man beside her, "Well, we are on a cruise ship now."

"That's good, hehe, Wan'er, doesn't it feel good to be with the boy I like?" Xiao obediently teased.

Murong Wan smiled faintly: "Yes."

"Hehehe!" Xiao Guaiguai giggled and said ambiguously, "Well then, go on with your Prince Charming date, I'm fine, don't worry!"

"En." Murong Wan responded softly, then put the phone away, took a sip of soda gracefully.

Ken just stared at this noble and beautiful oriental girl in front of him. Yes, he fell in love with this girl deeply from the first time he saw her on campus.

(End of this chapter)

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