Failed Boss

Chapter 116: A Hero Saves the Beauty in Chaos

Chapter 116: A Hero Saves the Beauty in Chaos (4)
Later, he kept watching her secretly, and only then did he know that she was the little princess of the Murong Group.

Some time ago, the chairman of the Murong Group broke the rumors of his illegitimate daughter at the wedding anniversary party, which caused a stir in the city, so that day, he waited for her on the road she passed every day.

Sure enough, he met her who was so worried that she almost sprained her foot seriously, so he rushed forward and hugged her.

While thinking about the past, Ken stared at the elegant and quiet girl in front of him. The river wind gently blew the hair on her cheeks, and her thick eyelashes looked like butterfly wings. Her peaceful demeanor was just ordinary. Miss Qianjin never had it.

Sensing his gaze, Murong Wan raised her eyes and looked at him with a very peaceful smile, her big black mercury-like eyes showed a hint of confusion: "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Ken slightly hooked his lips: "Because you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

Murong Wan said angrily, "Slick tongue."

Ken raised his big hand and gently scratched her jade nose, "Do you know what happened to those people who made trouble just now?"

Murong Wan thought for a moment: "You mean that's not an ordinary rogue bully?"

Ken narrowed his long and narrow eyes, dangerous and charming: "I'm afraid this matter is aimed at Xiao Guaiguai."

Even so, his tone was affirmative.

In a suburb of France, on an empty hilltop, a slender white figure stood facing the wind. The autumn wind blew the white cloak behind him, making a sound of hunting, with a fatal attraction.

Baili Hanchu was completely a lofty and noble king, with his hands in his pockets, his handsome and unparalleled face showed no expression, and he looked down at Dugu Feng who was kneeling on the ground indifferently.

Yu Haoning stood aside respectfully, as quiet as air.

"Why?" The three short words slowly overflowed from Baili Hanchu's thin red lips, without the slightest hint of questioning, but they were extremely shocking.

Dugu Feng swallowed, with a calm expression on his face: "I can't bear to see my younger sisters waiting for the young master's order to return, but the young master is only focused on Xiao Guaiguai, who is doing anything wrong. The elf was researched by experts after several years of painstaking efforts, but it was taken to the market by Xiao obediently who didn't know anything!"

"So, you're going to find someone to smash up the stall, right?" Baili Hanchu asked softly, but those who knew him well knew that this was a sign of his extreme anger.

Dugu Feng remained silent.

The white cloak behind Baili Hanchu fluttered behind him, but like the wings of a devil, it slowly opened to Dugu Feng who was kneeling on the ground, "Get rid of him, and Dugu Shuang." He finished speaking to Yu Haoning indifferently With these words, he took his long legs and left the mountain.

"I beg you, young master, it doesn't matter if you kill me, but please spare my little sister! She loves you, Shuang'er!" Dugu Feng struggled desperately, but he only wanted to win a chance for his younger sister.

Baili Hanchu turned a deaf ear to his words and just kept going.

I don't know how long it took, but there was only a cold corpse left on the hillside, and the fear of death or reluctance in those wide-open eyes...

The days seem to be calm again, Xiao obediently goes to and from get out of class every day, and Murong Wan's face is full of that kind of happy smile recently, she is completely a girl immersed in love.

On this day, students from the Department of Nursing read the Nightingale Oath on the stage and completed the hat-wearing ceremony.

Xiao Guaiguai is dressed in white clothes and a white cap, she is a pretty little nurse.

After stepping off the stage, Baili Hanchu in the crowd brought a bunch of beautifully packaged colorful roses to her and said, "Hey, congratulations."

The tall demon stood out from the crowd like a chicken. Many girls who came to watch the ceremony looked at him with admiration, but they didn't dare to approach him.

Xiao obediently smiled.This was the first time a boy gave her flowers, and his heart was full of sweetness, so he raised his hand to take it, "Thank you."

Baili Hanchu had a doting smile in his eyes, and his smile froze when he caught a glimpse of the handsome young man beside him.

Mo Junchi's amber eyes were full of tenderness, he stepped forward and presented the white rose in his hand: "My dear, congratulations on taking another step towards your dream."

Xiao obediently smiled, and took the flowers from the boy. She had imagined countless times that the boy would send her flowers, but she never thought that her dream would come true at this moment. It seemed that she was not as happy as she imagined, but she was still full of happiness. sweet.

How could Murong Chong, who loves to join in the fun, be missing at this time?He stuffed the lily into Xiao Guaiguai's arms very ungentlely, and shouted loudly: "Xiao Guaiguai, congratulations on becoming a licensed murderer!"

Xiao Guaiguai was made to take two steps back by his strength, and smiled helplessly: "Master Murong, I haven't got the license yet!"

Murong Chong's big eyeballs rolled around in their sockets, "Oh, so you're not a nurse yet? Then bring the flowers!" As he said, he reached out to grab the flowers in her hand.

The dark-skinned Annie walked over with a smile, fixed her eyes on Xiao Kuaiguai, and said with a smile: "Guy boy, let's finally put on the nurse's uniform we dreamed of, let's go take pictures together?"

Xiao obediently nodded: "En."

Annie looked around and said doubtfully, "Huh? Why don't you see Ken?"

Xiao obediently smiled, and saw Murong Wan in the corner, wearing a pure white dress with a smile on her face, handing a bouquet of calla lilies to the handsome and noble man in front of her, and the noble man took the bouquet and bowed down. He lowered his head and kissed Murong Wan's cheek lightly, and Murong Wan's face blushed immediately.

Annie, who followed Xiao Guaiguai's eyes and watched this scene, was full of disappointment and wanted to cry.

Xiao obediently turned her head and found the dejected Annie, and said softly, "Annie, shall we take a photo?"

Annie pulled herself together, took a deep breath, and nodded while resisting the soreness in her heart: "Yes."

With a click, the beautiful smiles of the angels in white were frozen in the digital camera.

In the next few days, these angels in white will go to the hospital for an internship for a period of time. Coincidentally, the hospital where they did their internship is the same hospital where Murong Zu lived, and it is Murong Zu who Xiao Guaiguai is responsible for taking care of.

When Xiao Kuaiguai learned from the head nurse that the first patient he took care of was Murong Zu, he felt very lucky.

Because she is not good at communication, if it is the first time to take care of a stranger, I am afraid that she will be a little restrained, but it will be different if she is an acquaintance, let alone the amiable Grandpa Murong.

In the nurse's station, Xiao obediently saw that the nurse's bell on the eighth bed was on, and thought it must be that the medicine was out.

(End of this chapter)

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