Failed Boss

Chapter 15 Excited

Chapter 15 Excited
Probably because she didn't have breakfast, Aqiusha's stomach let out a sudden growl when she heard the food.

"Aqiusha, are you hungry?" Xiao obediently asked subconsciously, this should be a declarative sentence.

A stern look flashed across Sara's blue eyes, but Aqiusha's eyelids were still drooping slightly, cautiously.

Xiao Guaiguai, who has always been perceptive, naturally sensed the warning in Sara's butler's eyes, and asked politely: "Sarah's butler, can I give Aqiusha my snack?"

Sara didn't like Ming Chao's insinuations like Dugushuang, but she just responded: "Yes, Miss."

Aqiusha's eyelashes properly concealed the flash of affection in her eyes, and she hurriedly said, "Thank you, Miss, for your kindness to me, Aqiusha will definitely remember it in her heart."

Xiao Guaiguai just smiled, and it was just a matter of raising one's hand. Why do you keep it in your heart? This Aqiusha is so kind.

Then, Xiao obediently followed Sarah to the cloakroom that looked like a department store.

All kinds of clothes come into view, all of which are Xiao Guaiguai's favorite pink color. The fragrance of the clothes and romantic colors make people feel like they are in the princess's wardrobe in a fairy tale world.

After all, she is a house girl with little experience. Even though she has seen such a picture countless times in TV dramas or novels, when it was truly presented in front of Xiao Guaiguai, she still opened her mouth unavoidably, her eyes full of surprise. color.

Gold digger?
The word suddenly flashed in my mind.

Sarah still had that zombie face. She brought a pure white gauze dress in front of her and said, "Miss, this dress was specially chosen by the young master for you. I wonder if you are satisfied?"

The high-waisted design, puffed sleeves, the thin skirt and the intricate hand-embroidered embroidery on the chest all show the gorgeousness of the clothes.

Sure enough, he was going to a party, Baili Hanchu put so much care in his clothes.

Xiao Guaiguai just stretched out her small hand to gently caress this white gauze dress, but she was imagining in her heart, would Mo Junchi think she was beautiful when she saw herself wearing this dress?

Night fell as scheduled, and there was a lot of traffic at the entrance of a high-end business club.

A black Lincoln extended slowly stopped.

Inside the car, Xiao Guaiguai's little hands unconsciously grasped the hem of the snow-white skirt, feeling excited and nervous.

At this moment, Xiao obediently applied rouge lightly, and her tender little face was as delicate and beautiful as a Barbie doll.

Her ink-like hair is fixed on her head by a chic four-leaf clover diamond hair tie, and the slightly curly hair hangs on the right side, playful and lively.

"Hey, don't be nervous, I'm by your side." A gentle voice came from the side, and you didn't need to look to know it was coming from Baili Hanchu.

Xiao Guaiguai's nervous heart inexplicably relaxed a little, but she was very excited when she thought of seeing Mo Junchi soon.

After the car stopped, the driver walked around to the back, raised his hand to open the car door, and waited respectfully aside.

Baili Hanchu stepped out first, and then stretched out his hand.

Xiao obediently looked at this familiar and slender big hand, hesitated for a few seconds, and then put her tender little white hand on the warm and dry big hand, which made her slender and white hand even more attractive.

In the venue, champagne cloud shadow.

The luxurious crystal chandelier in the center of the hall illuminates the entire banquet hall like daytime.

Under the light, the food exudes a tempting aroma, as well as the smell of all kinds of expensive French perfumes worn by the women, and all kinds of high-heeled shoes step on the floor.

Mo Zhongtian is a middle-aged man who is nearly forty years old. He is sociable and brings his shrewd and capable wife Li Xueyin around among the guests, greeting them one by one.

Beside the fence on the second floor, a slender and handsome figure overlooked the downstairs, looking for that cute and innocent beautiful girl among the crowd.

Finally, there was a small commotion among the crowd. Needless to say, the people who came must be the best among the French and Chinese.

Looking for the reputation, I saw a handsome man in a white suit walking over with a beautiful and lovely girl.

With a lazy smile on Baili Hanchu's fair and delicate handsome face, he walked slowly with the complicated girl beside him.

Upstairs, when Mo Junchi in a sky blue suit saw Xiao Guaiguai in a white gauze tutu skirt, he couldn't wait to walk down three steps in two steps with his long legs.

In addition to having a strong background in the underworld, Baili Hanchu is also a leader among those capitalists in the mall.

Such an important figure in the shopping mall, coupled with his shocking handsome appearance, has a sense of presence that cannot be ignored no matter where he goes, so he naturally becomes the focus of attention of these business celebrities.

What is even more eye-catching is that Baili Hanchu, who has never been close to women, unexpectedly has a beautiful and lovely girl beside him. Relationship.

28 years old is the golden age for a man, plus the girl next to him whose age cannot be seen, it is really a quick-dating combination of a little uncle and a loli.

Many daughters of rich families who feel good about themselves are lucky, maybe the little loli next to Baili Hanchu is his sister or other relatives, so they all showed what they thought were the most beautiful smiles.Looking at Xiao Guaiguai's eyes is also envious and friendly, and this kind of friendliness is more or less suspected of trying to please Baili Hanchu in disguise.

For a moment, the beautiful smiles of the women were like a hundred flowers blooming, competing for beauty.

However, the next conversation between Mo Zhongtian and Baili Hanchu directly shattered their slightest illusions.

As the host of this gathering, Mo Zhongtian naturally wanted to receive Baili Hanchu, who was an important figure in their circle.

Holding the champagne, Mo Zhongtian walked forward, looked at the man in front of him with a smile, and said with a smile: "Hehe, it's an honor for Mr. Baili to visit you."

Baili Hanchu didn't answer immediately, but raised his big hand to pick up a glass of fresh orange juice from the waiter's tray, handed it to the girl beside him, and said softly, "Hey, have a glass of orange juice." The emotion is beyond words.

The young ladies at the side were full of envy and hatred, wishing to take Xiao Guaiguai's place instead.

It's just that Xiao Guaiguai, the person involved, is still completely out of shape at this moment. He doesn't even know that he has become the focus of all the women present, and his expectant eyes are looking for her Prince Charming in the crowd.

Baili Hanchu didn't care about the girl's desertion. He just looked for her when he felt his arm was firmly grasped by that tender little hand. He was wearing a sky blue suit and white trousers. The teenager appeared in the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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