Failed Boss

Chapter 16 Disrespect

Chapter 16 Disrespect
The young man was about eighteen or nineteen years old, tall and tall, with fair skin but not femininity, a head of jade-like black hair slightly curly, fine oblique bangs covering his forehead, thick sword eyebrows, and a pair of gentle peach blossom eyes. Warm and moist, with a straight bridge of nose, red and full lips, exuding a refined and bookish air.

Baili Hanchu withdrew his gaze, put the orange juice in his hand back on the waiter's tray, then raised his eyes and looked back at Mo Zhongtian, "Mr. Mo is serious, this time Baili mainly wants to bring his fiancee out to let everyone get to know each other." .” At the end, he lowered his eyes and stared at the girl beside him who was still out of state.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Guaiguai had undoubtedly been given the exclusive label of Baili Hanchu.

The people present couldn't help but look at each other, and many famous daughters were heartbroken, watching Xiao Guaiguai's eyes turn from friendly to full of hostility, but they didn't dare to be too blatant, after all, the consequences of offending Baili Hanchu, It's not something they can bear.

It's just that Xiao obediently couldn't move his eyes away from Mo Junchi the moment he saw him.

As the saying goes, there are three great happy events in life, and meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign country is the portrayal of her at this moment.

Baili Hanchu turned a blind eye to those different gazes, just stretched out his ape arms, embraced the girl beside him in the attitude of an absolute owner, then looked around everyone with a smile, and introduced: "Her name is Xiao Guaiguai, she is Baili fiancée."

As soon as these words came out, those few daughters of famous families who had a fluke mentality were completely desperate.

Regarding Baili Hanchu breaking such a shocking news at his banquet, Mo Zhongtian was only surprised for a few seconds, and then laughed, "Then I really want to congratulate Master Baili."

"Thank you." Baili Hanchu readily accepted, then pointed to the handsome young man beside the girl who had been watching with his chin, and asked, "Is this Mr. Ling?"

As soon as he talked about his excellent son, the smile couldn't be removed from Mo Zhongtian's face, "It's the dog," he said, turning his eyes to his son, and introduced: "Xiao Jun, this is the chairman of Baili Group Master Baili Hanchu."

Mo Junchi finally looked away from Xiao Guaiguai, nodded slightly to the man hugging her, and said flatly, "Hello, Uncle Baili."

Baili Hanchu didn't care about the respectful and ironic title of 'Uncle', and just smiled lightly and said to Mo Zhongtian, "It's true that the tiger father has no sons, Mr. Ling is really a good-looking man with an extraordinary bearing."

"Master Baili praised you." Mo Zhongtian said humbly.

"Actually speaking, Young Master Ling and Baili's fiancée are still classmates!" Baili Hanchu said leisurely, somewhat deliberately shifting everyone's attention to the pair of boys and girls.

"Oh, is that so?" Mo Zhongtian was a little disappointed, why did his always polite son meet his classmates without saying hello?Isn't that too rude?

So, busy winking at his son.

Facing his father's domineering orders, Mo Junchi turned a blind eye and just said: "Excuse me." Then he turned around and left.

Regarding his son's abnormal behavior today, Mo Zhongtian was a little unbelievable, but he immediately recovered his smile.

Afterwards, many business tycoons came forward to chat with Baili Hanchu. Baili Hanchu, who had been in the mall for a long time, responded calmly, with a polite and distant smile on his charming handsome face.

And Xiao Guaiguai didn't know at all that after Baili Hanchu's introduction just now, she had become a target of public criticism, because her mind was all on meeting Mo Junchi and Mo Junchi turned around and left. The moment he turned and left, her heart felt empty for an instant. The window of hope that had been opened with great difficulty was mercilessly closed again the moment he turned and left.

Why did she feel that Mo Junchi seemed angry?What is he mad about?
Because of Xiao Guaiguai's wandering thoughts and the fact that there were too many people scrambling to come forward to chat with Baili Hanchu, Xiao Guaiguai left his side unknowingly.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the summer evening is extraordinarily fresh and pleasant.

The sapphire blue curtains fluttered gently.

Xiao Guaiguai walked aimlessly in this luxurious clubhouse where Orientals gather.

It turned out that meeting people of the same race in a foreign country was not as exciting as she had imagined, and it even made her a little at a loss, because along the way, the hostile and disdainful eyes of those noble women were like a ray of fire. A sharp sword shot at her.

Xiao Guaiguai's small hand hanging by her side unconsciously grabbed the hem of the skirt, feeling nervous, and her steps became a little messy.

Then, Xiao Guaiguai only felt that his arm was grabbed by a strong force. When he came back to his senses, he had been brought to a corner. He raised his eyes and met a pair of familiar and gentle peach blossom eyes.

Mo Junchi stretched out his ape arm, and put his big hand on the wall behind the girl whose eyes were full of surprise and astonishment, enclosing her between his slender body and the wall.

Xiao Guaiguai could only feel his unique masculine breath and elegant fragrance rushing towards her face. It was the first time that she had such close contact with the boy she had a crush on, which made her heart beat faster and her tender little face was full of tenderness. There was a burst of blush, like a crystal clear red apple, with an attractive luster under the light.

Xiao obediently swallowed, "Mo Junchi, I..."

Mo Junchi raised his big hand, and gently pressed her lips with his slender index finger, signaling her to keep silent.

Such an ambiguous move made Xiao Guai obediently droop her thick eyelashes like butterfly wings in embarrassment.

"Did that Baili Hanchu do something to you? How did he say that you are his fiancée?" Mo Junchi couldn't help but become short of breath, his brows slightly frowned.

Xiao obediently raised her eyes and saw Taohua's eyes full of anger, she knew that he must have misunderstood something, and quickly explained: "No, he just arrested me and didn't do anything to me."

Mo Junchi's brows loosened slowly, and his tone returned to calm, becoming the elegant and calm outstanding boy of the past: "That's good, my dear, I originally wanted to ask my father to reissue your ID card and passport for you, but these It requires the presence of the parties and relevant certificates, although it is a bit complicated, but I will definitely try my best."

Xiao Guaiguai's eyes were full of emotion and undisguised admiration.

Facing her pure and beautiful eyes, Mo Junchi couldn't help but bowed his head, and gave her a 'baji' kiss on her tender little face.

Xiao Guaiguai only felt her cheeks heat up, her eyes widened in shock, and her mind went blank.

So... what's the situation now?Was it... Did Mo Junchi kiss her?

Mo Junchi's heart was beating like a drum, this was the first time he kissed a girl, his refined and handsome face blushed unconsciously.

"Uh huh... well, let me show you around." Mo Junchi coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, then turned around and left, walked a few steps and then turned back, stretched out his big hand and gently held the girl The little white hand holding the hem of the skirt.

(End of this chapter)

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