Failed Boss

Chapter 152: The Last Pride

Chapter 152: The Last Pride (1)
Xiao obediently smiled: "Okay then." Then he looked at Baili Hanchu who came out of the bathroom. These days, he was used to wearing a casual T-shirt and casual shorts. Suddenly seeing him in a suit and leather shoes really made the girl Some are not used to it.

At this moment, Baili Hanchu finally didn't have to hang his arms around his neck anymore. He was wearing a formal Italian handmade black suit with a white shirt inside, which made his face look like a crown jade, and he was unparalleled in beauty.

The well-fitting tailoring of the suit made his figure even more slender and straight. Baili Hanchu smiled and looked at the cheerful girl who seemed to be celebrating the New Year, stood still in front of her, and bent slightly: "I'm going to be discharged from the hospital, darling, you are so happy ?"

No, who wants to take care of you 24 hours a day!Xiao obediently said in his heart, but on the surface he explained: "Of course, if you can be discharged from the hospital, it means that you have recovered. Of course I am happy! This also means that I, a little nurse, have done a very competent job."

Baili Hanchu smiled and said, "Of course, my aunt is the best nurse in this hospital."

Xiao obediently rolled his eyes at him, "Okay, Baili patient, you are about to be discharged from the hospital, so don't flatter me."

Really, it wasn't just when she was in the hospital that she would prick him with a needle if she didn't flatter her. Now that he has been discharged from the hospital, why are you saying such nice words?
Baili Hanchu stared into the girl's pure eyes and said, "What I said is true."

"Then do you want to stay here for a few more days?" Xiao obediently asked half-jokingly.

What Baili Hanchu said was true: "If Nurse Xiao is willing to continue to take care of me, I am very happy!"

Xiao Guaiguai smiled softly, "Forget it," suddenly thought of something, "Today Wan'er is going back to Murong's house to pick up her luggage, she asked me to go with her, do you think I should go?"

Baili Hanchu was very happy that the girl discussed everything with him like this, and said with a smile, "Of course I will go back with her, you two are good friends."

Xiao Guaiguai was a little hesitant at first because if she went to Murong's house, she would meet someone like Murong Jing, but now hearing what the devil said, she seemed to have confidence in her heart, no matter what happened, the devil would stand by her side.

"Well, then I'll go." Xiao obediently made up his mind.

Baili Hanchu stretched out his arms, hugged the girl's slender waist, lowered his eyes, and stared at her: "Come with me to a party in two days."

Xiao Guaiguai is a little annoyed, these rich people in the upper class are so troublesome, they like to hold parties at every turn!
And this devil, why do you have to drag her to the party?Doesn't he hate such parties?
"What kind of party is it again? Don't you dislike attending parties? Why do you still want to drag me?" Xiao obediently pouted her lips.

"Because, because I don't want you to miss the good show!" Baili Hanchu said mysteriously.

Presumably Ken's subordinates have already found that person, right?Moreover, Murong Jing was also invited to the party that day.

Some scandals in the upper class are usually revealed at such grand gatherings!
Cold sweat dripped from the back of Xiao Guaiguai's head. I have to say that this demon really knows her well, and knows that she likes to watch good shows!

"For the sake of your kind invitation, then I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman!" At this time, Xiao Guaiguai did not forget to show his generosity.

Baili Hanchu lowered his head and kissed the girl's beautiful brows, "Being obedient is the best."

Xiao obediently glanced at him reproachfully, why does this devil like to kiss her so much?Didn't you see that Aunt Huiru is still there?

Turning around subconsciously, Xiao Guaiguai was a little confused, huh?Where's Aunt Huiru?

Originally, Xiao Guaiguai had already made up his mind that if he went to Murong's house and met such a bad old man, he would definitely turn a blind eye to him and turn a deaf ear to his words.

Unexpectedly, Murong Jing was not at home at all, but met Aqiusha who came to visit his grandfather.

Xiao Guaiguai and Murong Wan walked towards the villa arm in arm, and heard Aqiusha's timid voice from behind: "Young Madam, Miss Wan Wan, Master Murong."

This Aqiusha really has a bit of a disagreement!
Didn't she say that as long as Aunt Jiang Yunhua came back, she would be willing to leave Murong's house? She also told Auntie not to leave, she was the one who should go, but now what does Aqiusha appear here again?
Murong Chong next to the two girls put his hands in his pockets, turned around lazily, looked at the girl whose dress was getting more and more gorgeous but made him more and more displeased, and smiled contemptuously, "Oh, this is not from the Murong family' Missy? Is it now to see how we are kicked out of the house?"

Xiao Guaiguai didn't need to turn her head, she could fully imagine that Aqiusha must be standing there at this moment with her eyes downcast, looking timid and at a loss.

But Xiao Guaiguai wanted to verify whether her thoughts were wrong, and looking back, she did not disappoint, the girl in front of her was exactly what she imagined just now.

"Miss Wanwan, Master Murong, are you finally moving back?" Aqiusha asked expectantly.

Murong Chong sneered: "Hypocrisy!"

Aqiusha cast her eyes on Xiao Guaiguai for help, and said pitifully: "Young Madam, I really hope that Madam Murong and the others will come back to live."

Duplicity!She doesn't believe it!After experiencing so many things, Xiao Guaiguai is no longer that ignorant house girl, and she will not be easily deceived.

What's more, she watched Aqiusha step by step from an unknown little gardener in the Baili family to meeting the father and daughter of the bad old man Murong Jing, becoming the eldest lady of the Murong family, and causing Aunt Jiang Yunhua to divorce the bad old man. Up to now, Wan'er and the others had no choice but to leave Murong's house.

"Hehe..." Xiao obediently smiled, it seemed that she was still the girl who couldn't hide what was on her mind, and showed emotions and anger.You can't even keep a smile on someone you don't like.

Seeing the girl's expression, Aqiusha sneered in her heart, hum, with a woman like her who has no intentions, is she worthy of staying with the young master?
Hmph, now that Jiang Yunhua's mother and son have left Murong's house, the next step, she, Aqiusha, is going to start a plan to make this woman Xiao Kuaiguai leave the young master's side!

However, what Aqiusha didn't know was that Ken's subordinates had already found the person she least wanted to see, and all the plots were quietly being shattered!
"Okay, little idiot, darling, what are you talking about so much with her? Let's go and pack up!" Murong Chong shouted impatiently, stretching out his ape arm to hook the girl's fair and slender neck, in a way of imprisoning her. Drag her away.

Although Xiao Guaiguai was very upset that Murong Chong took her away in such an ungentle way, she was very grateful to him in her heart, because she didn't want to face those hypocritical faces.

(End of this chapter)

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