Failed Boss

Chapter 153: The Last Pride

Chapter 153: The Last Pride (2)
Murong Wan gracefully turned around and followed her younger brother away. Aqiusha was still immersed in her boundless daydream, secretly delighted, as if she had seen that she had driven Xiao Guaiguai away from this year's Baili Hanchu and replaced her by herself. appearance.

Mrs. Ali, who was in good shape behind her, reminded: "Miss, do we still have to see the master?"

In fact, Murong Chong was right, Aqiusha came to Murong's house today not to visit Murong Zu at all, but to see how Murong Wan and Murong Chong, who were once aloof, were swept out with their suitcases.

Aqiusha lowered her eyes, peeped her deep eyes from behind her eyelashes, and said calmly: "Grandpa's condition is just recovering, I'd better not show up in front of him and disturb his old man."

Mrs. Ali nodded slightly: "Miss, you have a heart. Don't take what Master Murong says to heart. He has always been like this, and you know it."

What's the matter with Mrs. Ali?Dad gave her a salary to take care of her, Aqiusha, but this Mrs. Ali kept talking for those irrelevant outsiders!It's abominable!
It's better to be Huiru from the young master's house, no matter what time it is, I will always think about that woman Xiao Kuaiguai!
In the future, when Aqiusha replaces Xiao Guaiguai, the first thing she will do is to fire Mrs. Ali, a useless servant, and bring Huiru into her camp!

"Sister-in-law Ali, do you think the Young Madam hates me? Didn't she say that I'm still friends with her last time? Why is she like this now? She doesn't even talk to me." Aqiusha looked eager Weeping pitifully, asked.

Mrs. Ali persuaded: "Miss, Miss Xiao is not that kind of person, it's just that she's caught between you and Master Murong, so it's a bit difficult."

Mrs. Ali is an upright person. It is necessary to protect the master, but she is not so loyal that she thinks what the master does is right, and she will not add fuel to the flames and make the relationship between the master and others worse. .

"Really." Aqiusha said lightly, in fact, she was cursing in her heart that Mrs. Ali, who eats inside and out, knows how to speak for others.

In the room, Murong Wan put a purple suitcase on the lavender big bed, went to her exclusive cloakroom, chose a few pieces of her favorite clothes, folded them, put them in the suitcase, and looked around at the place where she lived. After living in the room for more than a year, I was naturally a little bit reluctant.

Xiao obediently helped her press down the clothes, and asked, "Is there anything else you want to take away?"

Murong Wan's beautiful eyes are full of mist. In fact, she doesn't want to leave this home that can't be called home, but things have developed to this point, and her mother has just been discharged from the hospital after surgery. Naturally, she wants to be by her mother's side, but like this Come on, wouldn't grandpa be so lonely?
And Dad, but after Murong Wan thought about it, Dad is okay, at least the girl he loves will be by his side...

"Are you alright, old lady?" Murong Chong yelled as he came in dragging a sky blue suitcase.

Xiao obediently turned around and looked at him who was in a hurry, feeling helpless in his heart, "Master Murong, girls have more things than boys, just wait patiently."

Murong Chong didn't bother to watch them chatter, he turned around and walked outside with the suitcase in hand, "Hurry up, I'll wait for you outside!"

On the other side, Aqiusha watched Murong Chong walk towards Murong Wan's room, driven by curiosity, she went to Murong Chong's room.

Because the servants clean it every day, the room is clean, but because the owner of the room just came to rummage through the boxes, it looks a bit messy.

Aqiusha looked indifferently, looked around the room, and sneered.

No matter how superior you are, Murong Chong, you are still her defeated opponent!
Suddenly, Aqiusha was attracted by a case bag dropped by the desk, she walked over and reached out to pick it up, and it was Murong Chong's.

Flipping it open and taking a look, a smile slowly stained the corner of Aqiusha's mouth, so that's it!

Murong Chong put his suitcase in the trunk of that cool yellow sports car that looked like Transformers, and then waited for those two chirping guys in the back row.

At this moment, Aqiusha walked over without haste.

Murong Chong sneered, this illegitimate daughter really regarded herself as a member of the family more and more.

But all of this has nothing to do with him, Murong Chong!

Originally, Murong Chong was not interested in speaking satirically about Aqiusha. He thought that this illegitimate daughter would run away from him like a mouse seeing a cat, but he didn't expect that she would just walk over like that, with a strange expression on her face. .

Aqiusha paused beside the cool yellow sports car, lowered her eyes, still showing that cautious look, "Master Murong, are you waiting for Miss Wanwan?"

"What's none of your business?" Murong Chong raised his chin slightly, gave her a blank look, and spoke in a tone of disdain.

Aqiusha turned her eyes around this extremely cool sports car: "Such a cool sports car, you really need someone like Master Murong to drive it to show its style."

Murong Chong yelled: "Speak quickly if you have something to say and fart quickly, don't put on a show here, I'm not Murong Jing's bad old man, I'll take your pathetic way of flattering me!"

Aqiusha still lowered her eyes, and continued: "It's just, why is Miss Wanwan always driving such a cool car, while you always sit in the co-pilot or the back row?"

Murong Chong gritted his teeth secretly, is this illegitimate daughter mocking him?Forbearance said: "My young master just doesn't want to drive by himself, what's none of your business?"

Aqiusha smiled lightly, her tone was so soft: "It's one thing not to want to drive by yourself, but if you can't drive, then it's another matter, isn't it? Hehehe..."

Hearing the illegitimate daughter laugh out loud at the end, Murong Chong's anger flared up in a flash, and he shouted, "Who said I can't drive anymore!"

Aqiusha didn't know whether she believed it or not, she chuckled again, "Really? Anyway, I should go for a ride in the sports car my father bought me!"

Then Aqiusha leisurely walked towards the lady's white sports car that Murong Jing bought for her, got into the car lazily, turned her head, and mouthed very slowly to Murong Chong who was dying of anger: "You A coward who can only ride but not drive."

Murong Chong was completely enraged. He stood up suddenly, supported himself with one hand, and jumped onto the driver's seat. Fortunately, although he couldn't drive, he still had the key with him. He quickly inserted the key, started the engine, and stepped on the accelerator. At the end, the car sped away like an arrow off the string.

When Murong Wan packed her luggage and walked to the French window, ready to get the rabbit doll on the carpet by the window, she just saw the yellow sports car speeding away, her heart skipped a beat, "Brother!" She turned around and ran outside Go, don't care about your luggage.

(End of this chapter)

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