Failed Boss

Chapter 154: The Last Pride

Chapter 154: The Last Pride (3)
Xiao Guaiguai hurriedly chased after her, and asked, "Wan'er, what's wrong with Murong Chong?"

Murong Wan explained while running: "Actually, my younger brother is red-green color blind, so he can't drive!"

Murong Chong is a very face-saving person. No one knows about this matter except his parents and grandfather, but Wan'er just doesn't understand. My brother knows that he has this disease and cannot drive on the road. Why is he driving today? Car, still running so fast?
Fortunately, Murong's family still had a lot of idle sports cars, so Murong Wan drove a purple sports car out of the garage immediately.

Xiao obediently shouted from behind, "Wan'er, wait for me!"


The tires screeched loudly against the ground.

The car stopped steadily beside Xiao Guaiguai, and she quickly opened the door and got into the car.

Murong Wan stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, stared at the front with all her attention, and prayed in her heart that she must catch up with her brother, otherwise he would be in trouble once he got on the road!
A woman's white sports car was speeding down the road, and it was Aqiusha who was driving the car. She looked at the yellow sports car that was coming after her through the rearview mirror, with an extremely soft arc drawn at the corner of her mouth.

Unexpectedly, Murong Chong really caught up!
The young and energetic young master of the rich family is really easily irritated!
But that's also good, this way, in the future, there will be one less person who will compete with her, Aqiusha.

Thinking of this, Aqiusha stepped up the accelerator. This is a suburban area, and the speed limit is 150 yards, and she maintained this speed.

Murong Wan's purple sports car was speeding on the road like wind, and Xiao Guaiguai, who was on the co-pilot next to him, was blown so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

Murong Wan sat upright, concentrating on it, with only one thought in her mind, and that was to catch up with her younger brother!

The white sports car had already entered the urban area, and its speed gradually slowed down.

Murong Chong focused on looking at the car, and before he knew it, his car had already passed Aqiusha's car, and the light ahead was already red, but Murong Chong, who couldn't tell the difference between red and green, didn't intend to slow down the car. Seeing the cars in front of him stop one after another, Murong Chong knew it was a red light.

Murong Chong hurriedly stepped on the brakes, but it was already too late, the beautiful yellow sports car had already crashed into a black car in front of him waiting for a red light, due to the powerful impact, Murong Chong instinctively leaned forward , hit his forehead on the windshield...

Then Murong Wan, who came in a sports car, saw this scene, her beautiful eyes widened instantly, and she exclaimed in the car, "Chonger!"

There was a car accident, and people on the road surrounded and pointed.

Xiao obediently opened the car door and ran out of the car, pushed through the crowd and ran to Murong Chong's yellow sports car. The beautiful front of the car was severely deformed by the impact, and Murong Chong fell into a pool of blood, which was still dripping from his forehead. gurgle out.

Murong Wan quickly took out her mobile phone and called an ambulance, and then worked together with Xiao Guaiguai to drag Murong Chong out of the car.

In the white sports car not far away, Aqiusha looked away, started the car again, and left.

Before the ambulance arrived, Xiao Guaiguai followed a series of correct first-aid measures to stop the blood on Murong Chong's forehead and let him lie flat on the ground to keep breathing smoothly.

After temporarily settling down Murong Chong, Xiao obediently went to the car that was hit in front to see the injuries of the people inside.

Fortunately, there was no other car in front of the car in front, so there was no rear-end collision.

In the car, Mo Zhongtian and Li Xueyin got out of the car quickly, wanting to see what was going on, when they saw Xiao Guai obediently standing at the door of the car.

"Uncle Mo, Chairman Li?" Xiao Kuaiguai didn't expect to be Mo Junchi's parents, and opened his mouth slightly.

Li Xueyin's forehead was bruised, and she was naturally not in a good mood when such a thing happened, "Miss Xiao, why is it you?"

Xiao Guaiguai was originally a little afraid of this strong woman in the mall. Faced with such a question, she stammered and said: "Because... because Murong Chong came out with his car and ran into your car... I'm sorry, I'm sorry !” At the end, she bent down and made a ninety-degree salute.

Seeing such a young girl, Li Xueyin's heart was full of displeasure. This reckless girl must have caused this car accident when she and that condescending kid Murong Chong drove on a rampage.

Mo Zhongtian's forehead was red and swollen, and had already started to bleed. He said gently to the girl: "Miss Xiao is studying nursing, can you please help me treat the wound?"

Xiao obediently straightened up, feeling flattered. The man in front of him was Mo Junchi's father. He asked her to help her with the wound?

Xiao obediently nodded quickly, and ran to Wan'er's sports car, holding her pink backpack. Fortunately, there were always some anti-inflammatory and hemostatic medicines and gauze in it.

Looking at the tall middle-aged man in front of him, Xiao obediently said in a low voice: "Uncle Mo, could you please squat down a little bit, you are too tall for me to reach."

Mo Zhongtian squatted down very cooperatively, and Xiao Guaiguai gently and skillfully eliminated the inflammation for him, applied the medicine, and then bandaged him up.

"Thank you, Miss Xiao." Mo Zhongtian said with a smile.

"This is what I should do." Xiao obediently said shyly, then turned his gaze to Li Xueyin, and asked cautiously: "Chairman Li, your forehead is also injured, do you need me to help you deal with it?"

Li Xueyin said coldly: "No need."

Seeing her attitude of rejecting others thousands of miles away, Xiao obediently packed up his backpack, "Then Chairman Li, Uncle Mo, I'll go check on Murong Chong's situation first."

The traffic police have cordoned off the scene of the accident for recording.

Murong Wan tightly held Murong Chong's hand who was lying on the ground, tears flowed down one by one, and the pear blossoms rained on her beautiful face, "Brother, you must be safe."

Xiao Guaiguai squatted down beside her and comforted her, "Wan'er, he's just temporarily unconscious, it shouldn't be a big deal." As a nurse who is used to watching life and death, Xiao Guaiguai couldn't help but have red eyes.

Fortunately, an ambulance arrived soon, and Murong Chong was sent to the hospital for emergency surgery.

Outside the operating room, Murong Wan and Xiao Guaiguai waited anxiously.

After hearing the news, Ling Feng came wearing a white robe, his gentle and handsome face was full of worry, Murong Wan threw herself into his arms, sobbing: "Uncle Ling Feng, it's all my fault, I You didn't take good care of your brother!"

Ling Feng raised his big hand and patted the girl's back lightly, comforting him: "Don't worry, Wan Wan, we have to trust the doctor, Chong'er will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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