Failed Boss

Chapter 156

Chapter 156
Xiao guaiguai sniffed the man's pleasant smell of men's perfume and the unique masculine scent, "Han Chu, I think Murong Chong drove out when he knew he was red-green color blind and not suitable for driving. question."

Baili Hanchu's eyes gleamed, this was the first time a girl called him by his name naturally, "Hey, what did you call me just now?"

Xiao obediently rolled his eyes at him, this demon, what is he doing asking such insignificant questions at this time?
"Baili Hanchu, we are talking about business now, please don't ramble!"

Baili Hanchu smiled and said: "Yes, Nurse Xiao!" After a pause, he continued to ask: "Did you meet anyone when you went to Murong's house?"

Xiao obediently thought for a moment, "Aqiusha, she happened to be going to see Grandpa Murong, and Murong Chong taunted her a few words."

Baili Hanchu nodded slightly: "That's it."

In fact, Xiao Kuaiguai once suspected whether Aqiusha provoked Murong Chong and caused him to run out in the car, but she really couldn't figure it out. The deep-minded Aqiusha always looked like a mouse when facing Murong Chong. With the expression of the cat, it was too late to hide from him, so how could he speak out to provoke him?
Besides, isn't it only the Murong family who knows about Murong Chong's red-green color blindness?Since Aqiusha didn't know about it, how could she do those things?

"Han Chu, you have great powers, why don't you take me to watch the video of the car accident at that time?" Xiao obediently stretched out her hand and gently shook his slender arm, her voice softer than usual.

Baili Hanchu smiled, this girl is becoming more and more pampered, "It's not difficult to watch the surveillance video of the road at that time, but to be honest, it's useless to watch that."

"Then what's the use?" Xiao obediently asked subconsciously.

"Of course I went to watch the surveillance video at the Murong's villa. We must find out why Murong Chong drove out!" Baili Hanchu analyzed leisurely.

Xiao Guai smiled obediently and said, "Hey, Baili Hanchu, or are you scheming, I didn't expect so much?"

She wondered if it was Murong Chong who discovered Aqiusha's secret and chased him out.

Bailihan couldn't help but laugh: "You bastard, are you praising me or hurting me?"

Xiao obediently raised his jaw slightly: "Of course it hurts you."

Baili Hanchu raised her big hand and gently pinched her tender little face. It felt soft and delicate, as if touching a gardenia petal, "Okay, don't think about these things, let's think about what will happen in two days. What should you wear to the party?"

Xiao obediently said: "Aren't you going to Murong's house to watch the surveillance video now?"

"Don't worry, these things will naturally be done by others, so you don't want to take credit for others." Baili Hanchu said meaningfully.

Xiao Guaiguai did not expect that the banquet that Baili Hanchu took her to was organized by the Liu Group, let alone that Murong Jing actually brought Aqiusha there.

In the resplendent hall, there are champagne cloud shadows, and the huge diamond chandelier on the ceiling reflects dazzling light.

Liu Piaopiao's house is so magnificent, it's almost like a palace, a scene of extravagance and prosperity.

Baili Hanchu led the girl into the hall slowly, Liu Piaopiao greeted her with wine, and smiled sweetly: "Master Baili, Miss Xiao, you are here, have fun!"

Xiao guai obediently raised her eyes to look at this woman with Baili Hanchu's childhood sweetheart. She was wearing a silver tight-fitting mermaid tail mop evening dress.

Liu Piaopiao looked at the girl calmly. The pink evening gown set off her graceful figure, and her curly hair was tied into a princess bun, just like a Barbie doll.

Baili Hanchu was wearing a white tuxedo, which made his face more and more like a crown jade. He was completely a prince charming, and he kept a just right smile on his unparalleled handsome face: "Since we are here, we naturally want to have fun. "

Liu Piaopiao smiled, "There are a lot of guests today, if there is any place where the hospitality is not good, please bear with me."

Xiaoguai obediently slandered: Knowing that you are busy, why are you talking so much high-sounding nonsense to us?
Baili Hanchu said lightly: "Miss Piao Piao is too polite, Baili will take good care of his fiancée."

Father Liu walked over with the wine. It was a short, fat, middle-aged man with a shrewd look on his face. He smiled and approached him: "Oh, Nephew Baili, you are here. You are really a rare visitor!"

Baili Hanchu smiled lightly and said, "I haven't seen you for many years, but Chairman Liu still has the same demeanor."

Father Liu sighed: "Yes, it's been almost 20 years in a flash, nephew Baili, you are better than blue than blue," and then turned his gaze to the girl beside him: "This is your fiancée, right?"

Baili Hanchu stared down at the girl in his arms, his pampering was beyond words.

Liu's father continued: "Oh, it's true that people are not as good as heaven. I think your father and I joked that since our two families are family friends, we might as well get closer and let you and Piao Piao get married!"

When Xiao Guaiguai heard this, the slender hand holding the man's arm unconsciously tightened a bit, and the corner of his mouth outlined an extremely unnatural arc.

Doll dear?

The relationship between Baili Hanchu, a demon, and Piao Piao beauty is really extraordinary!

It turns out that the relationship between them is not as simple as childhood sweethearts!
Wait, what does this have to do with her?Why did she hear Father Liu say that like a huge stone weighed on her heart, it was so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

Looking at the pale girl, Liu Piaopiao asked with concern: "Miss Xiao, what's wrong with you? Why doesn't your face look very good?"

Xiao obediently put on a peaceful smile, that smile was so stiff, "It's nothing."

Baili Hanchu kept staring at the girl with lowered eyes, seeing her originally rosy face turn pale because of Father Liu's words, feeling a pain in his heart and full of relief at the same time, no matter what, he still cared about him obediently, but this The girl is so stubborn that she just refuses to admit it.

Murong Jing walked over with A Qiusha, with a slight smile on his dull face, fixed his eyes on Liu's father, and said flatly: "Chairman Liu, thank you for inviting Murong to today's banquet, this is Mrs. Little girl Sasha." Then he introduced to the girl beside him: "Sasha, this is the chairman of the Liu Group."

Only then did Xiao Guaiguai look at them, and saw Murong Jing wearing a well-tailored gray suit, with a full of elegance. He looked like a well-learned university professor, exuding a leisurely and bookish air, with his hair combed back. She looks smooth and energetic, and she doesn't seem to be troubled by the divorce at all.

(End of this chapter)

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