Failed Boss

Chapter 157 The ugly life experience

Chapter 157 The ugly life experience (1)
Xiao Guaiguai felt a hint of cynicism in his heart, Murong Jing really has no conscience, that Murong Chong has already been injured and hospitalized, yet he still brings her daughter here to swagger!
Looking at Aqiusha again, I saw that she was wearing a royal blue knee-length tube top dress and a small jacket of the same color. A sapphire brooch the size of a pigeon egg on it was even more gorgeous, and her hair was coiled into a simple princess head. , making a small face as petite as a lotus petal, with light rouge applied on the face, and curled eyelashes flickering, very agile.

Xiao Guaiguai couldn't help sighing in his heart, it is true that people rely on clothes to dress Buddha to get gold clothes!Under the packaging of the beautiful dress, Aqiusha, who was originally plain, has become like a princess.

In addition, Murong Jing openly brought her to appear on such an occasion, and his intention was self-evident, he must officially disclose her identity.

Aqiusha still looked timid, I felt pity for her, and said crisply, "Chairman Liu."

How shrewd Father Liu was, he immediately recognized that the girl in front of him was not born to Mrs. Murong at all, but the illegitimate daughter of Murong Jing who had been exposed some time ago.

But on the surface, Father Liu remained calm and nodded slightly: "Hi Miss Murong, I hope you and Mr. Murong have a good time today."

Liu Piaopiao asked curiously: "Huh? Why haven't I seen this Miss Murong before?" After thinking for a while, she continued: "Oh, I see, you are Mr. Murong's..." The illegitimate daughter Although these three words were not spoken, it is not difficult to see the look of contempt from her beautiful face.

Liu's father resisted calmly and gave Liu Piaopiao a wink. This precious girl, Piaopiao, is outspoken, but luckily he didn't say it just now.

Only then did Liu Piaopiao realize that she almost said the wrong thing, she hurriedly raised her hand wearing the sapphire ring to gently cover her mouth, her big eyes rolled around, her expression was really cute.

The scene was a bit awkward, Baili Hanchu whispered softly to the girl beside him: "Hey, are you hungry? Would you like me to take you to the refreshment area over there for something to eat."

After participating in banquets with Baili Hanchu these few times, Xiao Guaiguai came to a conclusion, that is, at a banquet that seems to be full of delicious food, it is impossible to eat all you want without restraint, unless you have the courage to face Miss Qianjin Their contemptuous eyes.

Xiao Guaiguai was about to say something when there was another commotion in the crowd.

"Hey, isn't that Prince Ken from a certain country in Western Europe?"

"Yes, yes, he looks so handsome and extravagant!"

"Is the girl next to him the little princess of the Murong Group?"

"That's right, Miss Murong is so beautiful! She is a born princess, much more noble and elegant than someone else!"

"Miss Murong and Ken are a perfect match!"

Ken, who was dressed in a light gray suit, was dignified and handsome. He was tall and walked slowly with Murong Wan, who was wearing a small lavender dress.

Aqiusha's face became gloomy, why, why did Murong Wan appear, when she didn't appear, she was still a beautiful peacock, but when Murong Wan appeared, it was like a phoenix coming to the world, attracting everyone's attention. , as if all the light in this world was concentrated on her.

Originally, Murong Wan didn't want to come. After all, Murong Chong was still in the hospital, so her mother could take care of her alone, but she was very lonely. She wanted to be with her mother and younger brother, but this guy next to her insisted on dragging her out and taking her to the hospital. I came here after dressing up in the styling shop.

Xiao obediently, today's Wan'er is so beautiful that she is hopelessly beautiful, like a princess in a fairy tale world who has come to the world. As a girl, she doesn't know how to take her eyes off Wan'er!

Ken took the girl beside him to the host of the banquet, with a lazy smile on his handsome face, and a pair of deep blue eyes like the sea, "Chairman Liu, Ken is here to attend today's banquet on behalf of his mother, this is Ken's girlfriend, Miss Murong Wan."

Father Liu said with a smile: "It turns out that it is Prince Ken who is here. Please forgive me for being far away."

Liu Piaopiao smiled and looked at the noble, beautiful and elegant girl beside the noble man, and said, "This is the little princess of the Murong Group, she is really beautiful!"

Murong Wan kept an elegant and decent smile on her face, and her voice was clear and sweet: "Miss Liu has praised you, Miss Liu, you are a beautiful country, and Wan Wan can't match it."

Liu Piaopiao laughed, "Miss Murong's little mouth can really talk!"

Murong Wan cast her eyes on Xiao Guaiguai who was here, and said kindly: "Guaiguai, you are here too."

Xiao obediently smiled and rolled her eyes, "Yes, Wan'er is so beautiful today."

What did she think when she saw Liu Piaopiao for the first time?At that time, I felt that although Liu Piaopiao was beautiful, she was still a bit inferior to Wan'er. Today, comparing the two of them together, it turns out that Wan'er is more beautiful, with outstanding demeanor, and a kind of poetic and bookish style. Zihua's bearing.

Murong Wan looked around and said with a smile: "Today's banquet is full of beauties, so you will praise me."

Xiao obediently smiled lightly and remained silent.

As if unwilling to be ignored, Aqiusha stepped forward and said with a smile, "Miss Wanwan, you are here too, what a coincidence."

There were bursts of cynicism in Ken's green eyes, he is eager to show now and is unwilling to be ignored, when you will show it!
Murong Wan's face was as calm as water, she nodded slightly and said, "Well, you're here too."

Aqiusha said with the shy attitude of a young daughter: "Well, Dad brought me here, saying that he made me familiar with this kind of banquet."

Xiao Guaiguai only felt a headache from hearing it, and said to the man beside him: "Han Chu, I'm a little tired, I want to go over there to rest."

Before Baili Hanchu could speak, Liu Piaopiao took the lead and said, "Miss Xiao, are you tired? Why don't you let me take you to the room to rest?"

Xiao obediently did not speak, but stared straight at the man beside him with a pair of pure eyes, as if he wanted to see him soften his heart and agree.

Baili Hanchu smiled and stared at the girl in his arms, "Okay, let's go over there and do it," and then said to Liu's father, "Then Baili and his fiancée will be excused first." After finishing speaking, he hugged the girl and walked towards the rest area go.

But at this moment, a dry voice came from the entrance of the hall: "Aqiusha, you bitch, I finally found you!"

Hearing these vulgar words, Xiao Guaiguai couldn't help turning around, only to see a man with messy clothes and a scruffy beard rushing towards him.

The man is about 50 to [-] years old, with a thin body and a yellow and thin face. He seems to have escaped from the refugee area, and he is so out of place with the magnificent hall here.

(End of this chapter)

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