Failed Boss

Chapter 169 The Mysterious Woman

Chapter 169 The Mysterious Woman (2)
But Xiao Guaiguai didn't dare to sleep soundly, and just fell asleep on the accompanying bed, thinking about the woman in the cloak just now, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she really couldn't believe that in this 21st century, there are such strangely dressed people.

The next day, when the first ray of sunlight shone into the ward, Xiao obediently, who was dozing on the accompanying bed, opened his eyes. His big black and white eyes were slightly bloodshot.

Yes, this night, she had to get up every one or two hours to change the bottle for Murong Chong, so she couldn't rest well after tossing and turning.

Looking at the hanging bottle on the shelf, there was still half of it left, Xiao obediently went to the bathroom, washed up, and made himself sober, when he came out, Jiang Yunhua had already bought breakfast and walked in.

"Hey, thank you for your hard work last night." Jiang Yunhua said with a smile, looking at the girl whose cheeks were wet with hair.

"It's nothing." Xiao Guaiguai just smiled, and then raised her little hand to look at the diamond watch on Hao's wrist. It was almost 06:30, and he could go back to rest after get off work at seven o'clock.

"Come over and have some breakfast." Jiang Yunhua Zhang Luo.

"Hehe, no need." Xiao obediently smiled and refused. Now she just wants to go back and have a rest.

In fact, logically speaking, this is the first time she has been on the night shift. After all, the previous night shifts were to take care of Baili Hanchu. His injury was not as serious as that of Murong Chong. Potion, so it's okay to go down overnight.

"You little idiot, just eat a little, we are not outsiders, your face is turning pale." Murong Chong shouted, his tone was full of concern.

Yes, although Xiao Guaiguai, who stays at home all year round and doesn't like to do sports, has no serious illnesses or nine pains, but his health is not very good. No, he looks a little haggard without a good night's rest, and his complexion is as pale as if he came out of a coffin. The person who got up.

Xiao obediently yawned, "I really don't need it, I want to sleep now." As he spoke, mist appeared in his big eyes.

"Then are you sleeping?" Murong Chong said.

Xiao obediently blinked, "I can't sleep here, I'd better wait until I get back from get off work and rest."

Jiang Yunhua handed a glass of milk to Murong Chong's lips, "Chong'er, let's drink some milk first."

Murong Chong refused to drink, and shouted: "Mom, it's not good to drink milk on an empty stomach."

Helpless, Jiang Yunhua picked up another piece of whole wheat bread and said, "Then you can drink milk after eating this."

Murong Chong had a strange expression on Mai Se's face, and he didn't open his mouth.

Jiang Yunhua thought that this proud son was playing with his temper again, and persuaded: "Don't be embarrassed, you were raised by your mother."

Xiao obediently thought about it, and Murong Chong didn't seem to have gone to the bathroom since last night, so he hurriedly said, "Auntie, Murong Chong should go to the bathroom first."

Murong Chong blushed and shouted: "Oh, you little idiot, why do you know everything!"

Jiang Yunhua shook her head helplessly, then put the things aside, helped Murong Chong get off the bed, raised the bottle high and sent him to the bathroom, hung the bottle on the hook in the bathroom, and watched as both arms hurt. The son in the plaster cast asked, "Chong'er, do you need your mother to help you?"

Murong Chong became a little impatient, "Mom, get out soon." After saying that, he closed the door.

Xiao obediently looked at Jiang Yunhua who was pushed out, the corners of his mouth twitched, this guy knows how to be shy!
Xiao obediently said to the thin woman: "By the way, Aunt Yunhua, there was an aunt who claimed to be your good friend last night and said she came to visit Murong Chong, but she was dressed very differently, as if she was afraid of being seen She looks like she's wearing a black cloak."

Jiang Yunhua was a little puzzled, her friends were all in China, and she had no friends in France except Ling Feng, and she only had casual acquaintances with those noble ladies in the mall, not really friends.

That woman in a black cloak?Jiang Yunhua felt even more strange about this!

"Then what did she say?" Jiang Yunhua asked suspiciously.

Xiao Guaiguai replied: "She asked me something." Speaking of this, Xiao Guaiguai also felt strange, isn't that auntie Jiang Yunhua's friend, is she here to visit Murong Chong who was injured and hospitalized?How could he not mention Murong Chong's injury at all, instead he seemed to be very concerned about her affairs.

Jiang Yunhua thought about it, and asked about obediently, could it be... But it's impossible!
"By the way, auntie, that auntie called you Xiaoyun." Xiao Guaiguai suddenly thought of this special address and added.

Jiang Yunhua's heart skipped a beat. Only that person would call her that!
Seeing this familiar girl in front of her, the feeling in Jiang Yunhua's heart became stronger and stronger.

"Hey, you little idiot, are you talking about that female ghost in black again?" Murong Chong said dissatisfiedly as he opened the bathroom door, this little idiot must be talking about his fear of ghosts, damn it!
I think Murong Chong is really bad, that cowardly person who is afraid of ghosts is actually seen by obediently by coincidence, he is ashamed to death!

Jiang Yunhua hurried into the bathroom, held up the drip bottle, and walked out together with Murong Chong.

"What kind of female ghost?" Jiang Yunhua asked with a puzzled look as she settled her son.

Xiao Guai obediently smiled and explained, "It was the aunt wearing the cloak who stood at the door of the ward and didn't come in last night. Murong Chong thought it was a ghost when she saw it, and then..."

Murong Chong interrupted the girl's words in embarrassment and annoyance, "Hey, you little idiot, don't think about that thing again, do you hear me?"

Xiao obediently shrugged, "Yes." Then, seeing that his IV was almost finished, "Okay, I'm going to get today's potion, and I can leave work after changing the potion." Thinking of this, she felt a little A feeling of relief at last.

"Then who is in charge of taking care of me during the day today?" Murong Chong asked, leaning comfortably on the pillow.

"It seems to be Annie." Xiao obediently thought about it. Annie has been on night shift for a few days recently, and she can finally work the morning shift.

"So are you on duty at night?" Murong Chong's eyes sparkled, with a little expectation.

"Yes, yes, young master!" Xiao Guaiguai couldn't help sighing, she really had a hard life!
But the negative thoughts were only for a moment, and Xiao Guaiguai soon cheered up again. Nursing is her favorite profession, so what is this little hard work?

"That's great." Murong Chong seemed a little excited.

A high-end business car was on the way to the hospital, because it was early shift time, there were a lot of vehicles on the road.

Inside the car, Baili Hanchu was wearing a pure handmade Italian suit and a white shirt inside. He was clean and fresh, his whole face was radiant, and he was unparalleled in beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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