Failed Boss

Chapter 170 Doubt

Chapter 170 Doubt
At this time, the melodious ringtone of the mobile phone rang in the car, Baili Hanchu took out the mobile phone from his pocket, slid his slender thumb lightly, and answered, "What's the matter."

Yu Haoning on the other end of the phone said respectfully: "Young master, when my subordinates were protecting the young lady last night, they found Yuguisha standing at the door of Murong Chong's ward for a long time, and then the young lady came out and stopped Yugui Sha, I didn't expect that Yugui Sha, who was able to leave smoothly, would actually stop and chat with the young lady for a long time."

Baili Hanchu's moderately high eyebrows slightly moved, "What did she and Guaiguai say?"

"Just to ask the young lady some things, how long have you been in France, are you used to it..." Yu Haoning recounted the conversation between Xiao Kuaiguai and Yu Guisha last night with his ability of never forgetting, "By the way , Yu Guisha also asked the young lady if she likes you, young master."

"Oh?" Baili Hanchu became interested, "Then how did you answer it obediently?"

"The young lady didn't answer, and then Yu Guisha changed the topic." Yu Haoning reported truthfully.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Baili Hanchu's deep and dark eyes, and he didn't say anything.

Yu Guisha came to visit Murong Chong as a good friend of Jiang Yunhua's to get close to Guaiguai, but he didn't ask about Murong Chong's affairs, but cared so much about Guaiguai's affairs!

Is this thing really incredible?

And last time, he and Guaiguai were attacked by Nangongjue, and it was Yuguisha who rescued them. And that time, Nangongjue's subordinates kidnapped Guaiguai on their own initiative, and finally those two subordinates were also kidnapped by Yuguisha. The ghost brake was dealt with.

Thinking about these things together, Baili Hanchu's mind flashed, as if suddenly enlightened, and there was a bold guess in his heart!

"Hao Ning, immediately secretly investigate this person, Yuguisha, to find out what her background is, the more detailed the better." Baili Hanchu ordered lightly, with a kind of natural courage.

"Yes, young master." Yu Haoning replied.

In the hospital, Xiao obediently arranged Murong Chong's affairs, went to the locker room, and was about to change, when Annie walked in.

"Hey, you're off work." Annie's dark face was full of smiles. Without the surveillance of that noble man like Ken, she could freely speak Chinese with Xiao obediently, so as to improve her Chinese level.

Xiao Guaiguai smiled faintly, with a tired look on his face that hadn't slept all night, "Yeah, I'm finally off work, go for it." As he spoke, he raised his hand to unbutton the nurse's uniform, took off the nurse's uniform, and saw She is slender and wearing a white doll shirt, a pair of jeans underneath, and a pair of slender legs.

"It's hard for me to take care of that hot-tempered Young Master Murong. I heard from Yin Ruolan that every time he gave him an injection, he would reprimand her loudly." Annie shrank her neck, a little scared.

Xiao obediently took out the key to open her closet, took out her bag, and put the nurse's uniform back into the bag, "Hey, then Murong Chong has a loud voice, but he doesn't mean anything malicious."

"I hope so, wish me good luck, I hope that young master won't lose his temper today!" Annie clasped her hands together, made an Amitabha gesture, prayed for herself, then opened her closet, took out the nurse's gown from the bag Get out, change for yourself, put away your bag, and lock the cabinet, "Then I'll be on duty first."

"Well, goodbye." Xiao obediently smiled and said.

Annie went out.

Xiao obediently packed her backpack, put it on the back, and walked out of the locker room, but saw a dark figure standing at the door, it was the woman in the cloak from last night.

"Auntie, it's you!" It seemed that she was a little surprised to see the girl Xiao Kuaiguai.

"Yeah." Yu Guisha nodded slightly, and said, "Hey, you're off work."

"Well, are you here to see Murong Chong? It happens that Aunt Jiang Yunhua is also here!" Xiao obediently said with a smile.

Yu Guisha took out a box of beautifully packaged things and handed it to her, "Hey boy, you haven't eaten breakfast yet, this is a freshly baked cheesecake with strawberry flavor, you can fill your stomach with it first."

Xiao obediently looked at the logo on the cake box. She had seen it in a magazine before. This brand of cakes is world-renowned. Of course, the price is frighteningly expensive. Naturally, she was embarrassed to accept such an expensive cake.

"No need, auntie, thank you for your kindness." Xiao obediently refused.

Yu Guisha's eyes flickered slightly, and he gently took the girl's little hand hanging by her side, and put the box of cakes on her hand, "Take it, kid, you're welcome."

The kindness is hard to turn down, Xiao Guaiguai had no choice but to accept, "Thank you, auntie."

Yu Guisha raised his slender hand like white jade, and gently patted the girl's head, "He is really a well-behaved and sensible child."

Xiao obediently smiled.

"Okay, you're tired after working all night, go back and rest." Yu Guisha withdrew his hand and said flatly.

"Well," Xiao nodded obediently, "Do you need me to take you to Murong Chong's ward?"

After asking this question, Xiao Guaiguai felt that she was a bit redundant. Really, not everyone in the world is as stupid as her.

"No need." Yu Guisha said with a light smile.

"Then Auntie, I'll go back first, goodbye." Xiao said obediently, and left with the delicate cake.

Yu Guisha kept watching her until she disappeared around the corner.

Just as Xiao Guaiguai walked out of the hospital, she saw that familiar business car parked there. The driver quickly raised his hand and opened the door respectfully for her.

Xiao obediently got into the car and saw the man in a black suit sitting in it. She didn't expect him to pick her up in person. It was a little accidental and sweet.

Baili Hanchu stretched out his hand to take off the backpack behind the girl, and said in a gentle voice, "My dear, you must be very tired."

Xiao obediently opened his mouth wide, yawned, and covered his mouth with his small hand, "Well, I'm so sleepy, I really want to fall asleep on my big bed now."

Baili Hanchu stretched out his ape arms, and gently hugged her into his arms, letting her lean into his broad and warm embrace, "Are you hungry?"

Xiao Guaiai leaned comfortably on this human sofa, breathing in the pleasant smell of men's perfume and unique masculine breath on his body, feeling very stable, "I'm not hungry, I just want to sleep."

"What is this?" Suddenly, Baili Hanchu saw the exquisite box in her hand and asked.

Xiao obediently put the box aside and murmured: "This is a cake. It was forced to be given to me by an aunt. That aunt is a good friend of Aunt Jiang Yunhua."

"Oh," Baili Hanchu nodded, "It seems that my Guaiguai is really a very likable child, even Miss Murong's mother's friends will give you snacks."

(End of this chapter)

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