Failed Boss

Chapter 191 War Escalation

Chapter 191 War Escalation (2)
"Murong Chong, I won't marry you." Xiao Guaiguai's tone was indifferent, but there was no doubt about it, which immediately made the young man calm down.

"Xiao darling? Do you really want to marry that uncle Baili?" Murong Chong asked unwillingly.

Xiao Kuaiguai just doesn't understand, Murong Chong said yesterday that he and she are good friends, why did he change his mind today?
Who said that the needle in the bottom of a woman's heart is elusive?

Isn't this young man's heart ever-changing and unpredictable?

"Anyway, you and I can only be good friends, otherwise, we don't even have to be friends, and we will be irrelevant strangers in the future." Xiao Guaiguai's tone was serious and decisive, she didn't want to trap herself in that kind of emotional vortex again up.

"Could it be that I won't be able to like you in the future?" Murong Chong, who has always had a high heart, showed a hurt expression like this.

"Yes, but it can only be the kind of liking between friends." Xiao obediently said in a tone that could not be changed.

Murong Chong lowered his head like a defeated rooster.

Seeing that Murong Chong agreed to this guy, Xiao obediently let out a sigh of relief.

I hope this young master will stop being capricious. She doesn't have the determination to reject this young man again and again.

For some reason, seeing the girl rejecting Murong Chong like this, Mo Junchi felt very happy.

Jiang Yunhua looked at the girl approvingly, this child, decisive, really has the demeanor of Yu'er.

It's a pity that Yu'er is no longer here...

What a poor child!

Concentrating her thoughts, Jiang Yunhua said to her son: "Chong'er, grandpa and grandma will come over tomorrow, and I will go through the discharge procedures for you later."

Murong Chong didn't know whether it was happiness or worry, he shouted: "Mom, please come to our house obediently tomorrow?"

Xiao obediently waved his hand, "It still doesn't work, your family is reunited, what am I going to do as an outsider?"

"Uncle Ling Feng will also go, and Zombie Face Ken, they are all in pairs, how pitiful I am alone!" Murong Chong showed a hurt expression for the second time.

"Then let Mo Junchi accompany you, you are good buddies, aren't you?" Xiao Kuaiguai suggested because he didn't want to interfere.

Murong Chong looked at the increasingly handsome young man with disdain, and resolutely refused, "No."

In this way, this matter will be over.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yunhua went through the discharge procedures for Murong Chong, and Murong Wan drove them back in a car.

Looking at the empty ward, Xiao obediently let out a sigh of relief.

I hope no acquaintances will come to the hospital again.

After a sleepless night, in the early morning, Xiao obediently, who had slept on the table in the nurse's station all night, opened his eyes in a daze. Due to his posture problem, his mouth was full of saliva, and his sleeves were also wet a lot.

Xiao obediently raised her hand to wipe her saliva, listened to the latest arrangement made by the head nurse, then changed her clothes and left the hospital.

Her arms were still numb, and Xiao Guaiguai's head was a little dizzy. Yes, I slept like that all night yesterday, and I had to change the patients' medicines from time to time. It was really much harder than being a dedicated nurse.

But after working so hard, Xiao Guaiguai gradually forgot those unpleasant things, forgot the disfigured Liu Piaopiao, and the cruel Baili Hanchu.

The black business car parked there as usual, the driver opened the door respectfully, Xiao obediently got into the car, looked up, but didn't see the familiar face, he was secretly relieved but also a little disappointed.

Sure enough, he didn't come.

He must be very busy!Busy doing bad things!
Xiao obediently smiled wryly, how could she fall in love with such a devil?

Or was it because he was so kind to her that she couldn't refuse, couldn't resist?
Even without this factor, she would still be fascinated by him just because of his shocking appearance.

Xiao Guaiguai gently closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, his crow-wing-like eyelashes fell quietly, forming two fan-shaped shadows under his eyes.

Back in the old castle, took a shower, ate breakfast, Xiao obediently fell asleep.

Huiru and the others have long received a call from their young master, saying that the young lady is not in a good mood today, so they must take good care of her.

Huiru pulled herself together and carefully watched the young lady's actions. Seeing that the girl just fell asleep peacefully, Huiru breathed a sigh of relief. Turned to mute, and then quietly guarded the door of the room.

The airport is always full of people coming and going.

A white sports car and a black business car arrived at the airport parking lot almost at the same time.

Although Jiang's father and Jiang's mother are over fifty years old, they are still in good spirits. Jiang's father is wearing a casual T-shirt casually; Jiang's mother is wearing a pink dress, and her short gray hair is permed into the most popular hairstyle. Thin body, a pearl necklace around the neck, more elegant.

Wearing a black suit, Murong Jing stepped forward to meet him with long legs. His handsome face had a faint expression, his sharp eyes were covered by the newly equipped gold-rimmed glasses, and he was elegant and handsome.

Jiang's father saw his son-in-law at a glance, with a satisfied smile on his face. Madam always said that this son-in-law was not considerate enough and only knew about work, but he didn't take it seriously. A man must have his own career. What's more, didn't the child come to pick them up in person today?

"Mom and Dad, you're here. You've worked hard all the way, get in the car." Murong Jing's tone was calm, but respectful, and he had already stretched out his hand to pick up the suitcase while speaking.

"Why didn't Yunhua come?" Jiang's father asked with concern, obviously not aware of the divorce between his daughter and this man.

"She's not feeling well, she's at home." Murong Jing explained calmly.

"Uncle Jiang and Aunt Jiang." Ling Feng came over, and shouted with a smile on his face, neither humble nor overbearing.

Mother Jiang smiled and said, "Why is Ling Feng here?"

It seems that Jiang's mother likes Ling Feng very much, even more than her son-in-law Murong Jing.

Ling Feng calmly replied: "Yunhua asked me to pick you and uncle up."

Jiang's father looked at the two men in front of him strangely, only to find that their faces were red and swollen, and he was a little puzzled, could it be that something happened?

Jiang's mother knew in her heart that Ling Feng had always loved her daughter. At that time, she had persuaded Jiang Yunhua not to hang herself on the tree of Murong Jing. Murong Jing was too ruthless and didn't know how to be considerate.

But Ling Feng is different, he is gentle and considerate, and has a deep affection for Jiang Yunhua. Now Jiang Yunhua's children are grown up, but Ling Feng is still alone, guarding her silently, waiting for her, and regards Wan Wan and Chong'er even more. If it's my own, I love it very much.

(End of this chapter)

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