Failed Boss

Chapter 192 How to Love Her

Chapter 192 How to Love Her (1)
It is said that if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer a disadvantage. Now Jiang Yunhua has a deep understanding of how reasonable her mother's advice was.

Maybe she really shouldn't go her own way and want to marry Murong Jing, the man who never loved her.

"Mom and Dad, get in the car." Murong Jing narrowed his eyes at Ling Feng who suddenly appeared, and then said flatly.

Jiang's father smiled and was about to get in the car. Jiang's mother suddenly asked, "Lingfeng, is Yunhua in the Jiang family's villa?"

Ling Feng didn't understand why the old lady suddenly asked this question, but said truthfully: "Yes."

"This Yunhua is really ignorant. When we come to France, we should go to meet our father-in-law first." Jiang's mother said between the lines that her daughter is ignorant, but in fact it has a deep meaning.

Sure enough, Ling Feng said lightly: "Auntie, Yunhua has lived in the villa for a long time."

Sure enough.

From the very beginning, Jiang's mother wondered why her well-behaved and sensible daughter didn't come to pick them up in person. Even if Chong'er was injured, with so many servants in Murong's family, it would be no problem for Yunhua to come out for a while. The always indifferent son-in-law actually came to pick them up in person, Jiang's mother naturally sensed something was wrong, and kept watching all this calmly until Ling Feng appeared.

Two days ago, I talked to Jiang Yunhua on the phone. Although she didn't say anything, Jiang's mother had already heard the clue.

In the past, every time Mother Jiang asked her daughter if she was doing well, she would smile and say that she was fine, and Murong Jing became more and more concerned about her. It looked like she didn't want to mention Murong Jing anymore.

How shrewd is Jiang's father, he immediately saw the clue, just smiled as usual: "In that case, let's go back to the villa first, and then go visit my father-in-law after a short rest." After saying that, he went straight to Murong mirror car.

Seeing her husband like this, Jiang's mother had no choice but to say to Ling Feng: "Ling Feng, you can go together."

Ling Feng smiled slightly, his face was full of respect for the elders, "Well, Auntie, you get in the car first, and I will arrive later."

Anyway, Murong Jing is still Yun Hua's husband and the son-in-law of the second elder of the Jiang family. Naturally, he, an outsider, would not make things difficult for the second elder, but respectfully sent Jiang's mother to Murong Jing's car.

Jiang's mother looked at Ling Feng who helped the driver put their luggage into the trunk through the rear window glass, her eyes were full of approval.

Ling Feng, a child, is really good-tempered, neither arrogant nor impatient.

The whole journey was silent, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother just leaned on their seats and dozed off. Murong Jing didn't talk much, so he arrived at Jiang's villa in silence.


The doorbell rang, and Murong Chong, who still had a plaster cast on his arm, was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and couldn't help shouting to the kitchen: "Mom, open the door!"

It was Ken who came out.

Today's Ken is wearing a white casual suit with a sky blue shirt inside and a silk scarf tucked loosely around the neckline. He looks very casual, but he can't hide his extravagance.

The moment the door was opened, the handsome and handsome Ken appeared in the field of vision. For a moment, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother thought that they had gone to the wrong place, came to a certain palace, and met a certain prince.

However, Ken is originally the prince of a certain country in Western Europe, so it is not surprising that Jiang's father and Jiang's mother would feel this way.

Ken Jun kept a gentlemanly smile on his face: "Grandpa and grandma, I'm Ken, and I'm Wan'er's boyfriend. It's the first time we meet, please take care of me."

The tone of this blond young man was neither humble nor overbearing, and his Chinese was fluent and idiomatic.

Jiang's mother gave this young man a lot of ups and downs, and she couldn't help but feel a little good in her heart, but her face remained calm, she just looked at him with a smile.

"Grandpa and grandma, you are here!" It was Murong Wan's joyful voice, she walked over gracefully, then pulled her boyfriend to turn sideways, and let the two old people walk in.

"Father, you're here too." Murong Wan was a little surprised when she saw her father who walked in afterward.

Ken reached out and took the suitcase in Ling Feng's hand, "Uncle Ling Feng, let me help you."

Ling Feng smiled slightly, this child is really sensible, Wan Wan has such a strong and considerate boyfriend, Yun Hua will not worry in the future.

A group of people walked to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Murong Chong looked at them, but lazily called out: "Grandpa and Grandma, Uncle Ling Feng."

Seeing that his grandson ignored Murong Jing, Jiang's father became even more suspicious.

But thinking that this grandson has always been perverse and unruly, and his relationship with Murong Jing is not close, so Jiang's father didn't pay much attention.

But Murong Chong stared at Murong Jing with the eyes of seeing the enemy, and shouted loudly: "Murong Jing, why are you a bad old man here? Are you shameless? Get out, you are not welcome here!"

Faced with his son's unceremonious dismissal order, Murong Jing seemed not to have heard it, but his expression was indifferent.

Jiang's father looked at his furious grandson, thinking that something must have happened between the father and son, and said with the majesty of an elder: "Chong'er, you can't be so rude."

"Grandpa! I am like this, and my mother was hospitalized a while ago because of this bad old man. Why are you still defending him?" Murong Chong is like a runaway wild horse at this moment. Go on the rampage regardless.

When Jiang's mother heard this, she hurriedly got up and walked to Jiang Yunhua who had just walked over. Looking at her daughter who was obviously haggard and lost a lot of weight, her eyes were full of distress.

Her daughter, her daughter who used to be radiant and radiant, has become like this now, like a failed chrysanthemum, lifeless.

Looking at her parents, Jiang Yunhua's heart was full of grievances, but she finally held back, turned her face away, and refused to look at Murong Jing, the man who broke her heart.

Murong Chong accuses his father of crimes word by word: "Grandpa and grandma, Murong Jing, a bad old man, never loved his mother, he had no choice but to marry his mother, he loved a prostitute named Gillian, and He and Gillian also have an illegitimate daughter. Some time ago, he brought the illegitimate daughter home and asked his grandfather to admit the identity of the illegitimate daughter. He was so angry that his grandfather was sick and hospitalized, and his mother was so angry that she ran away from home. Not to mention, my mother was so angry that she fell ill and was hospitalized. What's more, the illegitimate daughter knew that I was red-green colorblind, and deliberately provoked me and asked me to drive out. That's what happened The car accident turned into what it is now!"

Murong Chong's every word seemed to be pierced densely with thorns on Jiang Yunhua's dead heart. He obviously didn't feel it anymore, but he could still feel the pain.

(End of this chapter)

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