Sitting black and white time

Chapter 1 Black: Extinct Time, Can't Cover the Real Sight

Chapter 1 Black: Extinct Time, Can't Cover the Real Sight (1)
lonely years
Text / not summer
When I found out that I was a person who was deeply nostalgic and didn't like to change, time had reached a point where I couldn't go back, so I could only simply hold my nostalgia and continue walking.

This kind of comprehension came lonely and cold, like the cold wind on a winter night, blowing painfully.

In the Chinese music scene, I used to like soda green very much.Wu Qingfeng is really good as a lyricist. Those simple sentences hit a certain moment in your heart just right, making you unable to move.Listening to him singing slowly in the winter night with a soft voice that ordinary men don't have: "People say that love songs are always good to be old, and you can't forget them when you travel to the ends of the world, but I say lovers are good to be old, and you can travel through vicissitudes." Can't tell..."

People who are paranoid and nostalgic are probably destined to die alone.

I looked at the things around me. My mother bought the umbrella for me four years ago, and she walked with me through many rainy days.The usual drinking cups were also bought at Muji when I went out to play a few years ago. From Hong Kong to the mainland, and then to the mainland, many Muji stores have been opened one after another.The computer has also accompanied me for several springs, autumns, winters and summers... and when the things I am used to disappear, I will frantically start searching for the same model in the city...

I prefer handkerchiefs to tissues.When you sweat in summer, when you catch a cold in winter, or when your skin hurts from being rubbed with a paper towel, you can feel the benefits of handkerchiefs, so I especially prefer plaid handkerchiefs.

Knowing my preference, my friend specially gave me a pair of blue and white plaid, but one afternoon, during the snoozing time on the bus, I accidentally lost it. After searching for a long time, I couldn’t find a similar one, which is a pity...

I have lived with my grandparents since I was a child, and the frugal habits of the elderly have also affected my nostalgia.It's not stingy, it's just that these things play a very important role in my life, which cannot be replaced by other things. Just like actors in TV dramas, every actor has a role that must be played by them. people are absolutely irreplaceable.The family used to live in an old house in a government compound. There are many camphor trees planted in the yard. Summer is here, and the greenery is abundant. Everyone sits under the tree, eats watermelon and licks popsicles. It is really comfortable.In the days when both parents go to work, I stick to my godfather all day long.The godfather is the master in the cafeteria of our institution, and the children in the family have grown up and are not around.I was not too noisy when I was young, but I was very popular with him. He often took me to buy vegetables and bought me some snacks.

Although godfather is a master chef in the canteen, the most common thing to do is to run to the second-hand bookstore with his purple clay teapot...

Godfather will be very happy when he finds his favorite books in those yellowed pages, and he will buy me a lot of snacks that day.There is a faint smell in the second-hand bookstore, probably the smell of yellowed pages passing through time.

After buying the book, godfather would sit in the shade of the tree in the afternoon, make a new pot of tea, and read the book leisurely.Sometimes the books are still new and look neat, and sometimes someone has written notes.As he watched, he laughed out loud as he read the notes... The yellowed pages were lightly colored in the shade of the trees. Although he couldn't understand the words, he still felt that it should be a happy story to read.

When my godfather left, he left me a large box of books, all kinds of popular books back then.Now there are these books on the market, the format, cover, and printing paper are different, coupled with the sense of vicissitudes that have come out of the hourglass of time, endowing these books with different connotations.

Old things also have a beautiful side. This kind of thinking has long been rooted in my world, so I am so paranoid and nostalgic.

I have returned to such a scene in my dreams countless times, under the old tree in my childhood, in the afternoon exuding the fragrance of tea, the back of the person sitting and reading a book in the depth of the light source, the sound of the wind blowing the leaves, and the gentle flipping of human fingers The sound of yellowed paper surrounds people like fragrance...

A simple and blissful fragrance.

People say that love songs are always good old, and you can’t forget them when you travel to the ends of the earth, but I say that lovers are good old, you can’t tell them apart after traveling through the vicissitudes of life... A lazy male voice rang out in the room, and things are good old.

With the tenderness of the age, I came across the sea of ​​people...

august photo gallery

Text / not summer
That day, my mother reminded me to develop the photos on the computer and send a copy to relatives at home.I went out with the USB flash drive and thought that the copy shop could get it, but when I went out, I found that the copy shop in front of my house was closed.

I vaguely remembered that there seemed to be a photo studio on Front Street, and I didn't care about the slippers I was wearing, so I walked towards Front Street with my head drooping.When it comes to photo studios, those are all childhood memories.

Every year on my birthday, I would put on new clothes and be taken to a photo studio by my parents to take pictures.Before "123, eggplant" became popular all over the country, photographers always said: "Look here, yes, smile, 12, that's it!" There are several thick photo albums at home, and they seem to be talking about Dad from different directions. My mother's love for me, and how I had so many looks and bears when I was a child!
I was a little bit worried. After getting married, my mother moved the big and small photo albums at home and invited the person I liked to come and take a look. The two pointed at me who was sitting on the sofa and rolled my eyes at them. I feel terrible.

When I was young, the photo studio I often went to take pictures was the one on Front Street.An old man sitting behind the counter in a dark and dreary room... When I was a child, I was actually afraid to take pictures. I always felt that there seemed to be some monster hidden in that dimly lit room. If I was not careful, I would be like a fairy tale Like the children seen in the story, they will be taken away...

It wasn't until the white glare flashed in front of my eyes that I was sure: "Well, I haven't been taken away!"

There are fewer opportunities to take pictures when I grow up.SLR cameras and mobile phones are becoming more and more developed. It is estimated that no one will deliberately clean up and tidy up the collar and trousers, just to freeze themselves in a certain moment.

I pushed open the door that I had to open every year when I was a child. It was still a dark and dreary room, and it was still Abe sitting behind the counter listening to the radio singing "Yi Yi Ya Ya".When I was young, I thought the storefront was very spacious, but now I walk in and look at it, and I always feel that it is a bit small, just like a song sang: "The long alley that can't be walked is so long! The playground that can't be run is so small. into this."

"Abbe, I'll print the photos..."

Uncle, who was lying on the couch and waving his fan leisurely, waved to me: "I don't print photos here, doll! I only have photos that Uncle went to the darkroom to develop..."

When convenience sweeps every city and every village, there are still things that have not been replaced, which shocked me a little.Countless times when you need a photo, take a snapshot at the convenience store on the side of the road and print it out.While lamenting the convenience, I also miss the feeling of waiting for photos when I was a child: After taking photos, I bought snacks and went home, thinking about when I can get the photos, and then watching my family put them into the photo album Or photo frames.

It's been a long, long time since I've experienced this feeling of anticipation!

"You didn't come to take pictures often when you grew up. When you were young, you would cry when you entered my photo studio! Now you have grown into such a handsome doll!"

Arbor's voice sounded like it came from some distant time and space.When I was a child, I was nervously smirking in front of the camera in new clothes, and I was anxiously waiting for the photo, and I woke up at this moment.

"Abbe, why are you still developing photos in the darkroom! Isn't printing very fast?" I moved a chair and sat down beside Abbe's recliner, and the occasional wind blowing in from the window brought a hint of summer coolness .

"Haha, old man, you can't learn things from young people! We old people are nostalgic, and like to take time to get things slowly. Many things, the faster they come, the less cherished they are! Take your time, It took time and energy to cherish what you have been looking forward to!" Uncle shook the fan in his hand, and the ordinary cattail fan suddenly had the illusion of being like the feather fan in Zhuge Kongming's hand...

It’s also true, things that come too simple can never be learned to cherish, anyway, even if you miss it once, it will appear again, and there is no need to spend a lot of thought.Happiness or other things, in this bustling world, one catch is a lot, just like a missed bus, wait for 3 minutes, and the next one will come.It seems that we don't need to be excited about what we get, and we don't need to be sad about what we lose...

Thinking about it, it was a little sad.

"Baby, are you printing photos? Let me tell you, there is a printing shop around the corner, which is opened by my son. Hahaha--it's funny to say, this bastard actually opened a printing shop, and he's old I despise my photo studio. You know, the money I gave him to open the shop is all from my photos! Young people, if you don’t know how to be grateful and cherish, you will suffer!" Abo picked up the teacup, the purple sand cup , The cup lid and the handle are tied with a piece of wool, and the cup looks like it has a certain age.

I put the USB flash drive in my pocket, adjusted the casual T-shirt I was wearing: "Uncle, take a picture of me!"

As soon as the voice fell, even I was a little surprised.However, I haven't experienced this kind of waiting mood for a long time. Even if time goes by fast, I still want to stop for a while and feel the waiting mood.

"I know that love will fade, just like old photos. But you will always be beautiful in my heart, thank you, goodbye." In "August Photo Studio", it is said.But ah, some moods never fade!Those moments that have been paid and waited hard are all shining in life.

but the sky is not white

Text / not summer
The gradually hotter weather activated all the restless elements in the air.The easily irritable mood, the rising temperature of the palms, and the thinner and thinner clothes all herald the fact that summer has come.

In my hometown, there is a river opposite the house. In summer, there will be a river wind blowing from the quiet summer night, and the wind chimes tied to the windows will be blown by the wind... Seeing the stars twinkling in the sky, it is quite refreshing. A different style of summer.

The summer in Changsha is very hot. In the hot weather and people don’t want to move, most people are lazy and go out in their pajamas and slippers.Probably the benefit of living in a small to medium city is that you never have to think too much about it.

I like to go out at seven o'clock in the morning and walk down a long slope, which is full of camphor trees. The summer sun is tightly blocked, and occasionally a few sporadic spots of light leak from the gaps in the trees.Walk down this ramp and catch the empty morning bus to the library in the other direction of the city.

I think it was influenced by the movies I watched when I was a child. The boy in a white shirt stood in front of the curtains blown by the wind, and his eyes happened to meet the girl holding a pile of books.

My ideal back then was to ride a bicycle and drive her on a road full of cherry blossoms, going back and forth between home and the library...

There are not many cherry blossoms in Changsha, and I don’t need a bicycle in my life, and I haven’t met that girl with me, so this dream has been postponed and postponed.

But I really like the sense of security in the library.

In the newspaper reading room on the first floor, white-haired grandparents are carrying shopping bags from the supermarket and quietly watching current affairs news while wearing presbyopic glasses.Students are preparing for IELTS and TOEFL in the self-study room here, and writing various homework.The naughty boy was playing Three Kingdoms in the storage room on the fifth floor, and shouted, "I won, I won."

The history of the library seems to be very long. The old wooden bookshelves are still placed on the second floor. When you walk in, you can smell a faint fragrance of books and wood.The large windows are always open to let the summer wind blow the dullness out of the air.

When I was studying abroad, the library over there actually fulfilled my ideal in that paragraph very satisfactorily, but the bicycle became a bus, and the cherry blossoms became scattered kapok and redbud.

The satisfaction brought by the library is like the daylight of the city where the university is located, and the whole person is immersed in the happy photosynthesis.

I like the fact that stepping out of the library is a quiet place to rest.I hate those enclosure-like urban planning, replica-like low-quality singing and begging outside the venue, crowded traffic, convenience stores and bakeries are crowded with adults and children at the same time.

But in the city where I stayed before, I was beaten back to the secular world as soon as I left the museum.
The most ideal date is to curl up on a chair in the library in the afternoon sun, or be in a daze, or casually flip through an outdated magazine.

Before the library closed at 05:30, I packed my backpack and walked out of the library. Every time I walked out the door, I was worried that the alarm would go off, even though it was mediocre every time.

Every time I have to order a piece of durian in the small dessert shop at the corner of the alley, and then dig out the novel I just borrowed from my bag, solemnly welcoming the arrival of satisfaction.

Be a librarian.

I fantasized about accidentally looking up among the bookshelves, and the glimpse I met was unforgettable.

Who else would record my youthful profile in a certain book in the library under that curtain of sunlight?


youth does not disappoint you

Text / not summer
After writing a manuscript at home for a long time, I felt that I could not live up to such a beautiful weather, so I turned off the computer and went out to find something to eat.Even as an adult, the yearning for good food has always occupied a very important part of my life.

I deliberately ran to the school to eat a bowl of sliced ​​noodles, only to find that a new barber shop opened on the original site.I had no choice but to buy two beef patties that many people lined up, and walked on the road to school while biting, feeling the breath of youth.Passing by the central square, I saw some students practicing dancing there, and suddenly remembered the time when I sat here with you and listened to your singing.

Memories are really a wonderful thing, I almost forgot that I still had that kind of experience in my life, I met that kind of you...

That day, I walked to the pedestrian street with nothing to do and saw a part-time job advertisement at McDonald's. Thinking that I didn't have much homework, I signed up.For a slow and slightly dull person like me, working in the fast food industry may be a way to adjust my slowness.You are different from me. At first glance, you are lively and impatient, with a carefree personality and capable short hair. You look like a boy.

You patted me on the shoulder and said loudly: "Young man, work hard!"

I bumped into you by accident on the bus going back, and then I realized that we were heading home in the same direction, so we became acquainted naturally.When you are free and bored, everyone will chat about the songs you listened to and the movies you watched recently.

You are seven years older than me. When I met you, you were already 26 years old. You were often laughed at by other colleagues for not finding a boyfriend.At this time, you will always take off your work cap, rub your short hair, and smile naively: "Probably, if you lose weight, you will have a boyfriend." How about marrying me?" Otherwise, you can have a charming look, touch your short hair, and say such lines.

I just remember that night, the McDonald's party, it was a little early to go back to school from work, the early summer wind was blowing cool on the cheeks, you said "go out and eat", and then dragged me out of the car halfway.

It is a very humble small noodle shop, the small space is crowded with hungry people, and the feeling of steaming fills the whole shop.While eating the noodles, you silently said with a proud look: "How about it, the place I brought you to eat is not bad!"

Is it because the noodles are too spicy, or is it because the heat has suffocated your eyes? You who were eating the noodles suddenly burst into sobs.I sat across from you, and the chopsticks stopped in mid-air awkwardly. "Don't look at me, hurry up and finish your meal." Since then, you have always regarded yourself as an older sister, and I obeyed many of your words without hesitation, especially embarrassing situations that I am not good at dealing with.I gulped down the powder, trying to cover your sobs with this voice, like a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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