Sitting black and white time

Chapter 2 Black: Extinct Time, Can't Cover the Real Sight

Chapter 2 Black: Extinct Time, Can't Cover the Real Sight (2)
After eating fans, we walked on the street, mingling among the youthful student party: "Do you think I really can't get married?"

At that time, there was no such words as "I sprayed you to death with a sip of salt soda", I could only use a tissue to wipe off the oil stains left by the stinky tofu dripping on my body due to excessive shock, and before I could answer, you He was the first to say: "Ah, that's right, the other girls are all fair and fair, and a burly guy like me..."

When I walked to the central square, you didn't want to leave, bought two bottles of drinks, and pulled me to listen to your singing.You opened a can of beer yourself, handed me a Coke, and started singing Jay Chou's song... Ah, forgot to tell you, all my memories of Jay Chou are from you singing three a cappella non-stop that night Hour.

It's nothing more than a story about a girl with low self-esteem who likes the popular prince on campus, and it's just that that girl is the you I know.You sang love songs hoarsely while secretly wiping your tears.

The person you can't love and the person you can't love, do you, who are as strong as a woman, feel as powerless as facing a cold and disease, and you can only stand there straight, enduring the pain that spreads all over your body...

You didn't come to work the next day, and you said your eyes were swollen like walnuts and you were embarrassed to show up at the restaurant.When you come to work again, I quit my job because of my busy studies.

Maybe it was because I left without saying goodbye, or maybe it was because you showed adult fragility in someone younger than you, and you felt ashamed. After that, our contact has not been much, and it can even be said to be broken. It's like a stranger who hasn't been in touch... However, I always remember your sentence "I am a sister, and I should pay the bill or take care of you".

It’s been a long time since I logged on to Xiaonei, and saw that your photo has been updated. You with long hair are smiling brightly in the sun.Now that you have long hair reaching your waist, it should be just around the corner to find your own happiness.

I wish you happiness and happiness, I will always be the little brother who is ordered by you.

And, it would be nice to have a chance to eat sliced ​​noodles together.

Missing how desolate the north is

Text / not summer
A year ago, a friend went to work in other places. Before leaving, he gave me a large box of postcards.

Very literary tin box, which contains beautifully printed limited edition postcards.

"If you have nothing to do, write a postcard and send it to me! It doesn't matter if you are traveling or doing something in other places."

Holding the big box of postcards, I was a little distressed: "I can send you WeChat or call you if I have anything to do! Do you have to use such a literary way?"

"I always feel that when everyone faces different people, the words they write will be different... I just want to see if your impression of me will change during my absence. I also want to experience it. Such a feeling of waiting!"

So, I sent out my first postcard as an adult, with only a few simple words.But after the other party received it, they still took a photo and posted it on Weibo in a very unkind way, and complained about my handwriting...

When I saw that I was distressed and didn't know what to write, and finally I could only write a few words on the postcard at random. After a period of wandering, I experienced the daily anticipation of when the other party would receive it, and finally arrived at the other party successfully. When I was in this world, I suddenly felt a sense of peace of mind.

I sent him a lot of postcards.

When he found a new job.

when you get married.


I also began to practice calligraphy with a copybook in my spare time, writing stroke by stroke, as if I was a primary school student.

"You have to write more postcards for me in the future! At that time, I will paste your writing on the wall and make it a postcard wall!"

He showed me the photos of the postcards. Postcards of various colors and scenery were pasted on the wall, full of them, which looked really artistic.However, I am worried that in coastal areas, often in typhoon days, the water vapor will be too heavy, causing the walls to be damp...

Gradually, I also developed the habit of writing postcards, exchanging postcards with friends from all over the world, looking at postmarks and stamps from all over the world, writing strangers’ troubles or blessings to myself, it looks warm , very healing.

But the vast majority of film friends just accept one piece and return one piece, and the friendship between everyone stops in the process of going back and forth.To receive a postcard from you among tens of millions of people, to spend the extremely rare expectation in this material age, is a gorgeous adventure in itself.

However, I also began to gradually narrow down the scope of film friends, and began to write more postcards to friends around me.

One of the friends is relatively short, and the mailbox in their home is a bit tall for her. When she receives a postcard, she will always make another phone call to scold people: "I said don't send it to me, I can't reach the mailbox."

Thinking of her jumping up to reach the mailbox, I couldn't help laughing. In order to make her grow taller, I also worked very hard to write postcards to her.

In addition, there are two friends in Hong Kong, one is always half a beat behind the receiving team, usually everyone has received it, but he is still waiting, and the other seems to never receive it.

But the mood of waiting has been on the road.

I don’t know when you will receive the postcard I sent, but I also understand that it will take time for it to come to your world, so I am also willing to wait quietly, which is completely opposite to the existence of mobile phones and the like.I know you have a cell phone, I call you, text you, but I never get a reply, I start to worry, what is this person doing, why is it ignoring me... Finally, the emotional anxiety overcame Rational and trapped in self-obsession... Can't do anything, is this the disadvantage that comes with the connection becoming simpler and simpler?

Fortunately, we have the experience of writing lightly with a pen, putting a stamp on it, and putting it in the green post box, waiting slowly; fortunately, we have the experience of writing to different people, and the inner excitement causes the fonts to be slightly different. Different experiences; fortunately, the mood of waiting has been sent to you all the time, waiting for you to open the mailbox, and then look at those crooked or neat fonts and send a knowing smile.

There are actually many disadvantages of being an editor. For example, for eight hours a day, I may have to sit in front of the computer for seven and a half hours, fully enjoying the radiation SPA brought to my face by the computer screen; for example, because of sitting for a long time , resulting in soreness all over the body or four circles of Yili gradually growing on the stomach...

But one advantage of being an editor is that you can receive letters and postcards from readers from all over the country every day. These carry everyone's longing for the editorial department and letters of suggestions for the magazine. After a long journey, The moment when it finally comes into our hands, although you can't see it, as long as your mood is passed on to us, you must be happy!

me on the other side

Text / not summer
When it comes to Valentine's Day, the whole city is shrouded in a sweet atmosphere, with neon lights lit up everywhere, lovers cuddling tightly, it seems that even the air is filled with the sweet taste of chocolate...

Of course, this is only limited to the sweet little friends who have lovers.For me, it's all the same whether it's a festival or not.The same person crosses the long street alone, and the same person orders a pork chop set meal and sits on the table in the convenience store, eating while watching the pedestrians passing by the glass window.They are in a hurry, or look anxious, or talk sweetly on the phone, or walk with heavy loads... You see, this is life.

As usual, I ordered a pork chop rice, because it was Valentine's Day, so I got a cup of hot cocoa.The sweet and greasy feeling is like lovers who have just fallen in love, wanting to be together every minute and every second, and the whole world is excited because of the deepening understanding of each other.

When I finished my Valentine's Day meal like a storm, drank hot cocoa leisurely, and felt the world's malice towards me, a million-year-old bachelor party, I vaguely heard crying from the side.I'm sorry, my first impression was—did I meet A Piao?I turned my head and saw two young people sitting side by side, and the girl was sitting in the inner position, crying and crying.

"I really like you, so no matter how many mistakes you make, I believe that you will come back. But I can't bear it anymore, the love for you has made me very hard, and I have become not Let me go please!"

The girl's cry was very piercing because of the huge contrast in such a lively night.No, I'm not saying that the sound is loud and ugly, but that it really penetrates your eardrums and pokes into the depths of your heart, which is painful.The guy sitting next to her just reached out and hugged her, repeating "I'm sorry..." over and over again

I looked at the girl, took out a handkerchief from my bag, and wiped the tears on my face: "I'm sorry, I don't want to torture myself anymore, please take good care of yourself!" After speaking, I rushed out of the convenience store, Into the atmosphere filled with sweet atmosphere.

I thought the scene was over, I packed up my things and walked out of the convenience store, only to see a girl sitting at the corner sobbing softly...

I like it, what kind of mood is it?Make yourself better, give all you have to that person, and try to make him shine like a prince?But, my dear girl, how many princesses will he attract the attention of a prince from an insignificant boy?

"No, he will only like me." You think so firmly.But the clenched fist and the tears in the eyes betrayed you, didn't they?

Sometimes, it takes more courage to give up a relationship than to stick to it!Obviously I spent so much effort to love the person, but I still worry about whether he will eat well and sleep on time, but I have to force myself to shake my head and say: "He has nothing to do with me." Remember it by heart phone number, and text messages that were deleted word by word after half typing, all reminding myself that I still care about the fact of "him".

However, I am no longer qualified to say anything...

Next time, will you love someone unreservedly like this?
If it were me, I think I would.

I have already experienced such a bad relationship, so next time I meet the right person, just continue to believe and love.Whether it’s hot cocoa or matcha, every drink is displayed in the window, and there will always be people who choose this one without hesitation when they walk into the store, so please don’t cry anymore.

Although it is already February, the temperature is still surprisingly low.I fastened my coat and dived into the street with strong and sweet smell, I, will I meet a girl who also holds pork chop rice...

Promise is a lonely white book

Text / not summer
I suddenly wanted to tell you something, after watching the unsightly blooming cherry blossoms and drinking a cup of Haiyan milk green that everyone likes.

I saw your message in the circle of friends: "Take a picture of the school before it rains." In sunny weather, I don't know what kind of mood you are...

The weather in Changsha has always been sunny, and it hasn't changed much before I left with you, so I'm not even sure you've left the city.I was still on the phone with me a few days ago, because there were too many topics to talk about, so I had to smile silently, that you, you have now flown to the East Ninth District.

I flipped through the letters I wrote to you, and I am slightly ashamed at the memories of mutual encouragement and friendship over the years.So many years have passed in a flash, and our freshmen who have just entered the university have finally grown into uncles.

The past two days have been sunny and sometimes rainy, walking on the street with an umbrella, I always think of that time when we came out of the movie and it was raining heavily, you held that black umbrella and talked to me about the plot in the movie.

"The 3D effect is so good, I feel like it's raining..."

"It's super affordable to watch a movie today! Member price + Thanksgiving discount... so excited, this movie is amazing."

It was the first time I went to the movies with you, and saw a person who was completely different from the usual calm you, which was quite a novel discovery.At least in my impression, you always seem to be a very calm person, always think one step ahead of me, and always have a longer-term plan for the future.Looking at your childish expression, I can't help being surprised.

The initial impression of you is actually not that good, really not that good.Sitting in the back of the classroom and hearing your chatting voice, it’s nothing more than commenting on which girl’s outfit is so strange in the class, how strange the floral skirt with striped socks is, or which teacher’s lecture is so bad in the class, such boring complaints Topics, twitter non-stop, really annoying.

The class organized a farmhouse activity, and I, who was assigned to the task of cooking, accidentally cut my finger while chopping vegetables.You took out the Band-Aid from your bag and carefully put it on for me, then stroked your hair and said with a smile, "Because I often lose sight of walking, I often fall down, so I always carry a Band-Aid with me, and it finally came in handy." What……

This can be regarded as the turning point of my opinion of you!
Afterwards, I will always meet you in the library, wearing a white shirt and standing on the window sill of the library reading a book, very similar to the young Kashiwahara Takashi in "Love Letter", but he is different from you. After meeting your eyes, you Always trying to wave his hands to signal, like a good-looking person who is actually funny...

In fact, I don't want to complain about you, I really want to thank you seriously, for always being willing to believe in me so seriously during my most frustrated period.

You see, there are many things in the world that you can't achieve even if you work hard. Therefore, before you start many things, you will find an excuse for yourself-even if you work hard, there may not be any results.Using such a reason to give up on oneself always comes with peace of mind and pride in being favored.

I am probably one of the rare people in the world who is abandoned by my parents. The feeling of being abandoned at a critical moment makes people feel like being doused in cold water from head to toe on the road after a rainstorm... …

Thank you for the cup of hot cocoa you gave me at that time, which made my slightly cooled life regain some heat.

I have finished reading the novel you sent me.Everyone has everyone's sadness. Instead of thinking about giving up something that doesn't exist in the dictionary, it's better to live well to seek the next hope; instead of placing the awareness of giving up in every corner of your life, Why not fill your life with persistence!

It seems that I saw you smiling and saying these words.In fact, I know that your pressure is greater than mine.There is an older brother who doesn’t work so hard, and you can only carry the expectations of your family. You always say that the year you went to study made you understand what responsibility is and how you miss your home and parents.But in my opinion, you already have a sense of responsibility and maturity that we don't have.

To me, you are like an older brother who patiently taught me what was wrong.When the whole world mocked me against me, you stood firmly by my side and worked hard with me. I don’t know how to convey this kind of gratitude to you.

When will we go to see the cherry blossoms together, and tell us your story there, the girl you like, and our student days that we can't go back to!
Fortunately, I found you, such a good friend.Fortunately, we are still such good friends.

We are still not suitable
Text / not summer
Standing at this place again, I still feel emotional. In the same gloomy weather, this small town is still as crowded as before. It’s just that when I turn around in the crowd, it seems that I can’t see you pointing at the heavy luggage and spreading your hands to me helplessly. look.

Things that I thought I had forgotten, but when I was there, I didn’t expect it. Memorizing things is like a child who sneaks out to play. At a certain point in time, when he finds his way home, he will feel overwhelming Swept towards me.

The hotel I chose this time is a room near the river, and you can feel the cool river breeze blowing by opening the door.Travelers on the river in small boats are curiously lying on the boat and playing with the water or looking at the free fish in the water. From time to time, they turn their heads and call the boys around them to take a look. It looks very much like you at that time...

(End of this chapter)

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