Sitting black and white time

Chapter 3 Black: Extinct Time, Can't Cover the Real Sight

Chapter 3 Black: Extinct Time, Can't Cover the Real Sight (3)
After the sunset completely sinks, I put on my slippers and plan to find something to eat.You can still clearly feel the scorching temperature on the bluestone road after being exposed to the sun for a day... You said that you should wear comfortable clothes when traveling, so you dragged me to buy two pairs of slippers in a small shop, and put the original shoes in a plastic bag Wrap it up and throw it in your bag.Sometimes I think I'm really stupid, I can't always guess your mind, you who think of what you will do immediately, and me who need to think carefully no matter what you do, maybe there is some kind of deviation destined The existence of value and distance...

Probably because of poor quality, the plywood slippers broke on my way out, so I just stopped and sat on the side of the road in a daze.Anyway, the memory suddenly hit me like a cold, and I was a little helpless... I thought that when I revisited my old place, I would feel that I am already fine, and there are no memories or past events that can knock me down. At the moment when I faced it, I realized that I had thought everything too simply.

There are too many pedestrians coming and going on the street, obviously in the bustling night, but I feel as if I have been exiled to the world inside the Arctic Circle, which is cold, dark and cruel.

"We are still not suitable." You, who was sitting in front of the barbecue booth and eating supper excitedly, suddenly said such a line.

The chopsticks stagnant in mid-air, the voices of people around, the steaming barbecue booth, sitting opposite you with a smile on your face, became the memory of my last summer vacation in college.

Looking back on it was hard and painful.

I thought I had already gotten used to it. Seeing similar scenes, meeting similar people, eating the same food, feeling the same mood, I could refuse the temptation to miss, and get through it with an extremely strong heart.But the balance of memory still tilted the moment I saw your back in the crowd.

Are you ok?Where have you been to see the scenery recently?Why did it suddenly appear here?Have you eaten your favorite barbecue... Look, we humans are a group of lonely creatures. We are always looking for opportunities to create bonds. This kind of certainty is like the end of the night, the dawn will definitely come, just like winter Yes, spring will definitely come.When people who have been separated for a long time meet again, it is prophesied that the end of the past and a new beginning will definitely come...

So I can only see you holding the other hand at the door of the small shop, I can only watch him take the heavy package in your hand, I can only sit in the corner and look at the place that originally belonged to me!

"Brother, why are you crying?"

The little girl walked up to me with a cone in her hand, her voice was soft, as expected, children are happier, no matter how sad they are, as long as there are sweet and beautiful things, they can be happy.

I reached out and rubbed her hair: "My brother's shoes are broken and he can't walk, that's why I'm crying!"

Since broken shoes can't go far, just take off your shoes and continue walking.

Because in life, if you stop, you will probably never be able to move forward again!

When all the warmth is gone

Text / not summer
The weather has been really cloudy lately.When I was studying, I heard that if you don’t know how to start communicating with others in English, you should first talk about the recent weather.In fact, it is also possible to switch to Chinese. For example, we have kicked off today's prelude with the weather.

I just finished eating with my friends in the pedestrian street, and each stepped on the bus going back.Before I could find a seat, I heard the sound of big raindrops hitting the car window. The moment the heavy rain fell, the uneasiness and stuffiness in the air suddenly disappeared.

Take advantage of the bus stop and find a window seat.After a day of shopping with friends from other places, my slightly tired calves can finally rest for a while.I closed my eyes and felt the interaction of the rain with the window.

The originally quiet compartment was broken by the screams of a girl carrying a lot of luggage.The girl was carrying a large schoolbag that looked out of proportion to her figure, and she was carrying a shopping bag that looked like she had been pregnant for several months and was about to give birth.The driver suddenly started the car, causing her to shake twice when she was still standing still. With great effort, she grabbed the suspension ring in the carriage with one hand, stretched out her long arms like a gibbon, and hung on to the tree.

"Student, why don't you sit here!"

The boy in the front row suddenly stood up sideways, wanting the girl to sit in that seat.The girl blushed immediately, shook her head quickly and said, "No, you sit down"!
The boy was a little embarrassed because he was rejected, so he had to sit down again silently.But he kept looking at the shopping bag that was about to be produced in the girl's hand, and finally made a sound.

"Let me help you lift it!" The boy awkwardly grabbed his hair, "I see that you are working very hard."

The girl seemed embarrassed to refuse again, hesitated for a moment and handed the bag in her left hand to the boy, then replaced the right hand that had been holding on to the ring, and shook it vigorously, trying to relieve it.

"Your school is very late for self-study!" The boy pointed to the school badge pinned to the girl's clothes.

"Isn't your Changjun similar?"

"Hey, how do you know I'm from Changjun!" The boy glanced at his school uniform and couldn't help laughing, "Ah, it's written on it."

Sitting in the back, I didn't know why I suddenly had the urge to cry when I heard such a conversation.

When we were young, we really didn't have any purpose in helping others. We just thought that the other party might be in trouble, so we naturally extended a helping hand to the other party.In the green youth, how many people who are also green help?
Suddenly I remembered that it was also a night of heavy rain, the girl who saw that I didn't bring an umbrella and insisted on giving me her umbrella.It was raining heavily when I was about to get out of the car. I was ready to rush down in the rain, and suddenly I had a pink umbrella in my hand.I tried to evade it with the reason of "you are a girl, it's not good to get in the rain", but the girl stubbornly believed that the rain would stop when she sat at the terminal, so she just gave me the umbrella!

I didn't ask the other party's name, and I didn't even have time to read the words on the school uniform, so I got out of the car with that pink umbrella.I also thought about returning the umbrella to her and taking the same bus at the same time, but unfortunately, there are so many buses passing by on the same route at the same time, how can I count exactly What car is she in!

When he was about to get out of the car, he saw a distressed girl standing by the car door.

"Don't you have an umbrella?"

"Well, it didn't rain when I went out in the morning."

I gave her the umbrella in my hand: "Take it! Be careful not to catch a cold in the rain!"

I think that the thanks to that girl for lending me the umbrella on that rainy night should be conveyed in a different way this time.

Thank you!I think you can hear me.

If flowers bloom into a garden overnight

Text / not summer
I went to see a cherry blossom with my friends when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.

I received your text message when I came back. You said that the ward was so boring, and I could only see the bare tree every day. It took so long for spring to sprout a little bud, and it probably won't last long.

Seeing this sentence made me a little sad.If the tree is like a person, will you also disappear from this world?Seeing that the tulips are blooming well, I bought you some at the flower shop and brought your favorite Black Forest cake. This is a visit that I did not inform you in advance.The sudden "attack" can let me see a more real you, and I don't need to force myself to cheer up just to make us feel at ease.

When I arrived, you were still taking a nap, and the book "another" was placed next to your bed, and you probably fell asleep after reading it.You didn't like to read mystery novels before, and you always felt that it was very unhappy to be dragged away by the author's setup.You often say that everyone has a different way of living, so the way of dying is probably also different. It is really cruel to be planned to die at a certain time.

Ever since you got sick, you suddenly started reading mystery novels: "Perhaps, if I foresee all kinds of death postures earlier, I can choose the most beautiful and beautiful way." The smile forced on the pale face is just like Like the cherry blossoms in the rainstorm in early spring, each one is full of tenderness.

(End of this chapter)

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