Sitting black and white time

Chapter 14 Light: It is stubbornness that flashes tears, it is dreams that make life shine

Chapter 14 Light: It is stubbornness that flashes tears, it is dreams that make life shine (1)
dust of the past
Text / not summer
Passing by a marine life store on the square, I was attracted by the dark blue feeling inside.Pushing open the door and entering, in the dark room, the small lights on the side of the water tank, and the sound of running water from time to time, set off the whole space with a pleasing ocean blue. For some reason, I always feel as if my mood has calmed down.

In the water tank in the corner, jellyfish floated freely, and the transparent textured organisms in the blue world seemed to beckon to us: "Look, the world is blue, doesn't the ocean feel great?"

So, knowing that I am an "aquatic animal killer", I couldn't help but bought two jellyfish back home, thinking that I could make my life a little more colorful...

I knew in advance that the jellyfish would not survive for a long time, so I made plans early in the morning to say goodbye to them at any time.This kind of mood is actually a bit complicated. Sometimes things are doomed, and I am always unwilling to work hard. Anyway, no matter how hard I try, there will be no change!

Jellyfish, creatures that are older than dinosaurs, have survived such a big change in the world. It always makes people feel that this is a miracle of life... The boss told me to mix sea salt with a bottle of mineral water. Change the water every three days, and then use a toothpick to dip a little feed... Under the blue lights of the store, the jellyfish swim very happily...

On the way home, I thought of the puppy lucky I raised when I was a child.Ordinary pastoral dogs were still very young when they were placed in grandma's house, and they would be afraid to break free when held in their arms, and their black eyes were full of anxiety and fear.Every day when I eat, I will secretly leave a few pieces of my favorite meat, and stuff them for the puppy while grandma is not paying attention.Watching it stick out its tongue tentatively to lick it, and after confirming that it is safe, it starts chewing.I squatted on the ground and watched it finish eating, and when I realized it, my legs were numb!

When I went home at night, I saw two jellyfish of different sizes moving in the water tank. The translucent body showed different colors under the light, and there were simple outlines. I felt like I was in summer. Like in the sea, it seems to be transformed into some kind of underwater creature, moving with their steps. Lucky also squatted in front of the small water tank, wagging his tail thoughtfully...

After a week without incident, I thought these two little jellyfish could accompany lucky who was alone at home waiting for me to come back when I was working.Although the dog can't talk, but every time I open the door of the room, lucky will rush to the door, always feel so cruel.I was afraid of being alone, so I raised a dog, but when I went out by myself during the day, it waited alone.But when I came back from get off work that day, I found that the jellyfish were not swimming as happily as before. They looked so sad in the water mixed with undissolved feed.

I checked on Baidu and found that the jellyfish was injured, but there was no way to help it. Lucky also seemed to have noticed something, without saying a word, just lying quietly by the sofa, waiting for the end of the jellyfish's life.

At this moment of death, what will the jellyfish think?

short life?Have you ever seen the color of the sea?
I'm not the jellyfish in the small water tank, and I can't guess what it will think in the end, maybe it's just thinking, let the gradually sluggish body continue to move, and fight against death!
The wind and rain were blowing outside the window. I curled up on the sofa and read the novel. From time to time, I glanced at the small life forms on the coffee table. They were still trying to swim after they had almost sunk to the bottom of the water... This is probably why they can survive longer than dinosaurs Reason!

I heard that jellyfish will turn into water after death, but for some reason it sounds a little romantic, and in the end it turns into something that has always supported its existence, which adds a bit of beauty to the sadness.

I got up to pour a glass of water, and in the blink of an eye, I found that the little living body had stopped swimming, lying quietly at the bottom of the water tank without moving...

This short encounter, little you, is already alive in my memory.

I don't know if you have heard of the term "meeting party decides to leave". There will always be many things in life, and in the end they will separate due to many reasons.Companionship is the deepest long-term love, but there are always many reasons, some people and some things can only appear briefly...

Just remember your best looks.The slightly fishy sea breeze blows, and in the blue sea, you stretch your body freely.

far away without you

Text / not summer
Ten years ago, we were friends and could still greet each other.

In the afternoon it suddenly picked up wind.The mania was blown away, and the girls next to them chatted about the new work of "Harry Potter" actor Daniel.When watching "Harry Potter" back then, he was just a child just like us. In a blink of an eye, everyone grew up with each other and became a little adult.

It's an amazing feeling.How about you?

Before I became thick-skinned and was called a "male god" by the women in the group every day, in fact, there were all kinds of "man servants" such as "Buxia, go change the water", "Buxia, go take out the garbage" , I am probably the most inconspicuous and often forgotten existence in the classroom!
Wearing thick glasses, he is not a top student, but unfortunately his eyesight is shamefully poor all the time.In the past, I was not tall, so I could only sit in the front row of the classroom, and every time I was at the same table as a girl.In the era when teachers would deliberately separate boys and girls, I was really loved by teachers!

That's right, during the three years of junior high school, we actually sat at the same table for two years.This evil fate is really destined!I also feel that if we are still at the same table in the third grade of junior high school, I will confess to you after I graduate from high school.It's a pity that God probably deliberately didn't let me do what I wanted. I grew taller suddenly in the third grade of junior high school, and I finally got my wish and left the "Nation of Daughters" and sat among the men!
I will never forget your expression when I sat next to you in the first day of junior high school.You point to the line on the table that has no actual shape and say: "This is my territory, this is your territory, don't cross the line."

"Are you still a primary school student? Even primary school students can't draw the '[-]th Line', okay?"

But you gave me a blank stare, then shook your head suddenly, and continued to immerse yourself in the book.The tied up hair was thrown on my face with the force of gravity, in fact, it was full of pain.

This is how the unpleasant deskmate career began.


Compared with other girls, you are considered calm.When get out of class is over, everyone else is smiling and discussing which boy in the class is more handsome, what color clothes you are wearing today, how handsome your playing posture is... I have never seen you join this kind of discussion.During the class break, you either stand in a daze in the corner of the corridor, or concentrate on reading a carefully wrapped book. As long as you don’t speak, you are full of literary and artistic girly air, and you have long hair...

I think you are stupid and easy to talk, probably when you were studying by yourself one day.Everyone was quietly reading books and doing homework. You, who was sitting next to me, suddenly rolled off your chair...

The kind without warning, when I came back to my senses, you had already patted the ashes on your hands and got up: "Keep quiet..." You made a "shh" gesture with your hands and said softly.

A few days later, when you were distributing yogurt between classes, you exchanged the strawberry flavor you liked with the original flavor you got, and you told me that you fell asleep in the self-study class, thinking that you were lying on the big bed at home, turning over Standing up, I fell off the chair unexpectedly!

I really think you're pretty stupid.

It's also the time of the school sports meeting.

Little Bean Sprout, who is clearly not that good at sports, insisted on taking over the 800-meter and women's basketball when the girls in the class were booing him.What kind of basketball is the little guy sitting in the first row playing?Looking at the scene of you practicing in the corner of the playground after school every day, it is simply horrible. Is it you who play, or the ball takes you to play!
But because I continue to exchange strawberry yogurt with you for plain yogurt, you will wave and smile at me between games, as if confirming that we are friends, and I will also wave in your direction in the sunset.

By the way, I will also help you pray, whether it is running or basketball, let's go through it smoothly!My deskmate.


The neither salty nor bland junior high school life passed so slowly.You will still poke me hard with a pen when I accidentally cross the [-]th line in your heart!
In fact, I really want to say that if you sit in the first row, you should not be so careless. I am sorry that the word "death" was not used back then.You'd better take it easy when secretly reading novels under the teacher's nose!You can watch it alone, but you still drag me to watch it together, what kind of development is this!

That's right, we watched "Harry Potter" right under the teacher's nose.

perhaps!Especially with the death of a family member and the dark past of the wizarding sounds great!

So, we took off the cover of the textbook, stuck it on the top of "Harry Potter", and pretended to study hard...

The teacher is not blind, how could he not see it.We are like cabbages planted in the ground, we were picked out, and then punished to stand in the corridor...

It should be embarrassing!If you were caught for not studying hard in class, and then thrown in the corridor, the average girl would cry!But you pulled me, stood out of the sight of the teacher, and began to share my reading experience...

"Hey, tell me, how many copies of "Harry Potter" can be published?"

"I don't know, just buy as many copies as you want!"

"I think so too! Let me do the math, how about this, let's go to the bookstore to read "Harry Potter" together in ten years' time! Maybe there will be more after ten years!" You picked out the points With forked hair, he talked about ten years in a rambling tone.

"Okay... ah!" Forgive me for not having any concept of ten years, so I agreed to you in such a muddle...


Ten years have not yet arrived, and "Harry Potter" is over. After graduating from junior high school, I went to a different high school, and there is no news of you.

When you were in high school, would you suddenly fall off your chair?Will you secretly read novels in class?
When the Harry Potter movie finally came out, I sat in the theater with a lot of people.When the final scene came out, everyone stood up and applauded.This is the end of the story that accompanied us throughout our adolescence, and we have changed from a child with unrealistic ideas back then to an adult who takes social responsibility!
Are you ok?My deskmate!
foodie happiness

Text / not summer
Eating is the happiness of life.

Wanting to eat hot pot is really a sudden idea.

On a hot day, I actually miss the feeling of everyone sitting around the table together, eating hot pot and drinking iced drinks. This kind of sweaty moment is probably my impression of summer.Talking about wanting to eat hot pot, I immediately got a response from my colleagues.

Let's go, let's go, everyone.

How about going to my house to cook hot pot? I have an induction cooker at home and can cook it.

It's a new colleague, short and short, with a child's face.Although I don't have much contact with him on weekdays, since I saw him open the door of the office and accidentally hit my forehead, I always feel that he is a bit cute.His family lived close, which saved our group the money to take a taxi.

The group first went around to the supermarket to buy food ingredients. In the bustling scene, a group of girls kept arguing, holding shallots and leeks and comparing pictures there, which one is the food we need. The picture has a sense of humor of a black and white silent movie.By the time the group prepared their favorite food and left the supermarket with several bags full, the sky had already darkened.

The girls said they couldn't cook, so go and help.But when they took out the meat from the bag, they all shouted again—ah, it turns out that the meat looks like this, it’s terrible!In the end, they all ran out clapping their little hands and screaming.It is said that girls' hearts are difficult to guess, and this is really evident here.

I was helping my colleague wash the vegetables. I planned to share more, but with a wave of his hand, he just stopped my work at the process of washing vegetables.

"I like cooking very much. The kitchen is my battlefield. I would not easily give up the battlefield to ordinary people." While speaking, he took out a mysterious small jar from the refrigerator, and scooped a few from it. A spoonful of sauce came out, "I was worried that I couldn't finish the hot pot base I made before, but now it seems to be just right."

Pour in clean water, add meat pieces, hot water roars on the blue flame, and the heat seems to be able to lift the lid off the pot at any time.As the temperature continues to rise, the fragrance gradually comes out.

While chopping onion, ginger and garlic, he proudly said: "How about it, the secret base that I boiled for three hours is not bad!"

"But it's quite cheap to buy a pack of hot pot seasonings! It's also convenient."

As soon as the words fell, he saw that the movement of his hands stopped: "That's right, but the things you spend time making will give you a sense of accomplishment!"

The sound of whirring water in the kitchen, the sound of chopping vegetables stopped, and the laughter of the girls outside all condensed into a strange movement. When the sound he stopped sounded again, the band could play a gorgeous movement again.

“I was unhappy for a long time because I was procrastinating on one thing and it made me unhappy doing other things. Whenever I was doing something, I would think, ah, I haven’t done that thing yet. After finishing it, I have to finish it. But when I really sat down to finish that thing, my hands were unconsciously attracted by other trivial things, and in the end I just swiped Weibo and played with my phone in distress ...Life, it is not easy to maintain such a trend, not to mention working hard in comfort... I couldn't find a way to relieve it, so I began to focus on good food."

I handed the washed dishes to him, and saw him knock the eggs into the bowl, stir the eggs evenly with chopsticks, then wrap the seaweed for sushi on the tofu, put the tofu into the egg liquid, and quickly Take a turn.

When the oil in the pan is crackling, put the tofu dipped in the egg liquid and fry it.For a while, the kitchen was full of aromas, and I suddenly felt very hungry.

"Later, I no longer set a time to get up every day, focus on studying for eight hours a day, write a diary every day, write a review every week, and write a summary every month. Gain peace of mind. I no longer rush to link one link to another on the Internet, no longer read other people’s posts, no longer watch other people’s posts, and no longer watch endless gossip and news. I just want to have peace of mind, and the time is very long ,Take it easy."

As soon as the words fell, a pot of seaweed tofu came out of the pot, and the hot pot beside it was also boiled. When the lid was lifted, the aroma was tantalizing...

When I was about to eat, I suddenly realized that I didn't buy a drink.When I was about to go shopping, I was stopped by him: "There is sour plum soup that I made myself in the refrigerator. If you don't mind it, everyone can drink this!"

Hearing that they made it by themselves, the girls all jumped up for joy, and immediately nodded for him to take it out...

Many times, we often complain about the lack of time, the endless work plans, the dusty books at home, and the expired fitness cards, all of which are let down by our time spent swiping Weibo and chatting on WeChat.How long has it been since you felt the warmth of life? Apart from the jokes and positive energy spread on the Internet, do you still remember the little things that happened around you?
I think I may not remember much.

The meat slices are rolled in the homemade hot pot base, which is very delicious. The seaweed tofu is crunchy to the bite, and the tofu inside is tender. When you are sweating profusely, it is really satisfying to have a glass of iced sour plum soup.

I think, I should also learn to spend time and feel the joy of life.

wonderful home
Text / not summer
I've been in poor health recently, and I've been suffering from a cold all my life.I finally took two days off on the weekend. I wanted to take advantage of the sun to get rid of my limp sickness, but I didn't expect it to suddenly rain.

It may not be a happy thing to lie in bed and listen to the sound of rain for two days.

(End of this chapter)

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