Sitting black and white time

Chapter 18 Black and White Reception Room

Chapter 18 Black and White Reception Room (1)
Mysterious TA
Text/Tang Fuyao

Buxia's WeChat avatar is a young man wearing sunglasses and a black vest.

The first time I saw his profile picture, I shook my hand and the phone fell to the table with a "slap".

Shouldn't the person with such a literary name be a girl with long curly hair, who loves to laugh, but is a bit sad!
After silently reading the text sent by Buxia, it was already late at night.

Each small column is not long, but it has a faint sense of mist, which can easily control your emotions. Such words seem to be alive and breathing slowly.

The fact that Buxia is not a girl has already entangled me enough, and this Buxia who is not a girl can write such warm and touching words full of strong literary and artistic atmosphere... It is really sad.

Boys these days don't intend to leave us girls alive!

If you tell me you are a woman disguised as a man, we can still be friends!
Maybe it's because my life is too rough, the column has always been my biggest headache.Every time I am asked to write a column, I always rack my brains and scratch my head, not knowing what to write.I can’t write what I ate today, what kind of cake I made, and what gossip I heard like writing a diary, right?

Buxia's delicate, concise but graphic text finally made me suddenly realize that the original column can also be written in this way.Quiet and gentle, it captures various details of life and magnifies them in front of the readers, making them smile knowingly or move them silently.

The grandma with mints in her hand, the high-spirited uncle riding a motorcycle, the grandpa buying soy milk... It is an ordinary story, but one can feel the deep warmth in the heart of the writer.You see, with such rich emotions, he should be a girl...

Dawu belongs to Dawu, will I submit the column on time in the future... This one, just let it happen!
I hope to see Buxia students write novels with their own unique style as soon as possible!
Maybe on that day, I will become a girl who submits manuscripts on time, um, definitely!
warm sun god

Text / Bi Xia
Our names are so similar that people often get confused.I heard that some editors in your office called you by my name, and readers on my Weibo often mistook me for you, asked me what kind of manuscripts I received, and often said that I would come to the company Look at me or follow in my footsteps and come to the company as an editor.

This is the beginning of our origin.

But at that time I didn't know you at all.

You are the new male editor of Hanabi Magazine.On February 2st, I sent an invitation letter on Weibo, and I was called the new male god of "Huahuo" magazine after the little lion. These two points seem to be the only knowledge and impression I have of you.

The real intersection with you is when the magazine's official WeChat pushes my voice message.At that time, I recorded a voice with my mobile phone, but I couldn't upload it to WeChat because the format didn't match.Moumou and I spent a long time and still couldn't convert it into the correct format. I was so devastated that I sent a distress message on Weibo, and then you flew down into the sky in colorful auspicious clouds, solving our urgent need.

At that time, I was thinking, Buxia is so kind and enthusiastic.

I really became acquainted with you when I was at Meili Culture Summer Camp.

Two days before leaving for Changsha, you asked me various questions about living habits. At that time, because I was busy with work, I casually told you that I have a cleanliness habit and I am afraid of noise.Hearing me say that, you quickly asked if I would like to prepare a separate room for me during the summer camp.Seeing these few words you sent suddenly, I was stunned for a while.At the same time, my heart was filled with warmth.

During the next week at the summer camp, I saw more of your shining warmth.We were the only two boys in the summer camp, we slept in the same room, and every day you would ask me if I slept well and if I felt uncomfortable.During the daily activities, you have been carrying a heavy DSLR and running up and down panting to take pictures for everyone. In the end, when everyone looked at the photos in the camera, there were very few photos of yourself.In order to let the readers of several magazines have fun, you specially applied to the instructor as a guarantee to take them to the ancient city of Fenghuang at night. will get lost.The conditions of the summer camp were very difficult. During the few days in Xiangxi we lived in tents and could not wash our faces, brush our teeth and take a shower.In order to reduce everyone's unhappiness, you think of ways to make everyone happy every day.One day, we cooked by ourselves, and you, who are proficient in cooking, cooked a table full of dishes. By the time you ate, all the dishes you cooked had already been snatched up by everyone, but you were still very happy...

I have never mentioned these tiny details to you, but I see them all in my eyes and keep them in my heart.It rained almost every day in the summer camp, but in my opinion, you are like a little sun, silently behind us, emitting faint light and heat, bringing us imperceptible warmth.

When reading your new book, I have been surrounded by the warmth conveyed in your words from beginning to end. A in "A Boy Like You", the crying girl in "Tail of Summer", the uncle in "The Motorcycle Boy's Distance", the grandma in "Little River Embankment Winding", "I Can Only Write This Way" You in "You"...the people who accompany you for a long or short time in your life are intertwined into stories about family, friendship, and love, which made me raise my mouth involuntarily while reading, I began to slowly look back at the passers-by in my youth.

If you are lucky enough to read this book, I think you will definitely think of those people and things that have been washed away by the torrent of time under your warm words.

Everyone calls you a male god, I think, I should define a male god now.I think, male gods don’t need to be tall, rich or handsome, as long as male gods are warm, hardworking, diligent, responsible, and responsible, just like you.

So, dear Mr. God, it is not summer, and I wish the new book a big sale.

waiting for you ten years

Text/Young Master Cool Night
The first time I met Buxia was in March 2014. The original editor left and I was handed over to him.Facing a strange editor is like going to work in a new company, full of strangeness and insecurity, but also full of freshness.

Readers who are familiar with me probably know that I have always written ancient prose, especially the short stories published in "Huahuo", all of which are ancient prose.I once tried to write youth campus essays, but I couldn't find the feeling, so I once thought that I lacked a girlish heart.

My first campus essay was passed by Buxia.It was April of this year. I found a semi-finished product that had been on hold for several months, stayed up all night and finished it in one go, and then handed it over to Buxia.

When Buxia told me that the manuscript was approved, I only had one feeling: Ah, so I can still write campus essays!
I thought that I had regained my girlish heart, and I had a sense of pride of rejuvenating my youth and staying young forever. Since then, I have embarked on the road of youth campus.

Of course, Buxia's company is inevitable along the way.

I remember when Buxia asked me to give an outline for the first time, I was shocked: Do you need an outline for a short story?
I have always thought that the outline is incompetent, and I struggled to scrape through an article with great entanglement.After picking it up, I suddenly discovered that I could write an article fluently in one day in front of the outline. You know, I only wrote an article a few months ago...

I immediately gave Buxia 108 likes in my heart, and officially approved this new editor.

Time always flies by quickly, and before I know it, I have known Buxia for more than half a year.In fact, I don't want to say too many good things about him here, so as not to embarrass him, but I have to say that he is the first editor who makes me feel no sense of isolation.To me, he is more like a friend, I can talk to him without any scruples, and I don't feel embarrassed to talk nonsense casually.

A while ago, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Buxia asked me to send him the address.A few days later, I received a box of mooncakes with artistic packaging.At that time, I only had one feeling in my heart: he was short-handed and soft-mouthed, and I would be sorry for him if I didn't write the manuscript!

It can be seen that Buxia is very good at winning people's hearts, so I can only admit it.

I know that the editorial industry has always been very fluid.For the author, it is very lucky to be able to follow an editor all the time.

Once when I was chatting with Buxia, he suddenly said, "I want to stay here for ten years."

I thought I had misheard, and he repeated: "I'm going to be with this company for ten years."

He did not say words such as "may" and "should" that carry uncertain factors.He was very firm and categorically said this to me.

I was shocked. In this day and age, young people in their early twenties, who can make such a decisive decision on their own future?

At least I can't.

I asked him why, and I have forgotten his answer now, but I know that it must be due to his love for this job, and it must be because he has a firm dream in his heart.

I'm glad I won't have to change editors for the next ten years.I think I can also say categorically: I will continue to write for you in the next ten years.

Because I, like you, have a passion that will never be extinguished, and a dream that will never be extinguished.

(End of this chapter)

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