Sitting black and white time

Chapter 5 Bai: Simple but happy, you can have it with open hands

Chapter 5 Bai: Simple but happy, you can have it with open hands (1)
Bright like a rainbow

Text / not summer
Since I have mobile phones, QQ, WeChat, Weibo, etc., I seldom receive handwritten letters.When I was in junior high school, writing letters was still a very popular thing. Every week at the door of the reception room on the first floor, there would be many girls around, chatting on twitter.

"Ah, my letter hasn't come yet."

"Look, look, there is a piece of chewing gum in my letter, do you think you can still eat it?"

In retrospect, this kind of conversation is somewhat similar to the mood of everyone waiting for the delivery at the front desk now, but at that time, you never knew what was waiting for you in that small paper bag?
When I was in junior high school, I was very envious that everyone had someone to write to, not necessarily someone they knew, even a pen pal!Just looking forward to it.

One day, a girl’s magazine in my class was accidentally handed over to me, and I opened a page casually. While no one was paying attention, I hurriedly wrote down the zip code, address, name, etc. on the draft paper, and then pretended to be nonchalant and shouted loudly: “Yes Somebody’s magazine is left here, I’ll give it to the teacher if I don’t take it back!” Not being honest, it must be a common problem of teenagers!
The name of my first pen pal was "Blue Hyacinth", which is very reminiscent of our era.The first letter I wrote to her was the night I took down her address.Because I don't know what to talk about, I can only write briefly, what class did I have today, the teacher I hate the most in my junior high school life is the English teacher who always catches me not copying words...

The crooked handwriting and no theme at all, just the rebellious psychology of a boy who can’t find anyone to talk to. When I finished sealing the envelope, it was like completing some amazing seal. It is like the door to the dark world.

Half a month later, I received my first letter from a pen pal.My pen pal is indeed a girl, her handwriting is very delicate, and compared to my clueless thoughts, Hyacinzi's letter is much more readable than mine.

And this is the first time I have read about girls' troubles.Perhaps it is because of this opportunity that I have the possibility to become a friend of women in the future!

In the letter, she told me about her sorrow, which stems from the fact that she fell in love with a boy in her class.In fact, it can’t be called liking, after all, at that age, we don’t even know what kind of meaning the word like like means, so it would be more appropriate to care about it!

At a conference held by hundreds of people in the whole school, the location of that person was locked at a glance; while walking on the road, I suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind, and then a figure riding a bicycle passed by... I was secretly happy because I accidentally bought the same food as him at the canteen...

"Is this kind of mood what the adults say they like? What should I do?"

It was the first time I received such a sincere consultation. I, who has always been carefree, couldn't help but feel sad with her after receiving the letter. I even went to look up the love novels bought by girls in the class for her reference, creating a chance encounter. , When will I confess... All the things I read were written into letters with crooked strokes and sent to her city.

It was a really happy time for me.While helping her solve the little secret of being unable to speak to others during adolescence, I shared the troubles that I have never been able to say out loud: I am really not good at English, I hate that my mother suddenly came into my room without knocking, the exam The results are not ideal...

I think that I should be credited to her for becoming such a gentle and kind adult in the end.Believe me unconditionally at the other end of the letter. Isn't trust the bridge of human friendship?Everyone will encounter various things in their life, greet various people, and experience various lives.And I, meeting you at this time, had the honor to hear you tell me your story, in retrospect it is really a pleasant thing.

It is really a joy to be trusted by you so unconditionally.

The craze for pen pals calmed down after everyone gradually got QQ. After that, everyone was very enthusiastic about watching the little penguin twinkle with their mobile phones.Our letter friendship was also unknowingly disconnected one day, maybe you are with the person you care about, or maybe you are with other people.

Now, listening to songs, drinking tea, and reading letters written by you at the age of 15, I suddenly feel very satisfied.

Still want to say: Thank you, dear stranger.

spring in greenery

Text / not summer
When I was assigned to Teacher Ouyang's class, I couldn't help shouting excitedly when I saw the class schedule written on the school bulletin board... I can finally become Teacher Ouyang's student.

In fact, there are not too many requirements for the teacher. The master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual.However, Teacher Ouyang should be considered an exception.

When I was in the first year of high school, I took five exams every month, and I was not good at three of them.Obviously, the ranking was not satisfactory and was moved to other classrooms for exams.It is a lie to say that people with good academic performance do not have a little bit of arrogance on weekdays.The other people in the classroom are the ones who are at the bottom of the grades in each class. As a person who was kicked down from the top of the pyramid due to occasional negligence, it is a battle between scumbags and top students, so naturally they don't get along well enough.

The boy sitting in front of me had a head of yellow hair and a rascal expression on his face: "Hey, boy, your grades are very good! Remember to show me the English test later! Otherwise, I will beat you!"

It was Mr. Ouyang who was standing nearby preparing to hand out the test papers, but I didn't know his name at the time. The white shirt was tucked into the trousers, and the black leather shoes were not shiny, but they were very clean.Hearing this, he immediately put down the test paper and walked over, knocking on the boy's head: "It's the test, don't make noise, and don't hope for cheating."

After saying this, Teacher Ouyang turned around and smiled at me: "Don't worry, he won't affect your exam! Take the exam well..." At that moment, I suddenly felt that maybe I was the one who was not given up Bar!After the test results at that time came out, the head teacher scolded me. I knew that I had regressed too much. I also felt very disappointed when I retreated to be with the poor students of the whole grade.Hearing the words from Teacher Ouyang, the thought that had not been completely given up came to my mind...

In fact, most of the poor students in each grade are boys.When a large group of boys got together, the whole classroom immediately became a garbage dump, with paper balls and drink bottles littered all over the floor.After distributing the test papers, I saw Teacher Ouyang take out a broom and dustpan from the labor tool area at the end of the classroom and start sweeping the floor.Teacher Ouyang is not tall, and his small figure in a white shirt keeps shaking in every corner of the classroom.

"Ouyang, what are you doing! They know how to sweep themselves!" A female teacher's shrill voice sounded...

"Their exams are also very hard. Anyway, I'm fine, it's just a matter of doing it."

It seems that for a long time, teachers and students have been in an unequal relationship, just like the difference between all adults and children.However, when Teacher Ouyang thought about it from this angle, my admiration for him suddenly deepened.And the female teacher who spoke sharply, just happened to be my head teacher.In contrast, it's like one is a clown with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and the other is a protagonist with a glow all over his body...

When Mr. Ouyang became my class teacher, the scene I saw seemed to be different again!

He came to the classroom first every day to help us open the windows for ventilation.At that time, the teaching building where we were studying was newly renovated and had a strong smell. Teacher Ouyang would open the windows for us early in the morning to let the fresh air flow and dilute the smell... Because I was worried about the group of slackers in our class, so every day Evening self-study will organize us to go for a run.In the winter, the whole class went out to run on the track and field.He also runs a lot himself, so when all of us were shivering in padded jackets, he in short sleeves kept encouraging us: "Run hard! Girls, guys..."

Such memories have become the most beautiful memories of high school in the memories.

If there are any teachers who really love their students, Teacher Ouyang must be one of them.

Teacher Ouyang is our English teacher. It is rare for a male teacher to teach English, especially the male teacher who teaches English is still a shy person.Every time the girls joked in class, Teacher Ouyang's face would turn red, looking no different from us who are not good at dealing with girls and are in adolescence.

Once, because I was lazy and didn't write my English homework, the teacher happened to check the homework that day.I and other classmates were invited to the office, and I was the last one to be punished.I thought that I would be scolded just like other students, but I didn't expect that Teacher Ouyang brought a wooden ruler from the art teacher's desk next door: "Take out your hand and put it flat."

I had to obediently spread my hands flat on the table, and while he was hitting my palm with a ruler, he said, "Are you going to be lazy next time and don't do your homework? Should I do it?"

Although I am not such an excellent student, it was the first time that I was hit by a teacher.Many years later, I still remember the trace of sadness in Teacher Ouyang's eyes, which is the pain of hating iron but not steel...

In fact, I know that Teacher Ouyang really wants me to improve, so during the evening self-study, I suddenly rushed into the classroom excitedly and said: "Hurry up to the teacher's office, the history teacher wants to talk to you about how to improve. Hurry up Ah!" He looked excited, as if it was not me but himself who was going to accept the guidance.The history teacher at that time was a very famous teacher in our school, and he was willing to personally guide the students, that must be something extraordinary.As for me, I never understood why the history teacher suddenly came to guide me. Perhaps when Teacher Ouyang was drinking with him, he mentioned me as a student whose grades were not getting better or lower.

Unexpectedly, I still let him down in the end, the results of the college entrance examination were not satisfactory... At the graduation party, he was still wearing the usual white shirt and trousers, but thinking that such a figure would be difficult to see again in the future, I don’t know Why did I suddenly feel sad.

Goodbye, my respected teacher.

subway book scenery

Text / not summer
On the day when the Changsha subway opened, I went with the big team to join in the fun.I thought the scene was orderly, but there were many people who had the same mentality as me to join in the fun.We squeezed into the subway together, in the narrow white car, you stick to me and I stick to you like sardine cans.

"Don't be crowded, I'm going to get off the bus too, I don't want to take the subway again next time!" Such voices kept coming and going. Such a crowded situation makes people doubt that there are really so many people in Changsha?

It often appears in movies and TV. On the subway in the United States or Japan, many people wear headphones, each holding a book, or standing or sitting, and they all read it on the subway in a posture that they think is comfortable. write a book.In such an increasingly impetuous age where everyone is swiping their phones, it is really a good choice to settle down and read a book.

However, many people complain that they have no time to read books at all.When I get home, I turn on the computer to watch TV and chat, and play with the tablet before going to bed. It is true that time is tight.Thinking about it this way, it's a good thing that I don't use WeChat very much.At least, free up a little time to meet and chat with friends.Every time I go out, I will choose a novel or essay according to the length of time to arrive at the destination, huddle in the seat at the back of the bus, put on headphones, pretend that I have nothing to do with the world, and immerse myself quietly in their own world.I was also scolded by my family members not to read books when I was in the car, and I was also told by my friends whether it was tiring to carry such a heavy book on my back when I went out, and I was also complained by strangers about pretending to be a force on the bus (maybe in Looking at it on the subway is not called pretending...) I even regretted that the book was wet because the water glass in the bag was not tightened...

If you really like reading books, you will want to squeeze time to do what you like. In this way, being an editor is also a manifestation of loving books!In this world, except for bookstore clerks, editors are probably the only ones who can maintain a close relationship with books.The process of editing and production is really boring and boring.The long wait, being stuck in the selection of topics at the publishing house, and the constant running-in with the editors, all these are energy-consuming tasks.But if the people who are closest to books don't love books, I always feel that this industry is too miserable!

A few days after the subway opened, I was rushing to a certain place, so I chose to take the subway.Compared with the previous days, the crowded white carriage was suddenly much more empty, not as crowded as a bus, but the occasional notification sound echoed in the carriage... Everyone chose to sit in a comfortable sitting position, and some held their mobile phones and smiled. There are young people, there are also old people who close their eyes and meditate, there are students who read thick original books seriously, and there are IT men who hold KINDLE and look down intently...

Whether it's pretending to be aggressive or seizing the time, I always feel that one more person who chooses to read books to resist the boring life is a kind of progress.Maybe other people's stories can't give us any inspiration, but they can give us the possibility of dreaming.In this era when you may not be able to go far to experience the diversity of life, you can use other people's stories and other people's lives to feel another possibility...

On the way to a certain place with a clear purpose, during the time filled with reading, you don’t need to bring troubles in real life, and you don’t need to be the usual self, you who travel in different dimensions with a book, It seems to be floating in mid-air, fighting against the gravitational force of reality, and finally reaching your expected end point with decelerated motion...

I like the moment when I open the subway door, looking at the crowded people outside, I will have the illusion of traveling back: "Come on, welcome back! Come on! Welcome to travel in the world of books again..."

long street

Text / not summer
Every time I go home, I will always be caught by the three aunts and the seven aunts and ask me how old I am this year and where I work. There is no such problem in finding a girl I like.The concern from relatives and friends sometimes inevitably becomes a burden, and every time I am out of breath and defeated.

I would always take advantage of the time when everyone started to talk about introducing me to my girlfriend and so on, and sneaked away at the right time. I haven't been back to the junior high school for a long time, so I plan to go around another street.

Compared with the camphor trees planted in other streets, the sycamore trees in this street always make people feel very bleak in autumn, and they always look out of proportion to the bustling city.Just when I got here, I saw a little beggar sitting on the side of the street, holding a small broken bowl, shivering in the autumn wind. Shiny.It is said that the best place to tell the age is the eyes, no matter how well you disguise, the eyes are not as pure as when you were young.Thinking about it, my eyes are full of redness and fatigue, which they don't have at this age.

When I was hesitating whether to buy some steamed buns for the little beggar, I saw a boy walking over and put a bottle of water and a bag of bread beside him, as well as a blanket.There was no extra conversation, the boy turned around to leave, but when he saw me fixed in the distance, his expression suddenly softened.

"Hi, long time no see!"

Are you familiar with someone?He didn't seem to know this person, but he was polite and ready to smile early.It wasn't until I saw the scar on the forehead of the person approaching that I recalled that it was him.

The story goes back to when I was in primary school.

When I was a primary school student, things often disappeared suddenly, ranging from erasers and pencils to the pocket money my parents gave me!At that time, all the public opinion in the class pointed at my deskmate, that is, this boy.

(End of this chapter)

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