The psychic Xi ​​Lan

Chapter 211 Wishing the Old Tai Sui

Chapter 211 Wishing the Old Tai Sui

Maybe it's because when Zi Xuyuan was here, she never said anything nice to him, she felt very guilty and sad.

"I often wonder if that kid is hiding from me because he is angry. If that's the case, it's fine!" She smiled bitterly, and looked up. The mist was spreading, which led her to say the following words.

"A strange... do you know me? Are you... that is him?"

Ah Guai moved his big hand, followed by the ear-piercing sound of iron chains.

Xi Lan hated the iron chain, but she couldn't help him take it off.

"Xi Lan?" Li Huai waited for her in the inn for a long time, but did not see her go back. Now he came out to look for her, saw her standing in front of the carriage from a distance, and called her out.

She lowered her head and turned to Li Huai without asking any more questions.

"Do you want to repair the string?" Because he promised her that he would not touch it if he couldn't repair it. Seeing her delay in doing it, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Xi Lan hadn't thought about fixing the string at first, so when he asked about it, she had to answer perfunctorily.

"I'm going right now!"

Soon, she went back to the inn and asked Yan Ting to take out Duan Yuexian and put it on the table.

Looking at the broken piano head, she stretched out her hand to touch it, and a lavender light flowed from her fingertips.

Yan Ting also saw this scene with his naked eyes, although it was unbelievable, he resisted not making a sound.

At this time, she turned her gaze and asked: "Yan Ting, my princess is a little thirsty, can you pour me a cup of tea?"

The princess has her life, how dare she not go?

Yan Ting immediately turned around to pour tea on the tea table next to him. Xi Lan seized the opportunity to stand up and hit the back of Yan Ting's head forcefully from behind, but because Yan Ting was too hard, she didn't fall down immediately, but turned around slowly , gave her a puzzled look before falling to the ground. Xi Lan caught his heavy body with her hands and pulled it aside. Then, she hugged Broken Moon String with a black cloth, ready to go out and destroy it.

But when she opened the door, she looked out of the door in astonishment.

Li Huai's long body had already been waiting outside.

"Do you think this king doesn't know what you want to do?" After being together for so long, he already knows her way of doing things like the back of his hand. As long as she confirms that she is wrong, even if she compromises on the surface, she will use her own way when she turns around. way to solve.

It was as if, although she was born as his Princess Xu in a fancy dress, in her bones, she was still the upright Mr. Long.

Her plan was caught right, she didn't change her face, and tried to persuade her: "Li Huai, I really can't keep this broken moonstring!"

Li Huai's eyes had gradually darkened, and he said coldly: "I can rely on you for everything else, except this one!"

Hearing this, she immediately carried Broken Moon String on her back, and asked in a deep voice: "Then what if I insist on destroying it?"

"Then you will destroy this king!"

Then you will destroy this king!
She shook her head in confusion, and said, "Li Huai, why do you say that? Only by separating everything in this world from you can you not be controlled by his demon spirit, do you understand?"

Li Huai stepped into the door with a sullen face, approached her, and asked, "What if I can't change anything after doing everything? At that time, if I become an eternity, do you want to destroy this piano? destroy me?"

She froze in place, not daring to face up to the other's menacing gaze.

As for the answer, they obviously already knew it well.

"Very good! Very good!" Li Huai suddenly smiled, and Xi Lan almost threw the Broken Moon String in her hand!
However, in the end she held on tightly.

"Li Huai..."

"You don't need to say anything!"

She saw disappointment in those handsome eyes.

Li Huai only saw her stubbornness in wanting to destroy Duan Yuexian, but she didn't know what price she had paid for her current peace.

Later, her plan to destroy Yuexian naturally failed to be carried out.

After that night, the team continued westward, and the Broken Moon String was still being kept by Yan Ting. Li Huai said that when he arrived in Jiangcheng, he would find a qin repairer to mend the string, so that Xi Lan would have no chance to touch the Broken Moon String!

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Coming out of the small town in the morning, Yan Ming saw that Yan Ting's face was not looking well, and he would reach out to touch the back of his head from time to time.

Yan Ting glanced at Xi Lan in the distance, and shook his head.

Only then did Yan Ming think of it, and smiled: "You've been too stupid recently, isn't the princess able to knock you like this with one punch?"

Being ridiculed by him like this, Yan Ting was a little angry, and said in a deep voice: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry!"

When they arrived in Jiangcheng two days later, Wang Xiancheng, the prefect of Jiangcheng, personally escorted Jiangcheng officials out of the city to greet him, and the whole city people heard that Prince Xu passed by here, and all of them joined the road to welcome him.

Looking at this lively scene, it was the first time they had enjoyed such treatment since they came out of the capital. For a while, they put aside the exhaustion of the long journey and waved to the people along the way.

On this occasion, as the princess, Xi Lan was supposed to sit in the carriage and not show up, but the carriage was gone, so she had to dress up as an ordinary entourage in men's clothes and follow the team silently.

Looking at Li Huai from her position, she was a little untouchable, as if she had returned to the unattainable seventh prince when she first met him.

After entering Jiangcheng, they lived in a post house, and Wang Xiancheng hosted a banquet for them at night.

Naturally, Xi Lan couldn't appear at the Wang Junshou's dinner party like this. Li Huai asked her to go back to her room to freshen up and change back into women's clothes. Not far around.

I was really worried, so I came out of the room and ran to the backyard of the post house. Ah Guai and the carriage were there. At this moment, when the Wangfu guards on duty saw her coming, they all stood up.


"No one else has been here?" she asked.

"No, only Captain Yan came over and brought us dinner just now!"

"You must guard every step of the way!" She solemnly urged.

All the guards of the palace answered in unison: "Yes!"

She walked to the side of the carriage and opened the door of the carriage with a gap. Through the faint light outside, she could see Ah Guai curled up and lying on his side in the carriage.

"Guai, we will leave temporarily, you can stay here tonight!"

Ah Guai didn't move, so she didn't say anything else. After closing the car door, she wanted to turn around and go back.

But seeing a woman in a long red dress go out from the gate of the post house, she felt strange, how could the maids in the post house wear such bright clothes?Immediately there was something bad in my heart, and I wanted to go and find out.

"Xi Lan, do you want to dress like this and go to the palace?"

Li Huai was still waiting for her to finish grooming, and went to the palace together, but he couldn't come after waiting for a long time, and went into the house to search, only to hear the maid said that she hurried to the backyard!

She stood still, pointed to the direction just now and asked, "Did you see that a girl in red ran over there just now?"

"This king only saw a boy in gray standing in front of him!"

After hearing this, Xi Lan couldn't help feeling a little angry.

But at the moment, I didn't want to argue with him, so I had to go back to the room, change into women's clothes after washing up, and didn't say a word to Li Huai all the way.

The distance from the palace to the post house was almost half of Jiangcheng. During this process, the atmosphere in the carriage seemed to be condensed by ice.

"Are you going to be so angry with this king at the dinner party held by the governor of the king for a while?"

Xi Lan leaned her head against the carriage window, without turning her head, she replied in a low voice.

"Concubine dare not!"

Don't you dare?She usually talks, but she has never called her name!Li Huai, Li Huai!When did you call yourself a "concubine" in front of him?

Li Huai didn't want to make fun of himself, so he stopped talking.

When it came to the banquet at the Palace of the Prince, not only a few parents and officials from Jiangcheng, but also several well-known art girls from the Jiangcheng art workshop were invited to sing songs to add to the fun.

However, the protagonists of this dinner were naturally King Xu and Princess Wang, and all the officials of Jiangcheng at the banquet were flattering and flattering.

"Concubine Xu came west with the prince, it can be seen that she has a very good relationship with the prince, it is really enviable!"

"Yes, yes, I have long heard that the princess is virtuous and considerate. Few women can compare to her!"

Xi Lan smiled perfunctorily, and didn't say much. Compared with the flattery that was full of seats, she preferred the wonderful performance of the artist.

At the end of the song, Li Huai suddenly asked, "The one who plays the pipa is Mrs. Miaoqu from Jiangcheng?"

There is an aunt in Jiangcheng who is good at pipa, known as Mrs. Miaoqu. When she was 14 years old, she became famous all over the world with a pipa. Now more than ten years have passed, and her vivid strings have never been surpassed. Many art workshops in the capital invite her Even if she wanted to go, she declined, preferring to stay in Jiangcheng.

Everyone knows that there are three treasures in Jiangcheng, silk, salt, and Mrs. Miaoqu. How many people have traveled thousands of miles to Jiangcheng just to listen to this woman's wonderful song. It is no wonder that Li Huai, who is in Beijing, knows this person.

"It's the little girl!"

Mrs. Miao Qu's face, which is nearly thirty, has long since faded from the greenness, replaced by a kind of open-mindedness that has been read by thousands of people.

"Mrs. Miaoqu is good at melody, which is unmatched in Jiangcheng. This king wants to ask you something."

Mrs. Miao Qu bowed her head and replied, "Please, my lord."

"This king has a broken erhu. In this river and lake, is there anyone who can repair the instrument?"

Mrs. Miao Qu has been working with musical instruments all her life. For a person like her who loves rhythm, the musical instrument in her hand is as precious as life. It is perfect to ask her to find a string repairer.

"Going back to the lord, there is a familiar master in my family. This man is good at repairing musical instruments. He lives in the west of the city. His name is Du Caogong."

Hearing this answer, Wang Xiancheng immediately said to Li Huai: "Prince Xu, Xiancheng Du Caogong has also heard about this man. He is very good at repairing. No matter how broken the musical instrument is, it will be as good as before."

"Really?" This is exactly what Li Huai wanted.

"Really, if the prince is in a hurry, the old man will send someone to the west of the city right now to invite this person to the mansion to repair the erhu for the prince."

Of course Li Huai couldn't ask for it, so he agreed immediately!
Soon, that Du Cao Gong was invited, and Wang Xiancheng vacated a room for them.

Yan Ting walked in holding the wooden box containing the half-moon strings, fearing that something might be wrong, Xi Lan also followed Li Huai in.

When I saw the silver-haired old man, I realized that he was actually blind!

How can a blind man repair the strings?

Although she was so puzzled in her heart, Xi Lan had long understood the truth that people should not be judged by their appearance. In this world, there are precisely such handicapped people who can achieve a certain thing to the extreme.

"Old man, this is the prince's erhu!" Yan Ting opened the wooden box respectfully.

Du Caogong stretched out a pair of wrinkle-free hands to gently caress. Just now, he still had the expression of an old man who lived in the world calmly, but afterward, his expression became more disturbed and frightened.

"This, this, this... the erhu can't be mastered by old students!"

Li Huai's expression changed, and he walked up to him in puzzlement and asked: "Old man, they all said that the instruments repaired by your hands are all restored to original condition. Why do you just touch it like this and conclude that you can't repair it?"

The other party gently pushed the wooden box in front of him away, then groped to get up from the carved stool, faced Li Huai's direction, and knelt down.

"The old man is incompetent and cannot help the prince solve the problem, so I ask the prince to forgive me!"

Li Huai naturally didn't believe it. He said sullenly, "What are you afraid of? Isn't it just to practice the erhu? Just fix it, and it has nothing to do with you!"

"My lord..." Du Caogong said in a very embarrassing way: "I am not afraid of being implicated, this erhu cannot be repaired by me, if I am not careful, it will definitely lead to a catastrophe!"

Xi Lan was very surprised that this white-haired old man knew that the erhu was extraordinary just by touching it.

Having said so much, it is impossible for Li Huai to force such an old man to repair the piano for him, so he sent Du Caogong away, and turned to Xi Lan and said, "Now, you should be satisfied!"

"Li Huai, the broken string has not been repaired, and keeping it as it is may be the best choice."

After she finished speaking, she withdrew and chased after that Du Caogong.

"Senior! Senior!" At first, she thought it was just an old man who repaired the piano in the market, but when she saw him, he knew the origin of the broken moonstring just by touching it, so he must be a retired expert in Taoism.

Before the Du Caogong heard her voice, he was already standing in the yard waiting for her!
"Princess, are you still here for the erhu?"

Xi Lan was in the room just now, but no one introduced her identity, and she only spoke out at this moment, and this person already knew her identity.

However, she didn't want to pretend to be a princess, but said respectfully: "Senior, do you know other things about the erhu?"

Du Caogong smiled and replied: "The old man doesn't know more than the princess, but the old man is waiting here to warn the princess. The prince is obsessed with that erhu. Even if the old man doesn't help him repair it, he will find someone else Repairing, the string is repaired by other mediocre people, what kind of consequences will it cause, don't I need to talk about it?"

Her heart tightened, this old man is really powerful, he expressed all the thoughts in her heart.

"What is the opinion of the senior?"

"I don't have a good opinion, but the old man can tell the princess to someone. Maybe this person can really fix that erhu!"

Xi Lan's eyes lit up, "Who?"

"Jiang Dao wishes the old Tai Sui! But... this old Tai Sui is harder to see than the emperor! Whether you are lucky enough to see it depends on your luck!"

"Seniors, juniors have heard of an old Tai Sui, but she died before I was born. Who is this old Tai Sui you are talking about?"

A few decades ago, apart from Nanxian Mountain and Beilongmen, there was also a Zhu family in Taoism. Among them, the Zhu family had an old woman who lived for more than 200 years and had a very high moral character. I heard that she passed away before, and once she died, the Zhu family basically disappeared in Taoism!

When Du Caogong heard her question, he smiled deeply: "The old man told you that there is only one person!"

"Could it be that the old lady is not dead?"

The other party nodded and said, "If you want to find the old lady, you have to hurry, otherwise it will be too late, and disaster will happen in Jiangcheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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