Chapter 212

Her heart tightened, and she hurriedly asked: "Senior, what do you mean by that?"

Mr. Du Cao said a lot, and he no longer wanted to point it out, but the sight of his leaving made Xi Lan feel that disaster was coming.

The next day, the unrest in Jiangcheng began!

Xi Lan got up early and changed into men's clothes, and was about to take a boat with Li Huai to the Jiangdao to find the rumored old lady Zhu.

Yan Ming strode in to report: "My lord, a murder occurred in Jiangcheng last night, and the hearts of two middle-aged men were dug out!"

When she heard this, she quickly asked, "Is the deceased wearing clothes?"

The other party also heard that, where has he seen a corpse!

"Princess, this is a difficult time for your subordinates!"

At this moment, Li Huai was only thinking about practicing the erhu, and he didn't care about the murder that happened in Jiangcheng, so he just asked her, "Can we go now?"


They gathered several teams of royal guards, rushed to the Jiang'an wharf as early as possible, hired a boat, and went to look for the Jiangdao where Zhu Lao Tai Sui lived.

As soon as the boatman heard that they were going to Jiangdao, he said with some fear: "Several nobles don't know that Jiangdao has a special environment. When the weather is good, it is close in front of you, but if you really go there, it will be like a mirage. Ordinarily, the old man has been rowing a boat on this river all his life, but he has never been to that river island..."

Hearing what the boatman said, Xi Lan was not surprised either.She came over and said softly to Li Huai: "The old lady Zhu Sui is a living god, her powers are immeasurable. The place where she lives is naturally unusual, so she must set up various formations to keep outsiders close. At this moment, her old man also knows that we are going, if she wants to see us, she will naturally show us the way, if it is not possible, we have no choice but to wait!"

Li Huai was really powerless against the behavior of these Taoist people, so he had to ask the boatman to search the river in the boat. Half a day passed quickly, but there was still no trace of the Jiangdao.

Moreover, the wind and rain came as they said, and the boats they hired were not small, but they were all blown from side to side on the river.

"No, the wind and waves are too strong! We have to go back!" Although the wind and rain in the Pearl River in summer are terrible, the boatman has never seen such a big storm on the river. Several waves rushed in, and a lot of water entered the boat. .

"Xi Lan, go inside and take shelter!" Li Huai said to her while protecting the box containing the broken moonstring.

But she looked out at the river surface covered by water mist, did not take shelter from the rain, walked to the side of the boat and asked, "Li Huai, what do you see in the river water?"

"Xi Lan, what are you doing, get out of there!"

The sound of feng shui around was too loud, the other party didn't hear her voice at all, but came to pull her worriedly, because the place where she was standing was too dangerous!
But Li Huai hadn't reached yet, when a wave came over and swept the two of them away!
Xi Lan was standing on the edge of the boat, and was directly swept into the river by the waves.

She struggled in the turbulent water, and finally poked her head out to take a big breath, but just as her face came out of the water, she was blindfolded!

Wasn't it the wind, the waves, and the heavy rain just now?Why, in just a split second, the surface of the river became calm, and although there were dark clouds in the sky, it was sunny.

"Li Huai, Li Huai?" She swam in the river, but didn't find the boat they were on, as if she was the only one in another world.

Although she was puzzled in her heart, she thought that this situation was a bit like the rumored Taiyin Sealing Formation, that is, an expert set up this formation in the place where she lived, and if strangers approached, various kinds of formations would appear. This kind of difficulty hinders the progress of strangers. If you are lucky, just like her, you still have one life left, and if you are unlucky, you will die immediately!

And soon, she saw a merchant ship slowly approaching her, no matter what happened just now, she didn't want to stay in the river forever, so she swam towards that merchant ship quickly.

The people on the boat also quickly found her in the river and rescued her.

"Miss, why are you swimming in the Pearl River?" The person who rescued her was a woman about her age. Judging by her clothes, she should be a maid from which family.

"Thank you for the rescue. Our boat was caught in a storm on the river, and unfortunately I was sucked into the river. If you hadn't saved me, I don't know what I would have done!" She said worriedly, not knowing what Li Huai and the others were. What's up now!
When the woman heard this, she couldn't help laughing, and said, "Miss, the weather is fine today, why is there a storm? You..."

"Really?" She was taken aback, just looking at the way the girl looked at her, she probably thought she was sick!

"By the way, girl, where is your boat going?"

"We're going to Jiangcheng!"

She was glad that she just went to Jiangcheng!

If it is the Dao Sealing Formation of the Taiyin, it is like blinding the eyes. The two of them can't see it even if they are close at hand, so their boat should be somewhere on the river. Now that she disappeared in the river, Li Huai might be worried. Hurry back to the pier to find them.

"My name is Zhuzhu. From the girl's accent, it doesn't seem like we are from Jiangcheng?" The woman asked curiously when she saw that she was wearing men's clothing and appeared in the river like this. It was really unbelievable.

"Well, I just passed by Jiangcheng on business, and I came here to look for someone!" In the usual way, she didn't want to say anything to strangers, but she thought that others had kindly saved her, so she answered politely!

"Looking for someone?" Zhuzhu's expression changed when she heard this, and she asked, "Isn't Miss looking for an old man surnamed Zhu?"

She immediately turned her head to look, looked the woman up and down again, and asked, "Are you a merchant ship?"

Zhuzhu nodded and said, "Of course!"

She frowned slightly, and carefully looked at the structure of the ship. She had never seen such a luxurious merchant ship before, and stepped out of the cabin.

The sky outside was the same as when she was first rescued, only the wind gently blowing the pawns on the bow.

It was the merchant chess of the owner of the merchant ship, and the surname is usually used as the chess piece, but at this moment, Xi Lan saw a scrawled word "祝" written on the chess piece!

How could it be such a coincidence?
Xi Lan immediately turned around and went back to find the woman, and asked eagerly, "Zhu Zhu, is your surname Zhu?"

The other party shook his head: "My surname is not Zhu, but my master's surname is Zhu!"

She asked again: "Is your master wishing the old lady the old age?"

Zhuzhu burst out laughing, and replied: "My master is only a few years older than the girl, how can he be called the old lady?"

"Then where is your master at the moment?"

"He..." Zhuzhu said with some embarrassment: "My master doesn't like to talk to strangers, I'm afraid he won't meet girls!"

Xi Lan didn't care so much, she grabbed the other person's arm excitedly and asked: "Then is your master on board at the moment?"


She let go of Zhuzhu and searched in the cabin, but bumped her head against a hard chest. When she raised her head, she couldn't believe what she saw with her own eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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